Web Forms :: Disable A Validator That Associates With A Disabled Textbox?

Oct 21, 2010

If a control is disabled (enabled = false), will the validator controls associated with it automatically know not to carry out validation?i have a checkbox and a textbox, if the checkbox is checked, the textbox is enabled, and has to have a value, where i used a required field validator.but if the checkbox is not checked, textbox is then disabled, however, the validator controls still seem to be trying to validate the disabled textbox.so is there a way to disable validator according to textbox's state? such as textbox.enable = true? seems like causevalidation method requires multiple button, owever i only need one...

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Range Validator Fails Because The Textbox Is Disabled?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a couple of textboxes (actually a set of pairs of textboxes) where users can either enter a value or a percentage of a value but cannot use both. So in any given time some of these textboxes are disabled depending on which option the user chose.

For the textboxes representing percentages, there is a range validator to make sure only values from 0 to 100 are entered. If user selectes to enter datanot in percentage form, the percentage textbox gets filled automatically based on the value user enters. So if the total is something like 8 and user enters 2, the corresponding percentage textbox gets filled with 25% (minus the % sign).

However, the vaidation fails as if there is nothing there, persumably because the textbox is disabled. How do I get around this?


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Web Forms :: Disable Validator For Hidden TextBox?

Apr 6, 2014

I am using required field validator for controls.In one scenario iam not showing one textbox so when I click on button validation is firing so I can I do this to not fire validation when the textbox is in hide?

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C# - Disable Textbox Required Field Validator Control?

Mar 31, 2011

I want to disable the requiredfield validator control for the textbox based on some condition of a variable

//Activate it
//disable it

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Web Forms :: Validator Disabled On Client Still Validates On Server?

Jan 21, 2011

Here's one of the validators:

<asp:RequiredFieldValidator runat="server" ID="rfvCardNumber" ControlToValidate="txtCardNumber" Display="Dynamic" ErrorMessage="Credit card account number is required">*</asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

Here is the JavaScript/JQuery that I am using to disable this control:

ValidatorEnable($("#<%=rfvCardNumber.ClientID %>")[0],false);

This code does indeed disable the client side validation, but unfortunately it does not disable server side validation. I have a way to check to see if I need to validate them or not on the server but it's a bit complex and requires duplicating some code that is used later on to calculate the total due. I use that check and disable the validators in Page_Load and sure enough the validation does not occur. to get these validators disabled on the client & server from the client side?

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C# - RequiredFieldValidator Causes Validation On Server Even If Validator Is Disabled

Mar 28, 2011

I have a user control with a label and a field. I add the user control dynamically to a page at run time. There could be many user controls which are built dynamically from data I get from the data base. The data describes the label name and if the text box should be completed.. ie is it required. I have a submit on the main page which has a validation group.All the validators on the user controls have the same validation group. So far so good I hope.

The user control has a RequiredFieldValidator for the text box and looks all like this. The validator is enabled by default.

<asp:TextBox ID="dfControl" runat="server" Text="" ToolTip="ucsAlphanumericEntryDC" Width="95%" CausesValidation="true"/>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="rfvContol" runat="server" ErrorMessage="Value is required" EnableClientScript="true"
ValidationGroup="ValidateContols" ControlToValidate="dfControl" Display="Dynamic" Enabled="true"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

When I dynamically load the control I check a parameter to tell me if the field is required or not. The paramater is from the database which represents the control that I am about to draw. If the Field NOT a required field I disable the validation in the page_preRender.. also tried it in load.

if (!DisplayRequired)
rfvContol.EnableClientScript = false;
rfvContol.Enabled = false;
dfControl.CausesValidation = false;

So far so good. This all works on the client side validation for only the user controls with the Display Required set to true, leaving the Validator enabled.however on posting page from a submit button which I have wired to the same validation group as the user controls, I check the IsValid on the submit and if its false I dont save anything. But when the page re-renders on the client.. I have error messages on all the user controls, saying that they are required... even though I disabled some of them that where not required. the View state is default on the control which I assume to be on.

I also tried not redrawing the controls with the validators, by enclosing the code in a if(!IsPostBack)

why the validators fire when they are disabled on the first page load but dont get disabled on the postback.

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Web Forms :: Disable Validator Depending On Controls Value?

Sep 29, 2010

I have been looking on the internet but don't seem to be able to find the answer. I am wondering is there a way to disable a validator on both the client and server side depending on the value of another control.

The situation is that I have a radiobutton that hides a textbox depending on the radionbuttonlist selected value . So I want to disable a validator on both server and clientside if the value selected is "N".

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Web Forms :: Enable Disable Validator Using DropDownList Selected Value

May 7, 2015

I have a dropdown list for the which values are coming from DB. There is one option name OTHER, when I select other the textbox appears. For that Textbox I have made a required field validator. Till here it works fine. But when I select any other option, still it gives me validator errors. It should not happen. It should only give me required field error when the user doesn't fills the textbox on select of OTHER option. Please see the code.

Dropdown and Textbox code:-

<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlGraduation" runat="server" CssClass="txtfld-popup_drp"></asp:DropDownList>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator CssClass="error_msg" ID="reqGraduation" runat="server" ControlToValidate="ddlGraduation"

ErrorMessage="Please select graduation details" InitialValue="--Select--" SetFocusOnError="true"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

<asp:TextBox ID="txtOther" runat="server" CssClass="txtfld-popup_p"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RequiredFieldValidator ID="reqOther" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtOther" ErrorMessage="Please specify your qualification"></asp:RequiredFieldValidator>

JS code for hiding and show the textbox when user select and deselect the OTHER option from dropdown list:-

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function pageLoad() {
$('#ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ddlGraduation').change(function () {
if ($(this).val() === "Other") {

[Code] .....

How to achieve this...

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Web Forms :: Disable Required Field Validator At Server Side?

Feb 10, 2010

my question is very simple. I had read through many post include this: http://blog.anasghanem.com/post/How-to-get-the-readonly-textbox-value-on-the-server-.aspxI have a calender extender and the date was target to a texbox. This textbox, i had set it to readonly and it is validate by a required field validator. so mean this texbox must have a value inside. my prob is, i bind the textbox to database and if data is NULL or empty i can't save it because the required field validator was validate textbox as empty value at cllient side. If i remove the required field validator everthing fine. But this is not i want. I have try to set the textbox to javascript onCopy,onPaste,onkeyup. but user also can delete and paste into the textbox.i have think to disable the requried field validtor at server side when data is inserted.

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Web Forms :: Get Value From Textbox When Viewstate Is Disabled?

Apr 29, 2010

I have a repeater which viewstate is disabled, inside i have a textbox and a submit button. Before disabling viewstate i could get the text from the textbox in the submit buttons onClick event. But now it doesnt seem to work.

I dont want to enable viewstate on the repeater as my site get really heavy then. How can I get the value form the textbox when I click the submit button? using .net 3.5

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Web Forms :: Enable Disable Required Field Validator From Server Side (Code Behind)

May 7, 2015

In my web page I have a Checkbox (datatype = tinyint/boolean) and 2 Required field validator (whose visibility is false). I want that when I check(tick) the checkbox, then required field validator visible = true, else not.For this I tried this code on Page_Load as well as on save button click, but it is not working:

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (ChkComplexPass.Checked) {
Regex4.Visible = true;
Regex.Visible = true;

[Code] .....

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Web Forms :: Textbox Server Validation If JavaScript Is Disabled?

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to make ONE thing work. The form currently have TWO Textboxes and ONE CustomValidator(connected to the first textbox). I simply want once I enter less than 4 characters in the first Textbox and tab out to the second Textbox and if Javascript is DISABLED then the server side code should stop me. I can achieve what I am trying to do if I use a button but I need to do it in the fashion I am trying decribing because if I have for example 20 textboxes on the form I want the user to see after each data entry that his validation was successful or not. Here is a sample of my code.


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Web Forms :: Textbox Contents Persist Even With Viewstate Disabled?

Jul 16, 2010

After witnessing some strange behvior I'm confused about ViewState again :/

My understanding was a textbox needed to have "EnableViewState" set to true otherwise when the you postback the fields contents would disappear.

That's not happening, I created a textbox and button and a label.

The button was set to copy contents of text box into the label when I pressed it.

I did and the text was populated into the label and remained in the textbox?

This was inside an UpdatePanel and the page itself has a MasterPage, so that might have something to do with it, but I have about 50 textboxes on this page all with viewstate=true on, so I would really like to know what controls need to have enableViewstate=true in order o function properly.

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Web Forms :: Fire OnTextChanged Event For Disabled TextBox

Jul 28, 2012

I have 10 text box in a page like txt1,txt2...etc

In text box onchange i call the javascript function

for calculating txt5 value


in javascript method,

txt5.value = parseFloat(txt1.value) + parseFloat(txt2.value) + parseFloat(txt3.value) + parseFloat(txt4.value);
text box txt5 enabled=false,autopostback is true

protected void txt5_TextChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)    {       // here based on txt5 value i getting records from database and doing some calculation and display those value in txt6,txt7

The problem is the textbox txt5 can;t post back when text change from JavaScript function.

How can I do postback when text box value bind from JavaScript function and enabled=false.

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How To Disable Validator With JavaScript

Jan 27, 2010

I want to disable a ASP.NET RequiredFieldValidator with JavaScript. Actually I'm using the following code:

function doSomething()
var myVal = document.getElementById('myValidatorClientID');
ValidatorEnable(myVal, false);

This disables the validator. But my problem is, that I'm using a ValidationSummary. And this summary shows the validation message, even if I disable the validator.

how to disable the validator in the ValidationSummary too?

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Disable Required Field Validator In Javascript?

Feb 2, 2010

I have the need to remove my custom field validators on the clientside based on certain conditions

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Web Forms :: Forms - Two Textbox Corresponding To Remaining Two Labels Should Be Disabled For User

Jan 6, 2011

Form1 is for the administrator. It has 5 fields. Field1 has a value for which the other values give details about it. This 5 fields are stored in a table. Form2 is for a user and its a data entry form. This forms has 12 fields. Each label in the form2 corresponds to the value of Field1 in form1. If suppose the admin fields 10 times the form1. The 10 labels of form2 are filled with values of field each time. The above is what I want to achieve. Also the two text box corresponding to the remaining two labels should be disabled for user.

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Disabled Textbox In IE Page

Nov 1, 2010

i m using one disabled textbox in my page .it is looking disabled in mozilla firefox but looking like a simple textbox in IE. what to do to give it a disabled look in IE also.

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Can The Textbox Be Hidden By Javascript Even Though It's Disabled

Mar 2, 2010

n a page with textbox control, lets say this textbox is disabled on server side page load.What would happen if a javascript tries to set visibility of the textbox to false ?dit:Can the textbox be hidden by javascript even though it's disabled ?

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MVC 1- Model Binding With Disabled Textbox?

Apr 16, 2010

I have a textbox that I am defining as

<%= Html.TextBox("Username", Model.Form.Username,
new { @class = "textbox", @disabled = "disabled" })%>

In my action

public ActionResult EditLogin(LoginForm post) {
return View(model);

post.Username will be blank, all other properties bind correctly, but if I change @disabled="disabled to @readonly="readonly" the username binds properly and everything works. It looks like model binding ignores values in disabled fields. Is their a way around this? I still need the field's value to bind to the model. I can use readonly but would prefer to use disabled so it is visually apparent to the user that they cannot edit the value of the field.

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Disabled Textbox / Textarea Still Active?

Feb 18, 2010

I have a multi-line textBox disabled through vb.net :

myTxtA.enabled= false

The html it outputs :

<textarea name="myTxtA" rows="10" id="myTxtA" disabled="disabled" style="width:99%;">...

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MVC :: Value Of Disabled TextBox Does Not Submited To Server?

Mar 10, 2011

why the value of disabled TextBox does not submited to server?i have text box to input date(year, day, month), and decide to inforce the user to insert date throgh datepicker jQuery control, so i have disabled the textbox, but the value does not submitted till i have remove the disable attribute(i dont want to lit the user to insert the date manually then i have to do exception handling to the wrong input.. i can not gess what he/she input)

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Web Forms :: Required Validator For Textbox And Checkbox

Mar 28, 2011

trying to set up a form where the user has to either fill out a textbox or check the check box provided. is the a way around the Required field validator as as far as i know it can only work with one item to validate. Not been doing asp for long so not sure on what other options there are.

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Web Forms :: Validator To Check If At Least One Textbox Has Been Filled?

Jan 19, 2010

i need to check , client side, if both email and phone number are empty .The textboxes are template columns of a detailview. I've added a custom validator for each textbox (one inside edit template, one inside insert template, etc . . ) each custom validator call the same javascript function . So the problem is : the custom valiator is activated only when at least a charachter is put into a textbox and i want to check if both textbox are empty .

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Disabled Each Items In Gridview According To The Textbox Text?

Dec 21, 2010

if booking closed column values is equal or more than textbox1 text then the book button in gridview will be disabled for each gridview item whose booking closed time is greater and equal to textbox1 time ..

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