Web Forms :: Creating Messages As A Thread?

Jan 20, 2010

Im creating a messaging system which is a bit like the inbox feature of this forum. So far I have built the page with a datalist (as this is the advice i was given). I just want to know how I should create the tables within the database so that the thread of messages is seen by the right people when they login and view messages. Which is basically the 2 people messaging each other. The system is gonna have user sign in functionality as well.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Creating A Messaging System; Messages In A Thread?

Jan 13, 2010

Im creating a messaging system abit like the inbox feature of facebook and even this website (its gonna be created as a asp.net website). Now the messages ive been told should go to a database and then from there be displayed on a page. Im gonna be creating this system because its a project for university. Its not going to be published online or anything, just a simple demo in front of suoervisor n examiner. Im gonna simply create a database within the application to hold all the data.Now i need to have user login feature capability so the right messages are displayed to the right users. I wants the messages to be as a "thread". Any idea how this can be done in asp.net? im using visual studio 2008 .net framework 3.5.

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C# - Updating Screen With Messages From A Thread That Raises Events?

Dec 21, 2010

I have a very long running process that I start in a thread. This raises events with messages to say what it is doing.

How can I update a label on screen with these messages? (The label is in an update panel if that makes it easier).

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Cross-thread Operation Not Valid: Accessed From A Thread Other Than The Thread It Was Created On

Apr 2, 2010

I want to remove checked items from checklistbox (winform control) in class file method which i am calling asynchronously using deletegate. but it showing me this error message:-

Cross-thread operation not valid: Control 'checkedListBox1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.

i have tried invoke required but again got the same error. Sample code is below:


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C# - Creating A Background Thread In A WCF Service During A Call?

May 21, 2010

The following code is part of a WCF service. Will eventWatcher take up a thread in the ASP .NET thread pool, even if it is set IsBackground = true?


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C# - Creating Instances Of A Class Inside A Static PageMethod Thread Safe?

Dec 14, 2010

I am using jQuery to call PageMethods. For certain operations, the current user credentials must be validated and for other operations, I need to call other static methods. Here is some sample code:

Sample #1

public static void PostComment(string comment)
UserAuth auth = new UserAuth();
if (auth.isAuthenticated)
//Post comment here...

Sample #2

public static string GetComment(int commentId)
commentDto comment = //get comment data from the database...
string friendlyDate = ConvertFriendlyDate(comment.commentDate);
return friendlyDate + " " + comment.text;
public static string ConvertFriendlyDate(DateTime commentDate)
string friendlyDate = //call static utility method to convert date to friendly format
return friendlyDate;

Will I be safe using these kinds of operations? Am I better to drop page methods and just call a separate ASPX page for my AJAX requests?

View 4 Replies

Web Forms :: Use Thread.sleep Method For A Particular Thread?

Aug 27, 2010

I want a example of multithreading .i want to use it in a web form not on console.i am using C#.net .and how to use thread.sleep method for a particular thread.

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Architecture :: How To Manage User Messages To Avoid Hardcoding Messages

Aug 10, 2010

How to manage user messages to avoid hardcoding messages accross the web application.

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C# - Success Messages As Opposed To Model State Error Messages?

Jan 26, 2010

For error messages, validation faults etc you have


But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but without invalidating the modelstate.

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Visual Studio :: Debug A Multi Thread Program To See Local Variables Of Each Thread Using 2008

Jan 27, 2010

How can we debbug a multi-thread program to see local variables of each thread using visual studio 2008.

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Architecture :: How Can Thread Update A Variable Shared With The Main Thread

Nov 24, 2010

I'm new to threading and have used it successfully, but limited. I can spawn a thread and have the main thread reference variables in the spawned thread, but I don't know how to allow the spawned thread to reference (and update) variables in the main thread.

Any example threading code I've seen on the web appears to be WAY more complicated than what I do, so I am unable to understand or integrate into my code.

Here is a quick example of how I use threading:


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What Are The Differences Between Currently Executing .NET Thread And Win32 Thread

Mar 24, 2010

I am reading the Asp.net security documentation on msdn.I come across these tow terms and get really confused.

# WindowsIdentity = WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent()

which returns the identity of the security context of the currently executing Win32 thread.

# Thread = Thread.CurrentPrincipal

which returns the principal of the currently executing .NET thread which rides on top of the Win32 thread.

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C# - Lock Thread.sleep Not Working With .NET Thread?

Jun 25, 2010

I have a password page and when someone enters an incorrect password I want to simply foil a brute force attack by having

bool isGoodPassword = (password == expected_password);

lock (this)
if (!isGoodPassword)
I would expect that this would allow all correct passwords without stalling, but if one user enters a bad password another successful password from a different user would also be blocked. However, the lock doesn't seem to lock across ASP.NET threads.

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Web Forms :: How To Add Messages To The ValidationSummary Using C#

Feb 11, 2010

I have to customize a validation scheme for my form because required validation is only necessary if 2 other conditions are met; I have this figured out, but is there a way to add the messages to the ValidationSummary Control using C#

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Web Forms :: Messages In Model Popup?

Feb 23, 2010

I want to display some kind of messages say after user login or registred I am showing message in Label syaing "Successfully registred" "Successfully Login" like messages.

I want to display these messages in model popup when i want to display the messages to user.May be either in Lightbox.

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Web Forms :: ValidationSummary Control Messages?

Oct 20, 2010

When my validation fires on my web form, the validation summary writes out the same error message for each control that was in error
twice! I have no validation groups in my web form.Here is my html for the Validationsummary control.


<asp:ValidationSummary ID="ValidationSummary1" runat="server" DisplayMode="BulletList"
ShowMessageBox="true" ShowSummary="false" EnableClientScript="true" HeaderText="You must enter a value in the following fields:" />


A typical control is set up below as follows:


<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="RequiredFieldValidator1" ControlToValidate="HospAcctno"
ErrorMessage="Patient Info: Hosp Acct#" Text="*" runat="server" />


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Web Forms :: Validation Error Messages Not Being Removed

Aug 5, 2010

I have a form that has contact fields, billing address, and shipping address. So if i fill out my contact information ONLY and left billing and shipping address blank then hit submit, the validation for the billing address and shipping address appears. Ok no problem, there is a check in each billing and shipping fields that once click on it copies the address from contact to billing or shipping fields. Everything works except for the validation messages. They are still there. Is there a way to remove the validation message after the textboxes are populated with data?

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Web Forms :: One Validation Control For Multiple Messages?

Jan 21, 2011

Can we use one validation control to show different message for mutiple controls Suppose i am using Required Field Validator and having 5 text boxes in which value should be entered. So, can show the message on one Required Field Validator.

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Web Forms :: Retrieve Messages From Mail Server?

Feb 20, 2010

I make class that canread messages from mail server using famous way called pop3there`s simple of code that i have finished

public static string ServerReplyMessages = null;
public static List<string> MessageList = new List<string>();
public static void ConnectToServer(string MailServer, int IncomingPort, string UserName, string Password)


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Web Forms :: How To Send And Receive Instant Messages

Jun 22, 2012

C in ASP.NET using C#

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Web Forms :: Two Emails On One Button Click With Two Different Messages

Jan 20, 2013

In my feedback form I am not using any database, so I want the details of the user filling the form like Name, Email,Message which I have accomplished using the below code

MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
mail.From = new MailAddress("webquestionss@gmail.com");

[Code] ....

In the same code I want to send a "Thankyou" mail to the user, in short two emails in 1stone I will get the details of the user and in the 2nd mail user will get a mail stating "Thankyou etc".How do I modify my code to accomplish this task?

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Web Forms :: Error - Display Confirm Messages Box With Condition

Jan 11, 2011

In my page, I have to display confirm message box with some condition. It should not display always. I have written below code, but its giving errror.

"return confirm('Are you sure');",

I can't do like below code, because I am getting some value at runtime and i need to check. btnLogout.Attributes.Add("onclick","return confirm('Do you really want to log out?

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Web Forms :: To Let Users In Forum Application To Send Messages To Each Other?

Mar 28, 2011

i am building a forum application i want my application users to be able to send messages to each other and application will show some alert that they have new message. I am a beginner i have no idea how to achieve this, can anyone please guide how to get started for this.

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Web Forms :: Application Doesn't Send E-mail Messages?

Jan 25, 2011

I have this text in a file that is supposed to transmit to new registrants on my site after they successfully complete the CreateUserWizard:

Dear '<% UserName %>',

Thank you for registering with our site!

Here are your user ID and password for accessing the site:

User ID: <% UserName %>
Password: <% Password %>

I have this text in the CreateUserWizard...


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Web Forms :: Multiple Error Messages Of A Validator Next To Textbox?

Sep 30, 2010

I'm having a registration form with textboxes that have more than one validator, e.g. a requiredfieldvalidator and a comparevalidator. I want the error message to show up on the right side of the textbox, but because I use more than one error message, one of them is not neatly next to the textbox, but further away from it.

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