C# - .net Calendar Control Appears Below Textfield?
May 24, 2010
I ma using an image button to display an asp.net calendar control (this control comes with VS 2008). However, when I click the image button, the calendar controls is displayed "below" the textfield that it is suppoed to populate. How can I get the control to appear on the right side of the textfield?
My code is:
<asp:ImageButton ID="imgCalendar" runat="server" Height="17px"
onclick="imgCalendar_Click1" Width="19px"[code]....
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Jul 15, 2010
Currently, I am using Calendar control on ASPX page. Instead, I want to use AJAX Calendar Extender control because of the animation effect and the way it moves between years making if much more impressive than Calendar control.Is it possible to display Calendar extender on page permanently, just like Calendar control?
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Nov 24, 2010
I've got two websites. One is a copy of the other, I even went ahead and remade a copy of the original a second time hoping it would alleviate the issue I'm having but it didn't.
On both pages I have a calendar so the route is
Csharp Code:
The issue is on the original site /Calendar works. It shows the Calendar page with the current month. On the copy site /Calendar gives a 404 but /Calendar/Index shows the Calendar page with the current month.
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[Code]....and else display this error.i have tried the code below but it doesnt do anything...
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Jan 6, 2011
I'm working in ASP.NET.
I have a textbox where i need to insert manually some data, but that data is dependent on what is selected on a combobox.
So, to be easy to understand i give an example.
Combobox selected value "A" ---> Can only insert in textbox values "1,2,3,4,5"
Combobox selected value "B" ---> Can only insert in textbox values "6,7,8,9,10"
What is the best way to do that?
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Dec 2, 2010
<td><input type="text" name="textfield" class="cntct_frm_on1"/></td>
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Aug 9, 2010
I'm trying to use the Calendar control in a local intranet enviroment, so I need to put all the Javascript files locally, I've downloaded the Ajax Control Toolkit 40412 source code and extracted the Scripts from
"..AjaxControlToolkit_9c860ac12ae9SampleWebSitesAjaxClientWebSiteScripts",so I write the following code
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i create new composite control to make a full calendar control.
All is good until i put
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Script On the .aspx page:
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
//Allow only Numeric values
function ValidateTextAsNumeric(evt,target,validator)
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Oct 14, 2010
I have a Calendar Control that I added text that show scheduled meetings on certain dates and it works okay.
The problem is that when I click on a date I need to http to another web page or sometimes goto a web page in the same web site. The problem is when the code that creates the hyperlink runs it replaces the text displaying "meetings" scheduled for that date instead appending the link to the date and retaining the "meetings" text that was already there.
Below is how I set that up with the code that adds the meetings followed by the url code that replaces the meetings text:
or any other kind of link in my Calendar Control without clobbering whatever was in there? If it is not possible is there another way to link to another page after a date in the Calendar Control is clicked?
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Jan 12, 2010
I have a calendar control in which i am loading data from db using the below method.
What i want to achieve is in the selection changed event of the calendar.I would like to access the calendar selected cell value.I tried to look for a event in the selection changed method but unable to come up with any.Let me know if anyone came across this and able to access the value in the selected cell control value.
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Oct 23, 2010
NET. The calendar control is displayed in a popup window when pressing abutton and the selected date will be displayed inside a Textbox control.
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Sep 7, 2010
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And the code behind:
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Sep 3, 2010
I have a Calendar Control which is getting certain dates from SQL database and shows them in gray colour using following SQL statements:
Everything works fine but I want to Show Location and Date also under the calendar control usnig Label control so when user clicks highlighted date it shows Date and Location (only the ones which are coming from SQL database and are highlighted) using Label control.
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Jan 7, 2010
I'm trying to do something that should be very simple, but getting completely stumped on why it's not working.
I have a page that has a few calendar controls, and when the user clicks a date, I want it to toggle the value (in this case it's the "availability" of the date).
I don't want it to post back with every calendar click, so what I'm doing is:
1. During the dayrender event, a Hidden Field gets added to the day. (As it is created, the Hidden Field is added to an array so that it can be retrieved later.)
2. When the user clicks, the value of the Hidden Field is toggled using JavaScript.
3. Once the user is done marking unavailable days, they click a Save button, which gets the values, and saves them to the database.
The Hidden Fields are getting added, and toggling is working just fine. The problem is that when the user clicks the Save button, all the Hidden Fields and their values get cleared, so at the time of the save, it thinks the length of the Hidden Field array is 0.
I think it has something to do with the order in whcih the page is rendered, and the "Save" code executed, but I'm not sure how to fix it. I'm doing something almost identical on another page that works fine - the only difference is that on that page there are no calendar controls, so instead of being added at dayrender, the dynamic controls are added on page load.
If I wanted to add a Hidden Field for each day in a calendar, whose value I can change with Javascript, how do I go about it in a way that I can access the values when clicking a Save button?
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Dec 10, 2010
how can i insert valuefield and textfield in a combobox
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Aug 20, 2010
I am writing Watin test in MVC Asp.net app. I mvc app, all input are wrpped with form and every time an input or textarea is changed their form gets submitted by jquery like code below:
$("textarea", context).change(function() {
This is perfect when changes are done by keyboard. However this doesn't trigger the form submit when input/textarea are changed by Watin TypeText() method. I tried to call Change() and Blur() events by Watin and also tried PressTab() with no luck.
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Jan 15, 2011
So as the title suggested, I'm currently trying to compare the hashed answer in my database against the answer typed in the textfield by the user in the form.
I thought of hashing the answer in the textfield typed by the user first, and after that compare this newly hashed answer to the one in the database (which is already hashed). But when I typed in the SAME answer (before hashing) and hashed it to get the hashed value, by right the 2 hashes (in web form and database) should match? Somehow, it didn't. And I can't seem to get security answer right anymore (even though I typed the SAME security answer).
This is the code behind the button:
I tried in another way too, but still the same thing.
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