Web Forms :: Can Populate A Treeview From An Ftp Folder

Feb 16, 2011

can populate a treeview from an ftp folder

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Similar Messages:

AJAX :: Display Directory (Folder) Structure For Folder Outside Project In TreeView Control

Nov 22, 2015

[URL] ....

In above link you clearly describe (How to display directory folder structure).  

The path only works when the folder insight the project.

When I put folder outside the project it didn't work. What type of changes I need to made to acces the folder outside the poject. & How can I show other details of files which are including in folders Like. Last Modified Created Date, Modified Date etc..

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Web Forms :: How To Populate Treeview Control From Database

Jul 11, 2010

How to do this programitically.

I want to populate treeview control parent and child nodes dynamically from the database table using sql server,asp.net and c# code,so that when user clicks the node in the treeview, it would take me to the selected aspx page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Populate A Treeview From An Ftp Directory?

Feb 16, 2011

populate a treeview from an ftp directory?

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Web Forms :: Populate TreeView Parent And Child Nodes In DropDownList

Sep 20, 2015

How can I add a Treeview to the DropDownList for show child and parent record..

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Web Forms :: Populate TreeView Parent And Child Nodes In DropDownList Control?

Sep 20, 2015

C#- bind treeview runtime using dataset and data table

simple example

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Web Forms :: Setting Root Folder Dynamically In Treeview?

Jun 10, 2010


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C# - How To Populate A TreeView Using EntityDataSource

Jan 5, 2011

I use MS SQL, EF 4 and C#.

I have a table in SQL fro "Categories" and I need populate a TreeView in my Asp.net page.

My question are:

1 - How can i populate the TreeView?
2 - How can i use the TreeView to modify the hierarchy of my Categories?

NOTE: I use "hierarchyid" SQL Columns!

CREATE TABLE dbo.CmsCategories
CategoryId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (0,1) -- Seed = 0 and Increment= 1
Title nvarchar(40) NOT NULL,
MetaDescription nvarchar(160) NOT NULL,
MetaKeyword nvarchar(128) NOT NULL,
Summary nvarchar(256) NOT NULL,
IsPublished bit NOT NULL
CONSTRAINT DF_CmsCategories_IsPublished DEFAULT 1,
CategoryNode hierarchyid NOT NULL,
CategoryNodeLevel AS CategoryNode.GetLevel()

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Populate A TreeView From A Generic List?

Aug 1, 2010

I have a list of Categories which I need to bind to a TreeView control in WPF and I can't find a working tutorial or get it working.My Category class consist of (ID, Title, ParentID). If the Category is a top level category the parentID is null.Can anyone sow me how to bind this to a treeview?

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Populate On Demand A TreeView With Datas In XML?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a large XML file (3000+ nodes) that I want to represent in a TreeView on ASP.NET. I cannot databind it to a XMLDataSource because loading the TreeView will then be way too slow (I never even waited long enough to see it finish...)

So the solution for this would be to use the PopulateOnDemand property of the TreeNodes to load data only when needed. Problem is, I can't think of a way to acheive this...

How can-I, based on the ID of a node, search a XMLDocument to get all the childnodes of the node having this ID?

XML would look like that:

<document ID=1>
<document ID=2>
<document ID=3>
<document ID=4>

There are nor rules on how much levels it can go down or anything...

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Populate Treeview Based On XML Attribute Ids?

May 25, 2010

I'm currently working on a Web Site application project that requires a treeview to be heirarchically structured based on the attribute ids of each node rather than the format of the XML.


At present the above is lining up all names under each other, I would like the hierarchy to be based on the attribute parentid and Id. For example: Jane Smith should be a child of Joe smith and Bob Turner is a Child of Jane Smith.

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Databases :: Populate Treeview Control From MySQL?

Apr 24, 2010

I have searched a while for a good solution for this, but i have only found solutions with XML files and mssql.

I have 2 tables. Table parent holds the parent nodes and table child holds the childnodes related to the parentnodes.

Table parent looks like this: pID as integer (pk), parentName as varchar

Table child looks like this: cID as integer (pk), parentID as integer, childName as varchar

I want to populate the treeview with data from these tables! How can i do that?

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AJAX :: How To Use And Populate TreeView Control From Database

Oct 19, 2013

How to bind TreeView Control in asp.net using C# code?

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Reduce The Time Taken To Populate Tree Node In C# Treeview?

Dec 15, 2010

I am binding the XML Data to treeview using XMLDataSource. Its working fime, but when the Number of nodes and childnodes increases, the treenode expand and to display the content in iframe takes moer time.

<asp:TreeView ID="TreeView1" OnSelectedNodeChanged = "OnClick" runat="server"
ExpandDepth="0" ShowExpandCollapse="true" ForeColor="Red" Font-Underline = "false"
ondatabinding="TreeView1_DataBinding" CollapseImageUrl = "Resources/TocColapse.bmp" ExpandImageUrl = "Resources/TocParent.bmp" Font-Names="Arial" >
<SelectedNodeStyle Font-Underline="false" BackColor="White" ForeColor="#0483e0" />
<NodeStyle Font-Size="11pt" ForeColor="white" HorizontalPadding="5px"
NodeSpacing="0px" VerticalPadding="0px" Font-Underline = "false" />
<ParentNodeStyle ForeColor="#0483e0" Font-Underline = "false" />
<LeafNodeStyle ForeColor="#0483e0" Font-Underline = "false" ImageUrl = "Resources/TocChild.bmp" />
<asp:XmlDataSource ID="XmlDataSource1" runat="server" XPath="/*/*" EnableCaching = "false" ></asp:XmlDataSource>
In OnDataBinding event of treeview I implemented the following code:
TreeNodeBinding[] TreeNode = new TreeNodeBinding[Count];
for (int i = 0; i < Count; i++)
TreeNode[i] = new TreeNodeBinding();
TreeNode[i].DataMember = TableOfContents[i].GetElementName();
TreeNode[i].TextField = TableOfContents[i].GetFirstAttributeName();
TreeNode[i].ValueField = TableOfContents[i].GetSecondAttributeName();
// TreeNode[i].Target = "contentFrame";

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C# - Populate A TreeView Control To Display Hierarchy Data From A DataBase?

Jan 6, 2011

I need populate a TreeView control to display Hierarchy Data from a DataBase.

The Hierarchy Order has been dictated by a Column, in my DB called "CategoryNodeString" and "CategoryNodeLevel".

/ = Root
CategoryId CategoryNodeString CategoryNodeLevel
1 / 0
2 /1/ 1
3 /2/ 1
4 /1/1/ 2
5 /1/2/ 2
6 /1/1/1 3

Can you provide me a sample of code to start?

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To Show Files In The Partcular Folder Using Treeview ?

Jan 11, 2010

need to show the fies in the partcular folder using treeview but i dont have icons for all files windows select the icons for particular files can i select in the same way

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Creating A Treeview For Displaying Folder Contents?

Feb 9, 2011

i want to create a tree view for displaying folder hierarchy

my database about folders is in sql server so there is no option in tree view for sqlserver its just showing the xml database how can i create such structure its similar to windows explorer.

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AJAX :: Folder Browser App Using TreeView On A ModalPopup?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm working on an ASP.NET (.NET 4, VS2010) app that needs folder browsing/picking capabilities. I've got it mostly working, but I'm stuck on one last thing. (see below) Also, I'm using AJAX UpdatePanel, TreeView control, and AJAX Control Toolkit ModalPopupExtender.

When I go to the page, I load the TreeView with a top node and a first set of child nodes, which are the found drives of the server. Then I click a LinkButton to open the ModalPopupExtender, which contains the TreeView. When I click the nodes of the TreeView, the node expands and builds a set of child nodes which are the folders found.

What I want to happen is to allow the user to navigate through the TreeView, selecting drives and folders until they find the one they're looking for. Then they click OK to return the path selected back to the main form.

The problem is that any click of any node in the TreeView causes a postback and my ModalPopup closes. how to accomplish this task? That is, how can I keep the ModalPopup open while the user clicks through nodes of a TreeView in which the child nodes are populated dynamically?


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Web Forms :: How To Populate Treeview Nodes With Data After Binding The Data

May 13, 2010

I have a treeview associated with an XML Datasource but the treeview loads only the xml node names whereas i want to assign the values in the xml nodes to the treeview instead of typing <databinding> for each node in the source file. I want to write code which dynamically read the xml nodes and populatethe treeview or is there any property which will read the values also ?

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Data Controls :: Populate TreeView With One Parent And One Child Node Pair From Database

Sep 20, 2015

How to populate or bind TreeView from one table use SQLSERVER database in ASP.NET & C# table include


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How To Populate Folder Hierarchy Into DropDownList

Jan 19, 2010

write a Subroutine that takes a parameter value of a Folder name on the server, then looks for all subdirectories beneath it and puts this hierarchy into a DropDownList?

So far I can't get the sub to work as it stuggles with the path structure and the obvious requirement to call itself.

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Create Folder (Directory) In Selected Node Of TreeView

Sep 20, 2015

I have a button(by default disable) to create new folder, when I select the treeview node. Button will be enable on treeview node selection. On click of button.pop up window will open with textbox. I will insert folder name in textbox and submit it. Now New folder should create under selected node of treeview.

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Web Forms :: Handling TreeView Error Detected By System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData?

Mar 1, 2011

Periodically a rash of occurrences of the following error happen. I believe they're the result of hack attempts. Whether that's the case or not, my question is how can I handle the error? I want to avoid unhandled exceptions. The TreeView control is just
a standard .Net TreeView control, not a custom one. If you suggest a code solution, please code it in VB.Net as that's what I'm using.

Message: Input string was not in a correct format.

Stack Trace:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeView.System.Web.UI.IPostBackDataHandler.LoadPostData(String postDataKey, NameValueCollection postCollection)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessPostData(NameValueCollection postData, Boolean fBeforeLoad)
at System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint)

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Web Forms :: Treeview .each Node In A Treeview Will Need To Display Different Page?

Nov 15, 2010

I have a treeview which will be generated dynamically which need to be displayed on left side and when user clicks on a node it need to open a page on the right side of the same page. and each node has different aspx page. so whenever user selects a node the page details should be displayed on the right side .we can use an iframe on the page which will display the different pages clicked on the node.Is there any alternative i can use to display different pages based on the user selection on the right side without using iframe.

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Web Forms :: Drag And Drop TreeView Nodes Of TreeView?

May 7, 2015

Code to drag and drop a TreeNode to another control or tag such as Div or even another TreeView.

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