Web Forms :: Analyze The Caching?

Dec 2, 2010

I have seen one code line like this?

Dataset dsWork=(DataSet)Cache["WorkItems"];

How and where can i see the what WorkItems are being stored in Cache while debugging the code?

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I need to create a website that analyze a SQL database with Chart; I have some application that modify the database, and i want to show the changes in another application using a Chart.

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2007-11-01 18:20:42,983 [4520] INFO GetXXX() SERVICE START
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2007-11-01 18:23:59,968 [4520] INFO USER LOGOUT

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Web Forms :: Caching In Usercontrol

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Web Forms :: User Control Not Caching

Mar 3, 2010

I have a user control (.ascx file). I simply put this tag in the page declarations section:

<%@ OutputCache Duration="60" VaryByParam="none" %>

It is not caching. The control makes a call to SQL and displays some information. I tested it by changing a value in the database and refreshing the page. The control keeps making a call to the database eventhough I have the duraction set to 60 seconds. Am I missing something? Do I need to add code in the Page Load event?

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Web Forms :: No Caching In Google Chrome?

Feb 9, 2010

Does anyone know how to prevent caching of ASP.NET pages in Chrome? I tried using the following in the Page_Load event but it does not work:

//doesn't work in Chrome

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Web Forms :: Use Caching With AdRotator's Images?

Mar 31, 2010

I want to implement the functionality like below.

1) Use AdRotator to view the Ads.

2) Change Ads on every 15 sec.

3) When user is on page where Ads are displayed now user clicks Back-Forward and come back to that page. This time if user come back within 15 sec. Same image will be displayed and no money will be diducted for that. So here I will need to show Image from cach.

4) Only once load images from server. For each other cycle to display images fetch it from cach.

I have difficulty in implementing Steps 3 & 4.

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Web Forms :: Caching Images / Files Without Using Iis?

Feb 1, 2011

i recently made a website and have uploaded it to a hosting server. After i had completed the website i noticed that i never added in any expiration onto the files/images plus that i dont know how to do this outside of IIS. As i dont have access to the IIS on the server i need a way of embeding code to set a short exportaion on the images and xml files cached. whats the best way of doing this?

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Web Forms :: Preventing Caching Of Web Pages?

Jan 28, 2011

I am relatively new to ASP.NET and have searched the Internet to find guidance in preventing caching of web pages (in the latest versions of IE, Firefox, Chrome and Safari). Based on my search, I found a lot of conflicting/confusing info. As best as I can tell, it appears that I need to add the following 3 lines to the <head> section of my .aspx files:


if the aforementioned lines are correct and if all 3 lines are necessary? I have tried using different combinations of the 3 lines, but I get conflicting results (i.e., sometimes the page is cached and sometimes it's not).

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Web Forms :: Caching In Master Page

Mar 18, 2010

Is there possible to cache the master page. If yes then can any one please tell me how to do this.

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Web Forms :: User Control Output Caching?

Jan 11, 2010

I have a user control (say PricingGrid.ascx) which generates a pricing grid on a given product's page. I pass the user control 2 parameters : currencyId and productId. The user control has output caching specified by


I am adding PricingGrid.ascx to my page programatically, i.e. using LoadControl [URL]If the user changes their currency and refreshes the page, the cached version of their original currency is still showing, until the 60 seconds expires. Is there any way to force the page to check :1) Does a cached version of PricingGrid.ascx with their new currency exist?2) If so, retrieve that version, and if not, create that version.If I output all the keys in the Page.Cache object on PageLoad, I'm not seeing my user control in the output.

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Web Forms :: Clearing Browser Caching Xml Files?

Nov 30, 2010

i want ot clear the browser caching xml files as i am not abel to load the newly edited xml file

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Web Forms :: Re: Master Pages And XMLDataSource Caching ?

Mar 31, 2010

I have a master page that hosts a user control to load my menus from the database depending on the user logged in.So when ever a user logs in, the menu list corresponding to him is loaded into the XMLDatasource that is the Data source for the menus.Following is the code:


The problem is if I log out as one user and Login as another, the XML Data source is not invalidating the cache... and is loading the same values again ..Further I even noticed that the program flow control is not transfered to the LoadMenus.ascx control at times and the page is loaded with out having to go through the control flow of all the controls on the master page. i am not sure how to force the control to pass through a single control.I have set the EnableCaching to false on the xml data source.

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Web Forms :: How To Use Caching In Form While Creating Website

Jan 24, 2013

How I will use caching in my asp.net form while creating website using asp.net,c#. I also want to know that when I should use caching in my .aspx pages.

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Web Forms :: Caching Of Files - Noticeable Delay As Asp Recompiles

Mar 15, 2011

I have gotten confused about how page caching works in ASP.NET. Suppose a user has navigated to "home.aspx" on my website and say I release a new version of that page to the server and the user subsequently navigates to that page, he will get the updated version, is that correct? Is there ever a case where I need to be concerned that the user is NOT getting the latest version of a page(or code-behind) file? The reason I am confused is that quite sometime ago, I found the following code to put in my Page_load event to prevent page caching:


But the more I think about it, I cannot remember the rationale behind this. Whenever I do a release and subsequently visit my site, there is a noticable delay as ASP recompiles. So now I am wondering why the above "no caching" code would be needed or when it is appropriate to use.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Paging And Caching?

May 11, 2010

Background of what I have implmented so far:

I've used datagrid view to show a list on records on page, the list contains huge number of records so paging was required. Since the amount of data was huge it was not advisable to bind the grid with complete data. So, I used custom paging and tweaked the sql statements to get page wise data. Now whenever user clicks next or previous data for current page is fetched from the database and gridview is binded with that much data only.

Now I had to add a checkbox column to the grid so that user can select multiple items on multiple pages and perform an operation (for example send email to selected people in the list). I achieved this by making a template column with checkbox control and keeping a boolean column in the datatable which is binded to the gridview. I've also kept a collection selected checboxes so that the state is maintained on every postback.

I've also used ajax so that user cannot see postback happeneing. Everything works just perfect.Here comes the problem:

Now say I have 5 pages of data to be displayed. I select 3 people from first page and move to next page, this will cause fresh databinding and previous data will be lost.Now I go on and select 3 more people from page 2Finally press the send mail button What is expected here is that the mail should be sent to 6 people but details of only 3 people are available because grid is rebinded.

What is the best way to cach data of selected rows in this case. The number of columns is around 20 out of which I show only 10 columns on screen and others are kept hidden. The values of hidden columns are used while sending the emails.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Is Caching , Does Not Update

Jan 19, 2010

I've this Gridview of tasks a Hyperlink TemplateField that takes the user to another page where he can accept/reject[buttons] the very task , on clicking accept/reject[buttons] the page redirect the user again to the tasks Gridview , unfortunately , the same task is still there unless if the user manually Press F5[Refresh] I tried the following nothing worked

1- EnableViewState ="false"

2- In the ObjectDataSource , EnableCaching ="false"

3-i tried to use Ajax but it gives me a whole lots of errors from the webconfig ,my website is working ,I can't stop users from accessing my site in order to wrestle with Ajax

the approach I am taking on developing my site is to work in my local machine when I am finished with my changes I literally Copy/Paste the new aspx/aspx.vb overwriting the old file with the new one , this approach is working fine but it causes the server to a bit slow esp. in the first time after change, is there a more Professional way?

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Web Forms :: Caching Multi-language Portal Site?

Jan 8, 2010

I have an asp.net (VB 2008) portal site. This is the only public page, all other pages are individual for each user after login. The portal site (and all others of course) is multilanguage, depending on users browser settings. Could I enable caching on the portal site? I don't have a language parameter given in the URL explicit. Could I set up the cache to create different caches depending on the users language set in the browser?

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Web Forms :: Caching After Fixed Time Automatically Using Any Tool

Jan 15, 2013

Is there any tool or way by which we can cache our pages after fixed time automatically  instead of user to click link and then cache on server.

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Web Forms :: Code Caching When Making Change In Visual Studio

Oct 21, 2010

Within the Application_BeginRequest(Object sender, EventArgs e) method, I have code that checks whether the site is running on localhost or the live site. The code appears to be caching, when I make a change in visual studio, and do a refresh in IE or Firefox, the same old code appears to be running and the result in the browser is not what is expected.

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C# - How To Disable Caching On Few Pages, So As To Avoid Double Submission Of Forms

Jan 28, 2011

how to disable caching on few pages, so as to avoid double submission of forms

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Web Forms :: How To Implement Partial Page Caching With An AdRotator Control

Aug 18, 2010

How do I implement partial page caching with an AdRotator control? I know it's supposed to do it automatically, but I'm using the AdCreated event to handle stats, and this seems to cause the ad to be cached along with the rest of the page.

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