I'm currently working on a Web Site application project that requires a treeview to be heirarchically structured based on the attribute ids of each node rather than the format of the XML.
At present the above is lining up all names under each other, I would like the hierarchy to be based on the attribute parentid and Id. For example: Jane Smith should be a child of Joe smith and Bob Turner is a Child of Jane Smith.
there is a radio button, a dropdownlist. radiobuttons are OY, OTY,VDA ( in my database there are fields named OY.OTY,VDA) if i select OY in my radio button the data should be displayed from field OY in dropdownlist and if i select OTY in my radio button the data should be displayed from OTY field in dropdownlist is it possible. there is a sqldatasource for dropdownlist .
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:MS16ConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT DISTINCT OY FROM COURSE_INTAKE"> </asp:SqlDataSource>
I have a table in SQL fro "Categories" and I need populate a TreeView in my Asp.net page.
My question are:
1 - How can i populate the TreeView? 2 - How can i use the TreeView to modify the hierarchy of my Categories?
NOTE: I use "hierarchyid" SQL Columns!
CREATE TABLE dbo.CmsCategories ( CategoryId int NOT NULL IDENTITY (0,1) -- Seed = 0 and Increment= 1 CONSTRAINT PK_CmsCategories_CategoryId PRIMARY KEY, Title nvarchar(40) NOT NULL, MetaDescription nvarchar(160) NOT NULL, MetaKeyword nvarchar(128) NOT NULL, Summary nvarchar(256) NOT NULL, IsPublished bit NOT NULL CONSTRAINT DF_CmsCategories_IsPublished DEFAULT 1, CategoryNode hierarchyid NOT NULL, CategoryNodeLevel AS CategoryNode.GetLevel() );
I have a list of Categories which I need to bind to a TreeView control in WPF and I can't find a working tutorial or get it working.My Category class consist of (ID, Title, ParentID). If the Category is a top level category the parentID is null.Can anyone sow me how to bind this to a treeview?
I have a large XML file (3000+ nodes) that I want to represent in a TreeView on ASP.NET. I cannot databind it to a XMLDataSource because loading the TreeView will then be way too slow (I never even waited long enough to see it finish...)
So the solution for this would be to use the PopulateOnDemand property of the TreeNodes to load data only when needed. Problem is, I can't think of a way to acheive this...
How can-I, based on the ID of a node, search a XMLDocument to get all the childnodes of the node having this ID?
I want to populate treeview control parent and child nodes dynamically from the database table using sql server,asp.net and c# code,so that when user clicks the node in the treeview, it would take me to the selected aspx page.
I am binding the XML Data to treeview using XMLDataSource. Its working fime, but when the Number of nodes and childnodes increases, the treenode expand and to display the content in iframe takes moer time.
I have a web app with treeview based on a fairly simple sitemap. The only catch is that I want to be able to remove nodes based on a user's role. We are NOT using the asp.net security so I can't take advantage of the built-in function.When I put code in the master page load event (or anywhere else it seems), there seems to be nothing in the treeview object yet, so I can't make changes to it.
I have built an intranet site where the user is automatically logged in through Windows Authentication and I am now building an admin panel/section. I was wondering if there is a way using the Active Directory memberOf attribute that people who are members of the group 'Domain Administrators' could automatically gain access to this section without needing to log in, but people who are not part of this group get redirected.
I'm running into a minor issue with some ASP.Net code I'm working on. For simplicity sake lets say I have two dropdownlists, one that is full of various items and another that is full of other items, but based off the selected item of the first dropdownlist. I currently set variables into hidden inputs to check to see if the item in the first dropdownlist has changed and if it has to change the second dropdownlist, but I'm also having to check to make sure that if something else causes a postback to NOT repopulate the second dropdownlist as to not lose what is currently selected by the user. This check also allows me to make sure that when I navigate away from the page, the correct values are selected and not something replaced by a postback repopulation.
I'm new to ASP.Net/HTML/CSS/Javascript and the like. I know while what I have works, it isn't even close to being the correct way to do things. correct my ways and figure out the BEST way to solve this current problem. Some good ASP.Net tutorial websites would be nice too as I need to keep improving my skills with it.
On the left hand side I have a tree navigation . It is populated from a XML file with . What I want to achive is when a querystring of the value of the XML file is matched , the tree node sets a setfocus or highlights on a particular node from the querystring passed through. I cant find a method which mimmicks findtreenode with value x and sets a selected .
I m trying to populate a set of 3 textboxes based on a value entered into the first textbox. So when a user enters a value in the first textbox, i would like them to be able to tab out of it and it will automatically populate the remaining textboxes.
I know javascript has the OnBlur function which can do this but is there a way to accomplish this using asp.net (c#)
I'm trying to populate a date from a bound text field in a DetailsView. I keep getting a error when a DBNull is in the column. How do I avoid the DBNull when populating the text field.My code is as follows:
I have been using the following tutorial and had to convert the code to C# for my project, now i cant get the code to work, im getting red line under the word "in" in the UpdateRolesFromList, i tried to add a datasource on page load for the checkboxlist like so RoleList.DataSource = PopulateRoleList(User.Identity.Name.ToString());and gives me error saying cannot implictly convert type 'void' to 'object' [URL]What am i missing, that when i load the page or even do a search it never displays the checkbox list as it shows in the tutorial?
I have a database table containing scripts for plays/dramas. The scripts can be categorized under 'Theatre and Education', 'Plays for Young People' or both (by using bools to determine whether they belong to said categories);
scriptID: int theatreAndEducation:bit playsForYoungPeople: bit[code]....