Web Forms :: Attach The Image - Users Browse The File From The Local Computers And Send It
Feb 9, 2011I have created a form and it works. But on the form I want to let users browse the file from the local computers and send it to us.
View 2 RepliesI have created a form and it works. But on the form I want to let users browse the file from the local computers and send it to us.
View 2 Repliesi want to know how to browse for an image on the local drive and put it on the the web wen you select it and put that image in some asp.net control (not sure wich will work the best )?
View 19 RepliesI am new in ASP.net. I published my web project using the steps stated in below address
Now i am able to browse my project using the below url
but form other computers in the LAN i can't access it.
I have an asp.net panel having various controls including gridview. I have converted this panel into pdf and attached it as an email attachment using memory stream. Everything is working fine. Now I have an File upload control outside panel through which I have to attach a file and send it in mail along with the already attached panel. But I am unable to figure out how to do it.
View 1 Replies i am sending mail message using smtp,,,i want to send mail message with attachments....but i do not know how to set path.
below is code :
System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment; attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment("how to set path here"); message.Attachments.Add(attachment);
My hosting company provider MS SQL Express as part of my hosting package, they have provided me with both the name and IP address of the server running MS SQL Express.
I have created a database on this server via management studio and when I create a connection string like this (connectionString="Data Source=ServerName/IP;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=xxx;Password=xxx") my application works fine.
But if I create a local database file and try to attach this with a connection string like this (connectionString="Data SourceServerName/IP; AttachDbFilename=|DataDirectory|Database.mdf;Integrated Security=True;User Instance = True ; Trusted_Connection=Yes) my application doesn't work.
Therefore my questions are:-
Is there something wrong with my connection string? Can you use a local database file within a production environment?
I use an html page to send a designed email as explained below:
[URL] .....
The thing is that my image located in my web application project and not on-line (www...).
If I add the image to my html page, the email received without the image.
Is it possible to send the image that located on my local pc?
I have an aspx page (c#) that a user can upload an image file. I'd also like them to be able to attach this image file. Is it possible to attach the image file to the email then send without saving a copy of the attchment to the web server? I don't need a copy of the file, just need to attach it.
View 10 RepliesI have one requirement from client where they want to browse and save their choice Logo image in a website which i am developing.
Really i don't know how it happens and Is there any issue like security i need to consider while implementing this logic?
How user (client) will browse image file and where should i store that file in server?
Every indivisual user can browse file of different size and different name; how can i manage at server side so that image appear at right place and in right manner?
Where should i store image corresponding to user id at server; i.e. in database or file?
I have a fileupload control in a contentplaceholder in a masterpage. I have to preview the image whenever I browse an image beside it in an imagecontrol.
My application is running on a different server .So I can't give the filepath of my local system.
Also I don't want to store the image in any location and i'm not supposed to use any session variable to pass it to generic handler.
i have a .JPG file in my local machine which has to be sent as body of SMTP mail.Path of image D://foldername//imagename.jpg The code I run is in the server mc. I want it to access my local machine's d: folder to get the image file. But it is accessing the server mc's d: folder. How can this be done?
View 3 Replies want a file upload control for uploading image in which when user select the image ,
i want to show it in image control after he finished browsing the image.
im practising asp.net 3.5 programming in visual studio 2008. i have just a sideshow problem: when i select new->web site, a new website window pops up from which you can choose your template.(mine is asp.net in c#). once i click browse button, a choose location window appears including four icons such as file system, local iis, ftp site and remote site. i get to browse into each of them(tweak them) but local iis which doesn't permit me to scan it and says i must first install iis components(or run the vs2008 as administrator) whereas i've done with its installation successfully! i dont know why it behaves in this way.
View 2 Repliesiam using asp.net with c#
i want to display image in a image control as soon as we browse with file upload control ,i dont want to use button click event
i had a requirement to attach a pdf document to mail.
i have attached the document the text is not displaying in the attachment.
here i had attached the code for reference.
string sSubject = "Automatic Email during Pinpair Activation";
string sEmail = "vidya@silkmedia.net";
string sAttach = "Silkconference_details-PDF-dial out.pdf";
string file = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~" + @"DocumentSilk Conference-Details-PDF - dial out.pdf")
byte[] bytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(file);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(bytes);
stream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
try {
string str = "";
HttpFileCollection fileCollection = Request.Files;
for (int i = 0; i < fileCollection.Count; i++) {
HttpPostedFile uploadfile = fileCollection[i];
[Code] ....
The control jump in catch block or showing error file could not be found, how to remove it ..
using vb.net/asp.net 2005
I've been tasked with creating a page where the user can do the following in this order:
1. browse to and select a jpg image
2. preview the image that the user just selected
3. if the user is happy with the preview then click the GO button to load the image to the Image folder.Does anyone have any good examples or sample code of how to do this?
I want to know how can I use the image control with Browse button so it's just a simple button which will invoke OpenDialog and when selecting the file then it will be shown in the image control?
View 7 Repliesi have to implement a requirement that's kind of weird for web apps (intranet web app).
after an user login to the app, the user may press Ctrl + N to open the current page in a new window. this sounds perfectly normal except the business requirement is to prevent users from doing this. users must logoff before they can access to the app again with a different browser window/tab.
I am using asp.net 3.5 file upload control. I can browse the files when click the Browse button. Same time I can't browse the file when enter key is pressed while file upload control is in focus. I am using master page. I am in urgently need of this.I want to browse the files when enter key is pressed while upload file controll is in focus.
View 1 RepliesI am Getting strugle to get image preview after browsing image.please give me hand to get out from this problem.how to get image preview it may be through c#.net or javascript please give me code for this.i got very less examples from google but they are not worked.Please give me the CODE or sample project. and they should work in all browsers.
View 3 Repliespossible to send an image file to another terminal through web service?
View 4 RepliesFileupload.My requirement: Only Image files should be displayed in FileUpload browse modal window.how to do this?
View 2 RepliesI am currently working on a project on creating a shop website. i am stuck with the browse button part, where by i create a browse button and upload the image path and insert it into my access database. Hope to see reply soon.
View 3 RepliesI'm having an image in my page displayed to clients form a folder under same apllication folder,I also have a form in the same page that accepts an image file to be uploaded. The image that is uploaded via this form should take the place of the image that's displayed in the page with the name newly givven at runtime. The new image should be uploaded in the same directory with the new name provided, which means it overwrites the previous image.
View 5 Replies