Web Forms :: Control Validation Appears In Disorder?

Mar 2, 2011

I´m using different validation controls from asp.net in a page that has like 10 controls. When I click on insert validation occurs but my problem is that error messages appear in summary for some and other validation only takes place when I correct the first errors which is very confusing. I´m trying to get all validation messages to be shown all at once but for some reason not all of them happen at the same time.


I tried to figure out a solution by assigning ordered tab index, but behaviour keeps the same. Some controls appear to be validated first with their respective error messages whereas others are validated after the firts ones.

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Web Forms :: Validation Summary Appears After Postback?

Mar 8, 2011

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RFVRIDDORReferenceId.Enabled = true;

if ReferenceId database field had value in it. other wise it stays like that. after loading the information on page and disable RFVRIDDORReferenceId through client side...press save button and everything will be updated but when page comes back validation summary has

Following errors occured
> ReferenceId is required

it displays in red i dont know why it is doing it....(postback itself shows that all validators were true). is there any reason?

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If mQuestion.RequiredToAnswer = True Then
Dim mValidator As New RequiredFieldValidator
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mValidator.InitialValue = mDDL.Items(0).Text
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option 1 option 2
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Jul 19, 2010

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