Web Forms :: Assign Loop Value To An Array?
Apr 6, 2010
i just would like to ask..i have generate the number of date using loop.. when i insert the start date eg 1/1/2010 and the end date as 12/12/2010.. and the gap between the date should be one week..eg of the result should look like this in the web form:
15/1/2010.......till 12/12/2010
thus, i would like to ask, how can i pass all the generated date to sql database..do i need to store those date in an array before pass them to database.. if so, how can i pass those date to an array??
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item2 ="RIV"
item3 = "ESC"
item4 = "SND"
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//create an array x[]
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style="width: 1000px; background-color:White">
I would like to assign a CSS to the DIV instead of setting the Width and Background-Color in the form. How can I move these settings for Width and Background-Color to a CSS file, and then assign the CSS file to the DIV?
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Jan 18, 2011
If i have 2 simple labels:
<asp:Label class="notificationMsg" id="notiMsg1" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:Label>
<asp:Label class="notificationMsg" id="notiMsg2" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static"></asp:Label>
I want to be able to go through a loop and write text into each of the above labels:
for i=0 To 2
'Not sure about the syntax here
("NotiMsg"& i).Text = "test"
What is the syntax to get the label IDs dynamically? In javascript i know it is something like window["NotiMsg"+i].
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