C# - Force Users To Browse With One Browser Window At A Given Time?

Jan 11, 2011

i have to implement a requirement that's kind of weird for web apps (intranet web app).

after an user login to the app, the user may press Ctrl + N to open the current page in a new window. this sounds perfectly normal except the business requirement is to prevent users from doing this. users must logoff before they can access to the app again with a different browser window/tab.

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disable state.But in Chrome it is in enable state.I want to make browser maximize button disable.

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function Call_PopUp(event, URL) {
window.open(URL, 'CustomPopUp', 'width=990, height=540, menubar=no,scrollbars =yes, resizable=no, top=50,left=50,toolbar=no,dialog=yes,minimizable=yes,maximizable=no');

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Mar 25, 2011

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Jan 17, 2010

Does ASP.NET have the capacity to force a user to a login page if they open a new tab or window to the site? So I've got a window open to A Site, I open a new tab to A Site, or a new window to A Site, is it possible to automagically detect that and force a fresh login?

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Apr 17, 2012

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Web Forms :: How To Force Reload Of Pop Window - Odd Behavior In IE

Jan 13, 2010

I have a gridview control where clicking on a specific row saves an ID number to session("ReportID") and then brings up a popup window. The popup window checks session("ReportID") on load and then displays the correct report information. This setup seems to work fine in Firefox and Safari, but for some reason IE is not refreshing the popup window. I'm trying to figure out a way to force IE to refresh/reload the popup window like it does in firefox/safari. If the popup is not refreshed then it won't update the information on page_load. Code below:


I thought that window.open should automaticly reload the page in the called popup window as this is what FF and safari seems to do, but maybe not. I think that the javascript .reload() may force IE to refresh the popup, but I don't know what the correct syntax would be.

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May 23, 2010

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how can i do that?

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How To Force Client Browser To Download Images From Server Rather Using Its Cache

May 20, 2010

Assume a simple aspx data entry page in which admin user can upload an image as well as some other data. They are stored in database and the next time admin visits that page to edit record, image data fetched and a preview generated and saved to disk (using GDI+) and the preview is shown in an image control.

This procedure works fine for the first time however if the image changes (a new one uploaded) the next time the page is surfed it shows previously uploaded image. I debugged the application and everything works correct. The new image data is in database and new preview is stored in Temp location however the page shows previous one. If I refresh the page it shows the new image preview. I should mention that preview is always saved to disk with one name (id of each record as the name).

I think that is because of IE and other browsers use client cache instead of loading images each time a page is surfed. I wonder if there is a way to force the client browser to refresh itself so the newly uploaded image is shown without user intervention.

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Mar 9, 2010

How to force Refresh( F5) conditaionally wehn the pages meet new design.

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Sep 3, 2010

in my application i need to generate/open a popup window automatically at some interval of time, when the user is working at some page in the application, like a alert message

the popup window contains some information which should take from the database,

and the information should be updated automatically when the popup window opens,

i am developing my application with c#.

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Web Forms :: Force A Page To Time Out?

Apr 6, 2010

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I tried putting a thread to sleep for a VERY long time, (It is still running as I type this) but it seems to just keep going...

How might I do this? (I need to test some code that should execute if a process times out {script not session} but I can't test it unless I can make it time out...)

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Aug 25, 2010

I using VS2008 and C# for an ASP.NET web application. From within C# code, how to use the "Window.Open" method to create a new browser window? I know it can be done in ASP script code using Javascript but I would like to create new window from C# as desired.

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MVC :: Opening The "Browse With" Window?

Feb 11, 2010

When operating in a web forms project, you can right-click on any .aspx page and choose "Browse with" and go from there to set a default browser. Now that I'm working in MVC, doing this same operation on a View with a .aspx extension doesn't have the same effect. You have to right-click on the Default.aspx page in the root of the project.

I've always thought this was a clunky way of choosing a default browser in any case. Using a particular browser as a default doesn't really have anything to do with a specific .aspx file, but you still get access to the "Browse With" window by right-clicking a .aspx file. It would be a lot better if you could just bring it up via one of the menus or even shortcut keys.

I think I can understand the logic of not having it available as a result of right-clicking a View, since this isn't really meant to be a page with executable code, but rather a rendering of the data returned from the Controller. I cannot understand the logic of marrying this functionality to the Default.aspx page, which isn't even necessary except for backwards compatibility with earlier versions of IIS. I don't like unecessary things in my projects, so if I know for a fact that I'm deploying my project on an IIS7 server, I delete the Default.aspx page.

I did some research on this, and there doesn't appear to be any way to access this menu window other than right-clicking a page in the root of the MVC project folder (or a html page pretty much anywhere).

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