Web Forms :: Changing Forecolor In Selected Item?

Jan 20, 2010

I have created a radiobuttonlist with some listItems in it. Now I would like to change forecolor:red, but only for the selected item, not for all.


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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Changing Background Color Of A Selected Menu Item That Exists On Sitemaster

Aug 10, 2010

I am trying to show the user of my application that when they click on a menu item that their selection gets shown by changing the background color of that menu item

I am using the default menu that comes with asp and is contained in the site master. the default CSS for the menu has a hover and active properties but only the hover works.

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C# - Changing Forecolor According To Backcolor?

Apr 6, 2010

I have created an iframe which contains the label, "powered by MyWebsite.site" The "iframe itself" accepts arguments, so other webmasters may customize the appearance of it.

The problem is that since the background of the iframe could be customized, anyone can "vanish" the "powered by MyWebsite.site".

So what option do i have? How should i dynamically change the label color depending on any background?

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Javascript - Changing Color Of Selected Item In Select Elm?

Dec 6, 2010

I simply am trying to add a color to the select item background within the select elm after a user makes a selection from the select elm. The result right now is that in firefox, the colors will change, but only during selection ... after the selection has been made the background for the individual selection is still white.

This code works fine in IE but so far my efforts have been thuarted in FireFox.


P.s I made an equivalent javascript method and made some attempts at it, but the result is still the same. The background color of the item is changed ... but only is visible when making a selection, NOT after the selection is made.

.Compliant { background-color : #8AC9FF; }
.OtherThanSerious { background-color: #C2FF87; }
.Serious { background-color: #FFBC43; }
.Critical { background-color: #FF6743; }

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C# - Changing The SelectedIndex Of Multiple Select Listbox To The Last Selected Item?

Jan 18, 2011

Referring to a C#, .net, System.Web.UI.WebControls.Lisbox which has a multiple select option true and needs to do a postback every time selected index changes.

Problem is, the [SelectedIndex / SelectedItem / SelectedValue] is always on the value of the 1st selected item. Clicking on the second item, third item, does not change the SelectedIndex, causing the listbox to reload and scroll to the highest selected item position.

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Web Forms :: Redirecting A User Selected Item In A Drop Down List To Another Item?

Feb 10, 2010

I have a list with 2 sorts of items. Items that have actual values (1,2,3,4 etc) and items that are like group headings so all their values are set to 0. If someone decides to select a group heading - which has a value of 0, is it possible to redirect them to my 'Select an item' item which has a value of ""?

If worse comes to worse, I can just reconstruct the entire list, although if possible I'd like to avoid it.

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Web Forms :: DropDownList Selected Item Is Lost And Default Item Is Inserted In Database On Button Click

Jul 16, 2012

I bind dropdownlist in my page

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
BindDropDownList(DDL1, "city1", "name", "ID");
DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And SP

LTER procedure [dbo].[city1]
select id,Name
from city

And design code

 <asp:DropDownList ID="DDL2" runat="server" CssClass="daddsd">

And here is imagebutton code that when click on it update data into table

protected void ImageButton_Click1(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlDecode(Request.QueryString["BehCode2"]);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("insertinfo", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;

[Code] ....

Here when i click on button it insert all data into table but it didn't insert my selected item from dropdownlist it insert select city that i define in page_load

 DDL1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("select city", "0"));

And when i delete this code from page load it insert in table first row of my table it didn't insert my selected item from dropdown list.

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Selected Item From The Listbox In The Selected Index Changed Event

Feb 28, 2011

How to get the selected item from the listbox in the selected index changed event. I tried: Label1.Text = ListBox1.SelectedItem.Text; It is giving me object set to null reference.

foreach (ListItem item in ListBox1.Items)
if (item.Selected)
//lblResults.Text += item.Text + "
Label1.Text = item.Text;

No use, no value coming in to label.

View 5 Replies

MVC :: DropDownList Can Either Select Item OR Save Selected Item Back To Controller?

Jul 7, 2010

I have a project that queries a set of times from a database and uses these entries to populate a dropdownlist. Once the page is loaded, the user can select one of the items in the DropDownList. When the "Save" button is clicked, the Selected item value is returned to the [HttpPost] version of the controller action. This item is then stored into session. If the system returns to the page containing the dropdown, I want the saved Value to be selected in the DropDownList. What actually happens is that the DropDownList is always set to be the first item in the list.

Database Table: This data has been imported using Link to SQL


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C# - Select Item In Formview Based On Drop Down Selected Item

Jul 4, 2010

I am trying to get a drop down and a form view to work together. I've never used form views before. I also am using the entity framework to do everything. This is also my first time with it.

I want to be able to have a drop down, that is populate from the same data source as the form view. So far that works fine.

I then want to be able to change the drop down item, and it change the form view item that is displayed. I cannot figure out how to make this work.

View 3 Replies

Dropdownlist / Every Time Selecct An Item, First Item In List Gets Selected?

Feb 3, 2010

i use a dropdownlist in a page, with its items taken from a mysql database

i also use autopostback property...my problem here is that, every time i selecct an item, the first item in the list gets seelected

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Web Forms :: Changing Style Of Each Menu Item?

Feb 14, 2010

I want to change each items color in the asp menu control while the menu is generating dynamically from a database.

i.e. 1st item's background color is yellow and 2nd item's background color is red and so on.

View 2 Replies

Web Forms :: Changing Style Of Each Menu Item In Navigation

Feb 14, 2010

I need to change the background color of each menu item of asp menu control while the menu items are populate dynamically using a database. i.e. 1st menu item in black background, 2nd in green and 3rd in red and so on. If you can explain using C# it is great.

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Web Forms :: Changing The Text Color Of The List Item When It Is Disabled?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a asp:listbox with 5 items in it. By default the list box is disabled. (i.e it only shows the items in it but user cant do anything with these items.) I have to make the color of these items in the list box to red but when the listbox is disabled the items are defaulted to the gray color. Any idea how I can change the color of the items in the disabled list box ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Item Value Repeater Dynamically

Nov 1, 2010

How do i dynamically change the value of dataitem in repeater control(.net 2.0,VS 2005)..i have repeater something like this :

<asp:Repeater ID="rptGameInfo" runat=server OnItemDataBound="itemDataBound_rptGameInfo" >
<HeaderTemplate >
<ItemTemplate >
<asp:Label ID="lblLoc" runat=server Text="Location:" ></asp:Label><%# Eval("GAME_LOCATION")%><br />
</ItemTemplate >

and it shows the result like this:


If location is "Select" i want to change it to "n/a". So i am trying to capture it in itemDataBound even something like this

if ((e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.Item) || (e.Item.ItemType == ListItemType.AlternatingItem))
DataRowView row = e.Item.DataItem as DataRowView;
string location = row["GAME_LOCATION"].ToString();
if (location == "Select")
// e.Item.Text = "n/a";>>

Does e.Item some 'text' sort of property ,i can set the value to?

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C# - Dropdown - Get The Value Of The First Item In The List Regardless Of What Item Is Actually Selected

Dec 3, 2010

I have a drop down list control populated with items and some code to take the currently selected item value. The problem is I only get the value of the first item in the list regardless of what item is actually selected. Here is my code to populate the drop down:

protected void displayCreateCategories()
StoreDataContext db = new StoreDataContext();
var a = from c in db.Categories
orderby c.Name
select new{catName= c.Name,
ddlCategory.DataSource = a;
ddlCategory.DataTextField = "catName";
ddlCategory.DataValueField = "catId";

To get the value of the currently selected item which in my case is always of type integer I do label1.text=Convert.toInt32(ddlCategory.SelectedValue); I get the selected value, but it is always for the 1st item in the list. I'm pulling my hair out over this.

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Web Forms :: Changing The Selection Color(blue) For The Items In The List Item?

Mar 3, 2011

Is there a way that we can change the color (which is defaulted to blue) when the items in the list box are selected? If so can you provide me a sample for it?

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Web Forms :: Changing The Css Path Based On Theme Selected?

Feb 4, 2010

I have provided 2 theme in home page (default.aspx) , onclick of this link i am able to change the css path and image path according to the theme selected but once i login the image path are comming correctly accordinly to theme selected but the css (stylesheet) path is not changing.

when i select a theme and view the source of default page all the paths are changing but once loged css path is not changing.

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Web Forms :: Changing Css Classes To Reflect Selected Page?

May 8, 2010

Im sing a master page with a navigator. How should i make the navigation link change css class to "selected" to show which page you are on?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing Selected Row In Gridview Using Up And Down Buttons

Nov 11, 2010

how i can change the sleected row style in gridview when i click on UP or DOWN buttons

i am using the below code to set the style

<SelectedRowStyle BackColor="Teal" ForeColor="Maroon" Font-Bold="True" />

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Web Forms :: Write A Gridview Selected Index Changing Event?

May 7, 2010

this is performance related question. i have gridview and i wrote gridview selected index changing event .In that event i am enable and disable one button out side the gridview..

it is working fine and fast in my local system ..the problem is ,if i upload my application in server ,it takes more time to perform action in gridview selected index changing.how to avoid that problem ?

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Web Forms :: Avoid Postback Operation For Dropdown On Selected Index Changing?

Jun 4, 2010

I created my page with asp dropdown. On selected index changed I am seeing postback operation on dropdown. I couldn't avoid postback operation of asp dropdown with updatepanel also.

IS there a another way to avoid dropdownpostback operation.



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Web Forms :: Set Forecolor For A Table In C#?

Feb 8, 2011

I wonder how I would set this forcolor in C# below. I miss something I beleive how to do it?


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Web Forms :: How To Get Listbox Selected Item

Mar 23, 2011

if any body select listbox then


if nobody select list box


how to do it

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Web Forms :: Keep Last Item In DropDownList As Selected

May 7, 2015

I have items in a sql table that i populate a dropdown list with.  so on page load the items are sent to dropdown list.  I have a button on the page with the dropdown list that onclick it launches another page that allows more items to be added to the database table.

What I want to do is to refresh/update the list of items in the dropdown list when the second page is closed.  In addition the last item added to the table will be the selected item in the drop down list.

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