Web Forms :: Get The Value Of A Textbox In A Dynamic Web Control On Postback?

Mar 22, 2010

I have one web control in a page.

Lets say i have a web control that has one <asp:textbox id="action" text="getArticle"> and one <asp:button ...>

If i press the button, a postback will occur but will not load this web control again but it is supposed to load another web control.

How can i obtain the value of the textbox. The issue is that the web control is not loaded so findControl("action") will return null.

What is the correct approach to handle this? Should i use url parameters? Is there another way.

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Can i know that how can i get a dynamic dropdownlist controls's value after postback?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get Dynamic Textbox Control Value At Runtime?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a two buttons ( button1 and button2 ), a panel ( panel1 ), a label ( labe1 ) on my Web page ( coded with asp.net and c# ). I want to create 2 textboxs on my page when I click on button1 ( button1_click ).

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Dynamic Control And OnClick Event On PostBack?

Jan 13, 2010

I know this topic has been posted before but I'm stuck on it still.I've placed creating of dynamic control on Page_Load but the event isn't firing.On my asp page, i have <asp:PlaceHolder ID="test" runat="server/>On my code behind, I have private display method.

private void DisplayButton() {
LinkButton btn = new LinkButton();


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Forms Data Controls :: Bind Dynamic TextBox Control At Runtime?

Feb 17, 2010

I am Developing a database web applicationI am Creating web controls on page at runtime i.e in Page_Init event. No textbox are placed on .aspx page at design timeI have a datatable filled with a single record.now i want to bind a textbox (created at runtime) with a column of datatable so that when a page is loaded value in datatable's column is displayed in textbox.Other Important thing i want is when i make any changes in Textbox, It should be reflected automatically in a column to which textbox is binded. So while saving records i can save it directly from datatable. I dont want to write following tedious code before savinge.g.

DataRow mDr = Datatable.NewRow();
mDr["EmpId"] = TxtEmp.Text
mDr["EmpName"] = TxtEmpName.Text

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How To Create A Dynamic Tab Control That Doesn't Trigger A Postback

Aug 5, 2010

I want to create a dynamic, role-based tab control that doesn't trigger a postback when the user switches between tabs.

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Delete Dynamic Control (textbox And Button)

Dec 25, 2010

this is my code and i want to know how i add some code to delete dynamic control(textbox and button) when user click delete button.

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.Globalization;
public partial class _Default : System.Web.UI.Page
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsPostBack)
Session["arrayTextBox"] = null;
Session["arrayButton"] = null;
protected void CreateTextBox()
List<TextBox> arrayTextBox = new List<TextBox>();
List<Button> arrayButton = new List<Button>();
if (TextBox1.Text != "")............................

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Web Forms :: Get Value Of Dynamic Textbox In Dynamic Table With Masterpages

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How can I get those dynamic textbox values from dynamic tables? I am working with a masterpage.

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Textbox Control Don't Lose Value On Postback If Viewstate Is Disabled

Oct 23, 2010

When we disabled the viewstate in gridview its lose value but this case not true with Textbox control why?

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AJAX :: In IE8 When Asynchronous Postback Gets Fired On Textbox Control?

Jan 8, 2010

I have textbox in which pincode has to be entered and it checks with database and gets city and state from database and fills data in other 2 textbox.I have kept asynchronous postback trigger on textbox textchanged event. After reterving data from database i set focus on other textbox of STDCode.But the problem with ie7,ie8 browser is that the focus comes on control but i can't write anything in stdcode textbox untill i move to another textbox. When i come back from another textbox i can write in stdcode textbox.Problem gets occured only in IE7,Ie8 browsers only.Here is design file of that page.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<table cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%">


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Data Controls :: Add Dynamic Rows With TextBox And DropDownList In GridView Control

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Web Forms :: PostBack With Many Dynamic Controls?

Jan 25, 2011

I have an ASP.Net Application that in some cases will create up to 100 or so dynamic controls that have events being triggered from CodeDom Assembly. The problem is when at an event is fired off I have to Re-Create all those controls on a PostBack. With 10 to 30 controls its not so bad but with 100 it takes approx 3 to 4 seconds before the user can resume filling out the rest of the controls.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Textboxes Not Available After Postback?

Aug 5, 2010

I'm creating multiple textboxes dynamically bases on different criterias, after that every time any control is posting back to the server,

i need to regenerate all the dynamic fields.

What should i do to make the controls stay once added to the form even if a post back occurs.

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Textbox Always Trigger Postback Event With Autopostback - Stop Postback By Enter Key?

Jun 8, 2010

I have 2 textboxes and a submit button inside a .net composite server control. I tried to only postback when submit button is clicked. I set autopostback = false for both textboxes. But either one still trigger submit button's onclick event by hitting "Enter" inside textbox. How can I stop postback by enter key?

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Web Forms :: How To Hold Dynamic Controls On Postback

Mar 15, 2010

I'm trying to create a page that will display a survey that has multiple pages... everything displays fine, but I'm doing something wrong on the timing as my dynamic controls (for the answers) are disappearing when I post back. (so I can't get the answers or perform validation)

1) I have a Repeater control on my page that is populated in Page_Load !IsPosBack that is acting as navigation. It displays each page name, and each Repeater Item contains a LinkButton whose OnCommand event does:

2) There is a second Repeater on the page that is populated with Questions corresponding to the selected Page (from the step above) This is just a DataTable created and then DataBound to the Repeater.

3) The Questions Repeater control has an OnItemCreated event that dynamically generates the proper control for the Answer (TextBox, DropDownList, RadioButtonList, etc...) and places that control in a Placeholder in the Repeater Item.

This all works for displaying, but when I attempt to click a Button, I cannot access the controls generated in step three, and all of those controls disappear from the Repeater.

I have tried creating databinding the Questions repeater in Page_Init as well as dynamically creating the answer controls in a (foreach RepeaterItem...) statement as opposed to OnRepeaterItemDataBound... but now my buttons (located in the FooterTemplate) refuse to post back at all...

added a Test button for postback, but that doesn't work either.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Menu Repopulate After Postback?

Oct 29, 2010


Dynamic Menu repopulate after postback?

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Auto Postback (asp:radioButtons)?

Jan 11, 2011

I'm inserting controls dynamicaly on my page on pre-init, thease controls are inserting based on a dropDownList that load its values from a database. These values are diferent to all clients.

If I insert my controls on pre-init then I have access to the value of radiobuttons, but this insert only 1 controls cause in pre render I don't have the selected value of dropDown.

If I insert my controls on on-load event then I have the value of my dropDownList control so I can be able to inser the correct number o controls but I don't have the value of my auto-postback radioButtons.

I make a project to solve this and I share the code of it here. (VB.Net 4.0)

Front Code:


View 7 Replies

Data Controls :: Binding Data To Dynamic GridView Control With Textbox And Dropdown Using Dataset

Apr 27, 2016

I want to bind data from database to Dynamic Grid-view Control with textbox and dropdown using dataset.

I have successfully inserted data to database using this code but now i want to fetch inserted data to same grud view control. i have tried following code. but not getting ans.

string ID = 101;
foreach (GridViewRow row in Gridview2.Rows) {
string str1 = "Select * from VendorInvoiceDetails where Invoice_ID='" + ID + "'";
DataSet ds1 = GEN.GetDataByQuery(str1);

[Code] ....

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Assign Full File Path Of FileUpload In Textbox Control Back To FileUpload On Postback?

Oct 14, 2010

I have a FileUpload control in an UpdatePanel and when user select a file, the full file path will will be stored in a hiddenfield, and during postback, i would like to assign the full file path in the hiddenfield back to the FileUpload control textbox, possible to achieve that?

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Web Forms :: Persisting CommandArgument After Re-Creating Dynamic Button On PostBack?

Mar 14, 2011

I need some high-level advice on how to deal with this issue. I want to have dynamically created buttons, each with a different CommandArgument, that call an OnCommand event when clicked. Given that these are dynamic buttons, I have to re-create them in Page_Load after the postback. However, when I re-create the buttons, the orginal command arguments are lost, and the arguments generated after the postback are only valid.As you'd expect, if I don't recreate the buttons, the event handler is never called because the buttons don't exist.My question is, how can I retrieve those original commandarguments, without the use of sessions.

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Web Forms :: Dynamic LinkButton Creating DIVs Getting Removed After PostBack

May 24, 2013

I have created Dynamic LinkButtons. Each of which has a click event and some particular output, Its working fine this way. E.g.  

when i clicked ASPsnippets message is "Hi asp snippet"

when i clicked Google message is ""Hi Google"


"Hi asp snippet" is removed when iclick GooglE

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Web Forms :: Dynamic Controls Creation / Rendering Based On Postback Values

Nov 8, 2010

I had successfully created a functionality where I can dynamically add rows and columns to a asp table by creating/re-creating controls on every page load.

I have 2 buttons - Add rows and Add columns that, basically according to a asp.,net page life cycle, occur in the following order and work perfectly fine.

Page load is fired and controls along with their viewstate are recreated. In Add row button click event - I just create a new table row and add controls to each cell dynamically.

Same thing with Add column, Delete Row and Delete Column button click events.

However, now I added a Dropdown which when its index is changed needs to retrieve values from the database and create controls based on those values and then also bind the Db values.

But it doesn't work correctly since the asp.net page cycle cannot capture the dropdown's selected value in page_load as the page_load fired first and then the selectedindexchanged event is fired later, the controls are not created.

I don't know how to handle this scenario and incorporate it into my existing code.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView W/ Dynamic BoundFields Disappears On Postback In IE Only?

May 4, 2010

have an ASP.net 4.0 page containing a GridView, where during the Page_Init event I'm dynamically adding BoundField columns to the gridview. I also have some custom sorting and paging methods that I use with this gridview, which result in postbacks on the page. In Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera the gridview behaves as expected. HOWEVER, in IE 6, 7, or 8 when I click to sort a column in the gridview, or go to the next page of results in the gridview, it does not bind on postback, returning nothing back to the browser. Again, in anything but Internet Explorer, paging and sorting (frankly any postback event) brings back the gridview in its expected state. I only have the problem in IE. Relevant snippets of my code follow, where you'll see my Page_Init event calling a method in my WebFunctions class to add the BoundField columns for the table I pass to it, and my Page_Load event that calls the method in the user control responsible for binding my dataset to the gridview. Initial page load works in all browsers, but postback loading of the gridview only works in non-IE browsers.


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Web Forms :: Can't Find Dynamic Button's Postback In Page.request.form

Oct 8, 2010

I know that dynamic buttons and buttons in general don't use a typical postback and they post through the page.request.form. Okay, so in visual studio, I was able to determine that page.Request.form and in the all-keys property, i SEE my button there. It is the last item in all-keys.

When I am clicking this dynamic button which is in an updatepanel, the script below does not detect it as a button, it is still showing it as null:

public static Control GetPostBackControl(Page page)
Control control = null;


but here is the kicker, when I am traversing through the object, I am looking at the object C and the property 'ctl'. The ctl is showing me a value of "ButtonRow_0Col0" and it is of type string. This is good! But , the 'c' control object still says 'null'.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView TemplateField Vanishes On Second Postback With Some Dynamic Content?

Dec 23, 2010

(Example code below)

I have a GridView. It has a 'static' TemplateField (in the .aspx page). I add and remove BoundFields to it depending on user preferences on postback. Affter the second postback, the template field appears empty.

Here is a stripped down mockup of what I'm doing. You can click the "Regular Postback" button as much as you want, and nothing bad happens. But if you click the "Recreate" button once-- it's all ok. Click it again, and the "one" column goes on Christmas break.

So is there something else I should be doing, or is this going to be a "halcyon1234 to code interface" error.


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