Web Forms :: Dynamically Change Attributes - Add A Class To The Div If The Page Above Is Clicked Too
Feb 5, 2010
I have a menu generated by my cms:
<li><a href='default.aspx?pageid=2' id='link2'>rrr</a></li>
<div runat='server' id='menu2'>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=8'>rrr</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=9&siteid='>rrr</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=10&siteid='>rrr</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=11&siteid='>rrr</a>
<li><a href='default.aspx?pageid=3' id='link3'>Your Services</a></li>
<li><a href='default.aspx?pageid=4' id='link4'>rrrrrr</a></li>
<div runat='server' id='menu4'><a href='default.aspx?subpageid=1'>Single Equality Scheme</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=2&siteid='>Diversity Strands</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=3&siteid='>Equality Impact Assessments</a>
<a href='default.aspx?subpageid=4&siteid='>Quality and Safety Committee</a>
<li><a href='default.aspx?pageid=9' id='link9'>Contact Us</a></li>
I would like to change the link that has been clicked, to class="active". I would like to add a class to the div if the page above is clicked too.
If (Len(Request.QueryString("pageid")) <> 0 and Request.QueryString("pageid") = 4) Then
menu & Request.QueryString("pageid") & .Attributes.Add("class", "active")
link & Request.QueryString("pageid") & .Attributes.Add("class", "activelink")
end if
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public class TestClass
public String Str1;
public String Str2;
private String Str3;
public String Str4 { get { return Str3; } }
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<meta content="text/html; charset=utf-8" http-equiv="Content-Type" />
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private string RemoveScripts(string input)
string re1 = "(.*?"; // Non-greedy match on filler
string re2 = "(class)"; // Word 1
string re3 = "(=)"; // Any Single Character 1
string re4 = "(".*?"))"; // Double Quote String 1
string re5 = "(id)";
Regex regClass = new Regex(re1 + re2 + re3 + re4, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
Regex regID = new Regex(re1 + re5 + re3 + re4, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Singleline);
input = regClass.Replace(input, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceClassID));
input = regID.Replace(input, new MatchEvaluator(ReplaceID));
return input;
private string ReplaceClassID(Match m)
{ return ""; }
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Oct 7, 2010
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public partial class Customer
public class CustomerMetadata
public object CustomerId { get; set; }
[Required(AllowEmptyStrings = false, ErrorMessage = "Customer No. is required.")]
public object CustomerNo { get; set; }
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Mar 18, 2010
Im trying to create a "user control menu" where links to a page's usercontrols are placed at the top of the page. This will allow me to put several usercontrols on a page and allow the user to jump to that section of the page without scrolling so much. In order to do this, I put each usercontrol in a folder (usercontrols) and gave each control a Description property (<%@ Control Language="C#" Description = "Vehicles" .... %>).
My question is how can I access this description dynamically? I want to use this description as the link in my menu. So far, I have a foreach on my page that looks in the ControlCollection for a control that is of the ASP.usercontrols type. If it is I would assume that I could access its attributes and grab that description property. How can I do this? (Im also open to a better way to achieve my "user control menu", but maybe thats another question.) Should I use ((System.Web.UI.UserControl)mydynamiccontrol).Attributes.Keys?
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Mar 20, 2010
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Apr 1, 2011
I have a label, let's call it LblA. I have a SqlDataSource, let's call it sds. Now, I have selected out and managed to get specific values using the select function. I want to set LblA's text to the value selected out of sds. I need this to occur every 5 (or as many as I specify really) seconds. I orignally used a timer object, however, for any of you who have used the timer object before, it likes to refresh the page, this makes it very hard to navigate off of the page; not only that, it's sloppy. Does anybody know a way to easilly update LblA's text from sds without refreshing the actual page.
I've read around and came to the conclusion that I need to use ajax, err... jQuery. However, I really don't know anything about the two except that they are both Javascript libraries?
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