Web Forms :: Dynamic Page - RegisterForEventValidation Can Only Be Called During Render()?

Mar 15, 2011

I want to create and render a dunamic page. Something like following:


But at RenderControl line, I get following Error:

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render()

Is there a way to resolve it? At many forums I found set the EnableEventValidation=false in page directive. But this is a dynamic page and has no directive. Further this property is not available when I browse mypage properties.

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: RegisterForEventValidation Can Only Be Called During Render?

Jun 21, 2010

I am having an strange issue with ASP.NET Master page. I have a dynamic resolution to an image URL

<img src='<%=ResolveUrl("~/images/Generator.gif") %>' />

Sometimes it works, most of the time it generate a crash with the following error

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please
review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.InvalidOperationException: RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();

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AJAX :: RegisterForEventValidation Can Only Be Called During Render()?

Aug 18, 2010

When i am using cascading dropdwon in my project i an getting this issue

RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();

I tried following solutionEnableEventValidation="false" but still i ma getting thisIf i comment cascading dropdwon it's working fine

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How To Render A Dynamic Page Only To A Text String To Then Be Able To Email It

May 20, 2010

Is there a way that I can create a page and master page and have some of the values dynamicly loaded thru selecting items in the querystring parameters.....

then is there a way that I can render that page only to a text string? by calling it with some querystring parameters and have it render to a string?

I guess my question is only the second part as I already know how to create a page with masterpage etc...

I also know how to create an email and snd it. I just dont know how to render the page to a string

I guess what I mean is that I want to render the page on the server in code behind and then have a text string which would be the rendered HTML in a string variable of some sort... I dont want to render the page to a users browser... in fact there would be no user at all connected (there is no need to be)What I want to do is (in a code module) load up a page created and stored in my wed app directory. I want to be able to load it from a code module and to bhe able to load it with some parametsrs and just get the rendered HTML.

I am trying to write a module which will send a HTML email to registered users and I want that HTML to be dynamicly created depending on some values in the recipient user,s profile.

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Controls :: ITextSharp - Register For EventValidation Can Only Be Called During Render

Feb 18, 2014

How to convert to pdf it is displaying error RegisterForEventValidation can only be called during Render();
 <asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server">
<ItemTemplate><br />
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("question") %>'></asp:Label><br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton1" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("answer1") %>' /><br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton2" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("answer2") %>' /><br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton3" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("answer3") %>' /><br />
<asp:RadioButton ID="RadioButton4" runat="server" Text='<%# bind("answer4") %>' />

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MVC :: 2 - Dynamic View Content - Render A Page That Will Have Multiple Radio Button Groups As Well As Multiple CheckBoxes

Aug 4, 2010

I have an application that needs to render a page that will have multiple Radio Button Groups as well as multiple CheckBoxes. The desired layout is determined by a database table.

table structure:
PackageID uniqueidentifier
PackageName string
ItemName string
RadioGroupName string
ViewControlName string

This table defines a "Package". The "Package" can contain many different "Items" that require different controls used in the View. The "RadioGroupName" field is used to mark which RadioButtons should be grouped together. The "ViewControl" field marks which control should be used on the View to display the field. The query in my repository will return a result set such as

1 / "First Package" / "Item1" / "First Group" / "RadioButton"
2 / "First Package" / "Item2" / "First Group" / "RadioButton"
3 / "First Package" / "Item3" / "First Group" / "RadioButton"
4 / "First Package" / "Item4" / null / "CheckBox"
5 / "First Package" / "Item5" / null / "CheckBox"
6 / "First Package" / "Item6" / "Second Group" / "RadioButton"
7 / "First Package" / "Item7" / "Second Group" / "RadioButton"
8 / "First Package" / "Item8" / "Second Group" / "RadioButton"

Given this result set, I need to render the view as follows:

A RadioButton group with 3 options (Item1, Item2, Item3)
A CheckBox (Item4)
A CheckBox (Item5)
A RadioButton group with 3 options (Item6, Item7, Item8)

I have read that it is possible to use "if" conditions and looping structures inside the View. I have also read that this is a bad practice. Another issue I see is knowing which Item has been selected from each RadioButton group when I hit the Controller POST function. Previously I have built a page that has a single RadioButton group. My ViewModel was as follows:


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Generation Of Buttons And A Common Event Being Called On Click?

Jun 29, 2010

i have dynamically generated buttons ....btn_Command event is not being called....cant understand the problem..this is the code below....


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Web Forms :: How To Apply The Stylesheet Of A User Control To The Page Its Getting Called From Parent Page

Jan 31, 2011

I have created one user control for changing the theme of the page where i have several buttons and on click of each button i am applying the theme of clicked buttons color and for that i have created several css files like red.css, blue.css , green.css etc.

now i want to apply this theme to the page but i am not able to do that from the user control as because i am not getting the stylesheet property in the page and thus i am not able to work further.

can anyone tell me how can i apply the theming from user control to the page its being called.?

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Web Forms :: Menu Control - Does Not Render Image On Dynamic Menu

Sep 2, 2010

I am doing a rework on one of my sites and I am attempting to use the asp:menu control.

I am using images in the static and dynamic menus. Hard coded at this point.

On my local machine it works fine but when I upload to the server, the image on the dynamci menus do not appear.

Instead I just get white space where the images should be.

Here is the code:


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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Versus Building Dynamic Page

Jan 28, 2011

Lets say I have a Web Application with a menu of products. When a user clicks a menu item, then create and display a dynamic set of controls in an Update Panel. I am currently doing this however the PostBack and recreation of controls is tedious and resource intensive.

Not sure about this but is it possible to build a webpage with controls on it, then display it in update panel or IFrame? Then on post back you wouldn't have to recreate everything all over again?

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Web Forms :: When Does The Constructor On A Page In Webpage Lifecycle Get Called

Feb 17, 2010

when does the constructor on a page in asp.net page lifecycle get called?

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Web Forms :: Base Class Page Load Not Called?

Jun 24, 2010

I have the below structure. Admin_note --> AdminBasePage --> System.Web.UI.Page.But Page_Load does not call in AdminBasePage when calling page_load in Admin_note class.Do you know how to solve??

//// One file///
namespace UI.Admin


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Web Forms :: Show Popup Over The Requesting Page When Called From Commercial App?

Jan 3, 2011

I use a commercial web application that has the ability to use web triggers in order to do additional validation prior to saving its forms. The commercial web application simply makes a request out to whatever asp, php, etc. code that you've written... and in the case of asp.net I've validated forms by pulling variables off of the page.request object and then passed back a success/fail message to the commercial app using JSON.

I would like to use asp.net to display a modal popup control when called, in order to display some options. Because I would be triggering this code from a commercial web app, I'm wondering how I can display the popup control on top of the requesting page? The code I've currently written displays a blank page with my popup control on it. Is it possible for me to display ONLY the popup control when called from another website?

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Web Forms :: Button Click Event Is Called Before Page Load?

Oct 8, 2010

I just discover why some validation is working bad on some of my forms: the button click event is being called before page load.

What I need for good is (I consider this is a normal cycle of events):

The user press a buttonSome validation occurs at client side (js function returns true if success)Some validation occurs at server sideThe page loads again showing the results
But this is what I get (BAD):

The user press a buttonSome validation occurs at client side (js function returns true if success)The page loads showing no results, because server validation hasnt happened yet Some validation occurs at server sideThe page doesn´t loads again and I cant see the results, so my client cant know what happened on the server side

This is how I tried to implement this:


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Web Forms :: Login Page To Load 9 Times Each Time The Web App Is Called?

Feb 22, 2011

Using Forms authentication, for some reason my login page is called 9 times. it causes some browsers to show "too many redirects!". Even with no javascript and nothing in the page_load event, it is called 9 times.

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Web Forms :: Required Field Validator - Called From Code Behind Page?

Nov 25, 2010

Can a required field validator be called from the code behind page?We have several check boxes and some of them require the user to enter a date, but not all of them.(This is not a checkbox list, but individual checkboxes).Any 1 of 6 different checkboxes selected makes a txtBox visible for users to enter a date.If they don't select one of these checkBoxes which require a date - it doesn't matter, the form will still be valid.I don't think validation groups can work here so looking towards doing through .vbHere's the existing code:

Sub chkBoxI_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender


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Web Forms :: Can WebMethod Created In One Content Page Be Called On Other Pages?

May 7, 2015

I want to ask that if i have 3 content pages and 1 master page , e.g.

1 - Site.master

2 - DailyLog.aspx

3 - ProjectMaker.aspx

4 - ProjectProfile.aspx

so adding this c# coding :

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Session["Name"] = "Mudassar";
Configuration config = WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("~/Web.Config");
SessionStateSection section = (SessionStateSection)config.GetSection("system.web/sessionState");
int timeout = (int)section.Timeout.TotalMinutes * 1000 * 60;

[Code] ....

to only DailyLog.aspx , is sufficient for all pages ? because i want to show alert on every page ... Or do i have to insert the above c# code in all the content pages ?

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Web Forms :: How To Render Page Fast As HTML

Apr 30, 2010

how to make asp.net page fast render as fast as HTML page, this is my main and urgent requirement,

Acctualy My page conatins lots of data, images and videos from the database, so m facing the problem in page rendring, rendring is too slow, and client requires as fast rendring as HTML, i have studied a lot and found.....

Retrive data with the help of XML creates fast page rendring mean Retrive data from database in XML and then bind all the data in page from that XML file.

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Web Forms :: Render Masterpage Layout Within A Page

Oct 16, 2010

Creating a simple CMs syetm and wish to provide the user with the ability to view the masterpage within a page. Basically want to render the masterpage and allow uses to drag a box within the contentholder areas. Similar to SiteFinity if anyone has seen that. I have had a look at other CMS systems and SiteFinity appears to be the only one doing this?

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Web Forms :: Render HTML Formatted Page To PDF In C#

Oct 29, 2012

I have to generate order page and i have implemented the html formated logic and i have populated the value in the html page as i need.

Now i need to save the resulted html page in to pdf ....

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Web Forms :: Remove Bad Code On Html Render Page

Feb 9, 2010

Im woking with aspx. And when I view source HTML I saw some code


I hate it. It's not clear and not validate. When I working with PHP or ASP, I can get a pure HTML page. But can't with ASP.NET.

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Web Forms :: Render Page To String In Separate Thread?

Feb 24, 2010

I've got a page that I'm using as an e-mail template. I'd like to spin off a new thread, take the rendered page, and put it into an e-mail. Is this possible? If so, how? I haven't had luck so far.

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Web Forms :: Modify Anchor Tag On Page.Render Event?

Jun 29, 2010

I want to get all html anchor tags on Page.Render event for adding/removing attributes

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Web Forms :: Unable To Render Pdf And Page Option Simultaneously?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a aspx.cs page that renders a pdf file directly.

To render the pdf directly i have to use ContentType="applicationpdf" in my .aspx page.

The problem I am facing now is:

I need a time-request field - namely, the user would have to enter the time (from and to) and hit Go and the pdf will be rendered according to the date-requested.

However, I cannot display the time-request (or page option) field and render the pdf simultaneously.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamic Delete LinkButton In ListView Error "Delete Can Only Be Called On A Valid Data Item"

Feb 22, 2010

I need you assistance, Dynamic Delete LinkButton with CommandName=Delete gives me an error: Delete can only be called on a valid data item. nfact I am designing a Complex Grid using .Net 3.5 ListView Control with Scrollbar and Fixed Toolbar: This grid consist of 3 Tables:

1- footer
2- Toolbar Control
3- Scrolling Data Grid with Header

ListView give us only one ItemPlaceHolder to Bind Data as per LayoutTemplate, so I cannot able to manupulate my Toolbar Controls with ItemTemplate :(, therefore I decide to use ItemDataBound to add ImageButtons Dynamically using Init Page Event and I am able to get the result as you saw above:

ImageButton with funnel icon is with CommandName="Filter"
ImageButton with magnifier icon is with CommandName="View"
ImageButton with stop icon is with CommandName="Delete"

Now I can able to handle Filter and View with OnItemCommand Event but when I click Delete button I am getting an error as shown below: The grid used CSS I am sending you the HTML and code behind to resolved this problem: HTML CODE:




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