Web Forms :: Change Whole Page Using FckEditor?

May 16, 2010

Can I copy whole aspx page inside FckEditor and change controls of it ?

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MVC :: Loading 9 Instances Of Fckeditor On The Page

Jun 7, 2010

I have to preload the 9 instances of fckeditor on the page for entering the records . It is taking lot of time. the preload time can be minimized. this is the way i am doing it . They are being created dynamically

<script src="<%= Url.Content("~/Content/js/fck/fckeditor.js") %>" type="text/javascript"></script>
<%= Html.TextArea(TempData["OrganizationMeta"].ToString(), TempData["OrganizationMetaValue"].ToString(), new { @name = TempData["OrganizationMeta"] })%> [code]....

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MVC :: How To Add Multiple Fckeditor Field On .net Mvc Page

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how to add multiple fckeditor field on asp.net mvc page?


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Can Add Html Page/template Into Tinymce Or Fckeditor Or WYSIWYG Editor

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Web Forms :: Transfer Text To Fckeditor?

Jun 7, 2010

I want to write article in page, when click button at end of the page go to fckeditor page and found the article text inside the editor then makes any changes in text (font , size....) and click save button to save the article in previous page after change..

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Web Forms :: FCKEditor Cannot Display Data?

Jan 20, 2010

I don't seems to be able to get display the value in the FCKEditor? I have checked that my DB indeed stored some HTML values in nvarchar datatype fieldThis is my code:

Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
If Not IsPostBack Then
Dim dr As SqlDataReader


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Web Forms :: Unable To Use FCKEditor Integration / Resource Cannot Be Found

Jun 30, 2010

I am facing problem on integration of fckeditor 2.6.3 with asp.net 3.5.

i added the fckeditor dll into my bin folder and added the fckeditor folder which are extracted from the fckeditor 2.6.3 zipped folder.

when i run the web page it shows the error that resource cannot be found

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Web Forms :: Change Pager LinkButton Color Change For Selected Page

Dec 6, 2012

In my repeater m using linkbutton for paging. I want javascript or code... My question is at run time when I am clicking on linkbutton its color get change... When I click on another button its color get reset...

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Web Forms :: Change Background Image When Page Change?

May 29, 2010

I have usercontrol, I have develop menu there like this


This user control i put several pages. When i goto that perticular page i want change background image of menu item which related to that page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Validate Fckeditor Inside Formview Editor Template

Apr 26, 2010

I'm trying to use a required field validator on a fckeditor inside a formview edit template, but it's not working and I can't seem to get any google searched methods on this to work.

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Set The FCKEditor To Be Readonly?

Jan 15, 2010

I am using FCKEditor ASP.NET control 2.65 in my WebForms application. How can I set it to be readonly (preferably from the serverside)?

I am not seeing either Enabled or Readonly properties.

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C# - FCKeditor Url Rewriting In .net?

Feb 16, 2011

I have used FCKeditor in my project. It worked fine before i add url rewriting in my project.Now i can not upload images from my fckeditor properly.I am using Intelligencia.UrlRewriter for url rewriting in asp.net

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C# - How To Use FckEditor In Web Application

Dec 26, 2010

Q: I want to ask how to use FckEditor in my asp.net web application I download the the compressed file from their site http://ckeditor.com/download and extract all the files into a folder in my web application but I don't know what can I do after that..

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Fckeditor Not Working In Firefox

Jul 12, 2010

var oEditor = FCKeditorAPI.GetInstance("<%=FCKeditorSelfDocument.ClientID %>");
var oDOM = oEditor.EditorDocument;
oDOM.body.innerText = 'Hello';

it is working fine in IE and chrome but not working in firefox 3.6.4

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C# - Inserting Values In A Fckeditor?

Nov 25, 2010

i am inserting values in fckeditor.

abc = Regex.Replace(FCKeditor.Value, @"<(.|
)*?>", string.Empty);

but while retrieving it is showing content along with the tags.

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Use Fckeditor Inasp.net Website?

Apr 3, 2010

I have added fckeditor in my asp.net(vb) web site but i don't know how add pages to update at run time? 1) How to add .aspx pages in fckeditor so that i can edit an create new pages or tabs.

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Asp.net -using RequiredFieldValidator For Validating FCKEditor

Mar 28, 2011

When i use RequiredFieldValidator for Validation FCKEditor ,The first time that the form gonna submit, RequiredFieldValidator prompt (ErrorMessage) and indicate that FCKEditor is empty ,while it isn't .Again if you try to submit the form,It's OK and there is no problem .At this case user have to hit the submit button twice So i have to disable Client Side validation and validate form just in Server Side code which is not good.

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Hiding Controls In FCKEditor?

Jul 9, 2010

i am using FCKEditor but i dont want all the buttons that are in the toolbar area i want only some of them is there any way to hide them using css or javascript or in any other way.

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Customize FCKeditor With Own Buttons?

Aug 19, 2010

I need to modify the open-source FCKeditor (not CKeditor) to allow users to select multiple files and upload them in one go (as opposed to selecting them one at a time).

I've found a way to provide the functionality - there are ready made components that can be used.

But how do I add custom buttons with custom functionality in FCKeditor.

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Retrieving Values From Fckeditor In Code Behind In C#?

Jul 6, 2010

i am using fckeditor in my page in the code behind file i want to retrieve the value of fckeditor what i am doing is

FckEditor objFckEditor = new FckEditor();
string abcd = server.Htmlencode(objFckEditor.value.trim());

i have also imported
using FredCK.FCKeditorV2; in the top

but it is returning only null value

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Can't Get FCKEditor To Work In A Virtual Directory

Mar 12, 2010

I have a WebForm that contains the following definition for the FCKeditor:

<FCKeditorV2:FCKeditor ID="txtBody" runat="server"

This works fine in my VS2008-based web application. However, when I deploy it to a Virtual Directory in IIS, it looks for the FCKEditor files (e.g. javascript, stylesheets, etc...) in the /fckeditor folder, not in the /MyVirtualDir/fkceditor.

I've tried changing the BasePath to ~/fckeditor/, but then it won't work on my dev machine.

What is the right way to go, so that the FCKEditor maps onto the right directory. In my project the fckeditor directory is right off the root.

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Save And Retrieve Fckeditor Value In Cookies?

Sep 14, 2010

I want to save fckeditor value in cookies. And fckeditor have value as " Hi <name>, and so on .." I am using following code :

My Code:

private void CookiesCreated()
//Create a new cookie, passing the name
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("BodyText");
//Set the cookies value
cookie.Value = Server.HtmlEncode(fckeditor.Value);
//Set the cookie to expire in 1 minute
cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(1);
//Add the cookie
if (Request.Cookies["BodyText"] != null)
fckeditor.Value = Server.HtmlDecode(Request.Cookies["BodyText"].Value);

But i am uncomfortable to get the original value, i am getting only (<) this.

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C# - How To Prevent Fckeditor To Resize In Chrome Browser

Feb 28, 2011

I have use fckeditor in asp.net. When user open the page containing fckeditor in Chrome. User can resize the text area of fckeditor. I want to prevent this.i.e.user should un-enable to resize the text area.

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MVC :: Html Text Value From FCKeditor Upon Submit Form?

Nov 22, 2010

I am having problem retrieving html text value within FCKeditor upon submit form. My submit mvc model alway null value.Do anyone how retrieve html text value withing FCKeditor and put into mvc model upon form submit?

<script type="text/javascript">

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Controls :: How To Type Marathi Word In FCKeditor Without Using Third Party Toolkit

May 7, 2015

How to Type Marathi Word in FCKeditor without using third Party Toolkit.

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