Web Forms :: Getting Route Data For .ascx Codebehind?

Mar 12, 2011


works okey in aspx codebehind. However, how can I get the same parameter value from an ascx file codebehind.

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Control Within Ascx Is Null When Ascx Is Added From Codebehind?

Apr 14, 2010

I am having difficulties how to construct my question, but if I have to put it simply the situation is that I have categories of products. I have an aspx with a repeater on the left that lists the categories. And I want the products to be listed on the right. Category number is variable so I made an ascx with a DataList in it. When I try to do foreach category, ascx = new ascx(); then the DataList within this ascx control is null.

ps: what I want to do is to preload all the products (thre is not much) and hide the divs and fadein fadeout them using jQuery when a category div is clicked.

rightnow it is using jQuery.load(); and I don't like how the images load, cuz they download from top to bottom. Progressive gifs alsdo not an option. site demo is here [URL]

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MVC :: Does Not Find CodeBehind "File WorkitemAction.ascx.cs Was Not Found"

Jan 13, 2010


Plus this
work, but not this
plus this

The error message is: "File WorkitemAction.ascx.cs was not found".I swear that the file is there. It is visible in the solution explorer as a subnode to WorkitemAction.ascx plus the WorkitemAction.ascx.designer.cs

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MVC :: Webforms Route / Implementing Route In Global.asax

Mar 13, 2011

I tried to mix asp.net 4 webfrom and ASp.Net MVC 3. I add required lines in webconfig, but I've issues implementing route in global.asax

Currently I use several routes for webfroms. routs template are like below

routes.MapPageRoute("Node", _
"article/sport/{nID}/", _

I encounter error, when I add below lines to global.asax

routes.MapRoute( _
"Defaultss", _
"{controller}/{action}/{id}", _
New With {.controller = "Home", .action = "Index", .id = UrlParameter.Optional} _

I want to know how could I mix ASp.Net MVC routes with webforms routes.

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MVC :: A Route Named 'Admin_default' Is Already In The Route Collection?

Mar 9, 2010

when i run the app i got this error

A route named 'Admin_default' is already in the route collection. Route names must be unique.
Parameter name: name

this is my AdminAreaRegistration


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MVC :: How To Encapsulate Logic In Ascx Partial View With The Same Efficiency Of Webforms Ascx

Aug 10, 2010

I have to build a few ascx partial views in my MVC applications to encapsulate re-usable functionalities as well as archive SOR and SOC. However, I encountered challenge how to encapsulate the business logic that drives MVC ascx views.In webforms, the code behind of an ASCX control can handle a button click event and browser still shows the same page with only one postback. How can I archive the same thing in MVC? When ~/Address/Edit/2 includes an ascx partial view with a button on it that calls another MVC action - let's say ~/ShareController/CommonAction - what is the best way for the CmmonAction to return to the very same view that includes the ascx file?Perhaps I am missing a common pattern in MVC web development?

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Route Constraints And Empty Route?

Sep 24, 2010

I have a url that I want to map routing to:


where tabvalue is one of: "personal", "professional", "values" or nothing.

I want to map it to a route like:


But my problem is - I don't know how to specify such constraints. I'm trying this regex:


but it only works when I use url



and doesn't work for


how to specify the correct constraint?

P.S. I'm not using MVC, just asp.net WebForms

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Web Forms :: Can Access The Route Data From The Destination Page

Sep 8, 2010

Looking at the asp.net v4 URL Routing it's easy to see how to access routing data from basically anywhere in the app.

Via: Page.RouteData.Values["blah"]

Unfortuantely the Route data always is blank by the time i hit the page on my v 3.5 implementation of routing. I was wondering if there was any way to either pass the route values to the final page so i can use them there - i really don't want additional logic in my handler file and i have loads of Routes and don't want many RouteHandlers.

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Many Ascx-to-one Ascx.cs Error In VS2008?

Mar 16, 2010

I'm developing second language support for the site. So I made duplicate .ascx and .aspx files for existing ascx.cs and aspx.cs

Most of the time everything works fine.. but suddenly I'm getting:

Type 'ctrl_car' exists both in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_xdmblegv.dll', and in 'c:WindowsMicrosoft.NETFrameworkv2.0.50727Temporary ASP.NET Files
zhdengined072cc729d5698bApp_Web_gkptrzo2.dll' (translated from russian)
ctrl_car ctrl = (ctrl_car) LoadControl("car.ascx");

I have few such strings of code... and same error occurs with one of them. But WITHOUT any changes from me with those files. To fix thaat bug for some time I need to delete solution and website folder and reget them from SS. Solution was converted from vs2005.

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Forms Data Controls :: Access To BasePage From Ascx?

May 6, 2010

I have a basepage class which holds a bunch of properties, and specifically a context reference to entityframework

I have a standard .aspx page that inherits from the base page like so

public partial class myinterviews : BasePage

I have a standalone .ascx page, it has a grid and a datasource. This .ascx page is apart of the .aspx page that inherits from the base page. How can I reference the methods, properties from the base page from within my .ascx page?

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Web Forms :: How To Inherit .ascx Page To Another .ascx Page

Sep 16, 2010

i have made a BaseUserControl.ascx and a ChildUserControl.ascxfile. both have its own code behind file.So what i want, i wanted to inharit ChildUserControl.ascx fileto BaseUserControl.ascx. so whatever in my BaseUserControl.ascx fileshould be visible into the ChildUserControl.ascx,means if i have kept a TextBox in BaseUserControl.ascx should be visibleinto the ChildUserControl.ascx desing view. and it should be accessible into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file.

1) Is this possible, if yes then how?

2) if above is possible then How to access BaseUserControl.ascx code behind file into the ChildUserControl.ascx code behind file?

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C# - MVC 3 Custom Route Handler - Skip To Next Custom Route Rule?

Mar 14, 2011

Was looking at asp.net mvc complex routing for tree path as an example of how to define a custom route handler for my MVC app. Essentially, I want to give the end user ultimate flexibility in defining the URL for any given page, so I provide them with a field in the interface to specify their own custom URL.

My custom route handler is basically a wild-card handler. It will do a lookup and if it finds a match, map it accordingly. However, if no match is found, I want it to fall back and find the next rule that matches in the global.asax. Is that possible? Or do I essentially need to code the mappings that used to exist in my global.asax into my custom route handler?

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Forms Data Controls :: Pass Value From Aspx To Ascx Textbox?

Oct 18, 2010

From an ascx page, I click a link that opens a popup aspx page(child). That aspx page has a gridview with hyperklinks. When I click on one of the hyperlinks of my gridview, I want to pass the value in that cell to a textbox located on my ascx page(parent). I try using javascript , but I can't get it to work. here is my javascript code and the gridview code:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function post_value(str) {
window.opener.document.getElementById('textbox1').value = str;


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Web Forms :: Loading Dynamic Ascx Controls And Passing Data To It?

Dec 3, 2010

I am loading dynamic ascx controls into a placeholder using:

Control control = LoadControl([controlpath]);


I need to pass the data to its public properties.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pager Not Working In .ascx Page With Listview

Jun 27, 2010

I have a user control with a listview and a pager. The pager doesn't seem to page, it just reloads the same page. I have 4 dropdowns on the page that a user select from, they then click a button to fill the listview with data. I use a method in a class to pull the data like so

this.ListView1.DataSource = DB.GetResults(

Do I need to rebind the listview somewhere?

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Web Forms :: Pass Data From A Page To ASCX User Controls Loaded Dynamically?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm developing an ASP.NET application with C# and Ajax.I have a page that holds user controls loaded dynamically. I need to pass some data (integer values and some strings) to the user control that has been loaded dynamically.Now I use Session to pass these values, but I think I can use another way; something like VIEWSTATE or hidden input.What do you recommend me?The fact that I load the controls dynamically is important because controls are loaded on every postback, and I can't store any value on controls.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add JavaScript To Grid Custom Column In Ascx Page

Nov 11, 2010

I am getting required functionality when I am adding javascript to grid column in aspx page. but i am not getting the same functionality when l am loading ascx page in my aspx page.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Gridview Usercontrol (Ascx) And Sql Pass To Aspx Page

Nov 10, 2010

how to use gridview usercontrol (Ascx) and sql pass to aspx page

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Fill User Control (.ascx) (Dropdown From Database)

Oct 13, 2010

i am created a user control(.ascx)

<span><asp:DropDownList ID="Drop_DocType" runat="server" DataTextField="DOCTYPE"DataValueField="DOCTYPE"/></span>

how to fill it rom database and where i put soure code

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Table From Codebehind With Database Data

Jun 23, 2010

So im building a table from codebehind that plops data into each cell like so -


This just doesnt work, i was wondering if there was something else i could try to get this working....

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Forms Data Controls :: Getting Data From Gridview To Codebehind When Using Itemtemplate?

Feb 3, 2011


This is my gridview with an item template, I have NO boundColumns.TO get data to codebehind I use Eval(" <Field name >"), but this returns something to a control. Not making data available for codebehind code for general use.

Question: As I have no boundcolumns I dont know how to get data to codebehind to to use as I wish??

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add A Div With InnerHTML From Codebehind

Apr 22, 2010

I know I can use a code like this:


To create a DIV in my body but how do I then add innerHTML to this control? Or can I directly add an Label to the newly created control and set tag ones text?

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Forms Data Controls :: Get The Value From A DataField In The Codebehind?

Nov 17, 2010

search for a item, display the results in a datagrid, have a LinkButton (per item in the datagrid) to show a popup modal and insert this data to a new table. I have the search, the datagrid, and popup modal all working. I need help with the add button in the popup modal (which insert into a new table in the db). In my datagrid im using DataFields - how would I get access to this in the codebehind so I dont have to re-query the db again for the ID that i'm trying to insert?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set UpdateParameter In Codebehind?

Jan 19, 2011

I have gridview and sqlDataSource. In edit mode, if the user checks closed checkbox closeDate parameter is set to today and appears in a label near to checkbox. So, I need to control isClosed checkbox and then if it is true closeDate=GETDATE()


Only CloseDate parameter need to be set in codebehind, other parameters handled in gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Doing In Codebehind?

Jul 12, 2010

I have multiple questions about doing gridview in code behind.I used this code to fill my gridview at runtime.


My questions are:1. How to edit the column headers? When I bind the database to my gridview, obviously, the column headers of the database will be binded. For example "First_Name", I want to edit the column so I can omit the underscore.2. How to edit the column width?

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