Web Forms :: Aspx Binding "virtual" Xml File?

Mar 7, 2010

I'm hoping somebody will point me in the correct direction on this.I have created a UserControl that uses xml data. I'm trying to improve my skills so I'm trying random stuffI successfully created the control using a static xml file and everything was fine.The code I'm using to bind the xml data is:


I've now decided to create a "dynamic" xml file using a web form and a repeater to generate the xml from a table. The idea is that rather than editing the xml file I can update the table and the xml file will be populated with the data.I've also used a UrlRewriter so http://www.example.com/xml/slider.aspx is rewitten to
http://www.example.com/xml/slider.xml. The UrlRewrite seems to work well because I can navigate to
http://www.example.com/xml/slider.xml and download the xml file.The problem I think I am having is that because http://www.example.com/xml/slider.xml is virtual, by using Server.MapPath I'm attempting to retrieve a file from my local hdd that doesn't physically exist (I should add this is all being run from my laptop).

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public class Class1
public bool Display { get; set; }

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<tr>Row 1</tr>
<tr>Row 2</tr>
<% if(Model.Display) { %>
<tr>Row 3</tr>
<tr>Row 4</tr>
<% } %>

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the files...


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Dec 18, 2010

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