Web Forms :: Access Code In App_code From Aspx (not Aspx.cs)
Jul 2, 2010
I put common code in the app_code directory. I access classes in the code all the time from aspx.cs files by "using" the name space from the C# file in app_code and then referencing the class. Now I want to access a class from an app_code file a aspx file. How do I do this?
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<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="MyField">
<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "MyField") %>
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(in file date.aspx)
<asp: textbox id="sdate" runat="server"></asp:textbox><asp:textbox id="edate" runat="server"></asp:textbox>
<asp:button id="btn_search" onclick="btn_search_Click" />
(in file date.aspx.cs)
void btn_search_Click() {
---in here i can list all the dates based on the input in date.aspx
---output like saturday, 1/1/2010 open
sunday, 1/2/2010 office close
monday, 1/3/2010 open
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search dates: [textbox sdate] to [textbox edate]
[button search]
saturday, 1/1/2010
[time table1]
sunday, 1/2/2010 office close
monday, 1/3/3010
[time table 2]
...so on
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I just tried this:
Text="<%# getBCSConnectionString() %>"
For example. The function is in the code behind (it returns a string). The TextBox is empty and no break point is hit in the function; it does not appear to be called.
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Aug 21, 2010
Not sure which category to put this question in, so I will put it in here. Just to give you an idea of the layout of my solution, I have the main project, along with 2 class libraries, BLL and DAL. (Business Logic Layer and Data Access Layer) The BLL refers to the DAL and the main project refers to the BLL. I had a test website and the code worked fine, but the same code will not work on the real project. The only difference is that in the test project, the code was on an aspx code behind, whereas in the real project, it is an ascx code behind (Web User Control
The code is:
Dim connectionString As String = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBConnectionString").ConnectionString
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