Been doing web pages for years using html code and css. Recently decided to try and love it, probably because I'm an old C, C++ programmer. Every time I do a project the need for a database seems to come up which I've had no luck in setting up. So far I've worked around the need for a database by using text tiles in the App_Data folder. But this time I need a bunch of different text files or one text file and a lot of code finding the right entry. In short I believe a database would really fit here.
Can someone give me a "step by step" on accessing a database. I have an ip address my web host says I'll need. I believe the key is writing the connection string. I've been to and was unable to interpret anything there into what I need.
How can I make the code string connStr = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings "staceys_cakesConnectionString"].ConnectionString;
work generically and not need the staceys_cakesConnectionString? Or how can I set it somewhere else so I only have to change it one place when I change it?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; using System.Configuration;
I have a db connection string 'ApplicationServices' defined in the connectionString section of web.config and 3 Entity Framework connection strings which have the provider connection string attribute with the same connection string as the one in 'ApplicationServices'. Is there a way to reference connectionString in 'ApplicationServices' for the provider connection string attribute of the EF connection string in the web.config, rather than providing the connection string all over again?
just for my testing purpose i know i can define both the connection's outside in a single web config file by different name's and access them in my front end according to it but what if i want to have seprate for both connection's web.config situation is like this see image so i want to access my connections from second web config file how i can do that.
am writing a series of WSS/MOSS webparts amongst which one will need to detect the current SQL Server database connection, prompt the user to setup a new connectionstring, and fire appropriate stored procedures to create a new database if needed. The user needs to be presented a textbox or label control with the current database connection. I've never had to detect current database connection, what methods do I call for this? If the desirable connection is not present, the web application needs to prompt the user to make a new database. The user really won't make the database, they simply need to click the command button which will fire the stored procedure to create the database.
I am preparing for an Access2007 db conversion at the beginning of the year and would like to know what the best process would be for connecting to the sqlserver2005 database. I have read about adding the connection string to the web.config file. I have also read about using ADO.NET and put the connection information into a class and not the web.config file.
I would like to hear from others as to what you have used, are using, or plan on using for a webapp (vs2010), and why so I can get an understanding.
I have an ASP.Net website running on IIS7. The Application Pool is set to ASPv4 Classic.
Authentication Mode is set to ASP.Net Authentication & Windows Authentication
My question is, when I want to connect to SQL using a "trusted connection" in the Connection String, what user will actually be passed into SQL?
I thought it would pass my logon details, but it is coming back with an NT AUTHORITYANONYMOUS LOGON error, which seems to point towards it not passing in my logon.
on VWD 2005 this code works fine, but on 2008 it says I haven't created an instance of the object. I want to convert the object connString (a connection string) into a string.
'This acceses the virtual directory web.config file for connection strings 'We have to convert the object to a connection string Dim rootWebConfig As System.Configuration.Configuration rootWebConfig = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/VirtualDirec") Dim connString As System.Configuration.ConnectionStringSettings connString = rootWebConfig.ConnectionStrings.ConnectionStrings("ConnectString1") Dim strConnString As String = connString.ToString().......
I am trying to figure out what are the basic assemblies required to run a basic ASP.NET 4.0 website. Say.. a website with just a label in it. I looked online and didn't find a list there. I know installing the framework 4.0 will give me all the dlls but I just need the basic ones that will make a basic site work on ASP.NET 4.0.
In order to pull a connection string from (a method, a web service, or what ever) just not the web.config.To return a connection string not from the web.config?
I know we can make the connection string of a table adapter public and change it when we access the table. I want one place (the ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings) change to pull the connection string from another method, just not the web.config. I do not keep connection strings in the web.config and would like to override this method.
i need to update only the database name in current connection string in web.config at run-time....
and i need to get the server name , uid , pwd , database from the current connection string and need to change only the database name
in the above url u r manually assigning the connection string .. which iss not useful to me . i need to get the connection string values in my code behind and change the database . so is their any way to modify connection string at run time
currently i have db name , server name & coonection credentials for sql daTAbase hardcoded in webconfig but i need to create a dynamic connection string in which db name will change currenly i have a main .aspx with a button & on its click event i get the connection string frm webconfig and move on to next page
wht i need is in the main page i need to populate all the db of a particullar server in a dropdown the user will first select the db frm drpdown & click the button & with the db name frm dropdown connection string shld be formed
when user logins to my website i want to acess the users local database, all user having the same database name, same tables every thing but they are not connected in network .so i want to know how to get the data source value in the connection string for that user, so that i can acess his local database.
Does anyone has an idea on how to change the connection string of the webparts at runtime. i have a multitenant app, and would like to store each accounts users settings in their respective DB's i tried changing the connstring in the webpartsmanager init, and the page load event
Dim myConfiguration As System.Configuration.Configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~")
I am writing a web app for work. The users who are using this app will not be using the same connection string- for example, we have about 40 customers whose data resides in their respective database. The goal of this app is to be able to query the database for a given customer without having to go in and modify the web.config connection string (obviously, because that will change the connection string globally across users- I want the users to be able to have their own local connection string to be used by the app). is this possible?
i am uploading a website but i am facing below error.Keyword not supported: 'metadata'. screenshot is here: URL... here is my web config file
<?xml version="1.0"?> <!--
As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio. A full list of settings and comments can be found in machine.config.comments usually located in Windows Microsoft.NetFrameworkv2.xConfig --> <configuration>
System.ArgumentException:Keyword not supported: 'eF8w9r2UJOsk0Ps3pxmV7/Fy/xPR2hN2S7BrC1iOYNnAUaI8AqkSm5bw7r+ta4sePWSV9t/3Spnpz6wsFpvMmcppNpqM5Zk7iiDqWVgIV4k='.
Line 46: string[] roleNames; Line 47: roleNames = Roles.GetAllRoles();