How to display the number of days in textbox when the month is selected in the dropdown list,,,for example if i select the month december ,after selection i want to display 31days in the textbox how ?
I want to know that how can i sum All values from same months to a single month. Like all Jan. values should be summed as 'Jan' and all feb. values should be summed as 'Feb'. I am using below query to only get the current year's values
i want the daate ie the 1st to the end of month when page is loaded i get the current months 01/06/2012 - 30/06/2012 but i want it on dropdown changed
i mean whever the user selcts in dropdown for month & year i want the period for the same
I have calendar in asp net 1.1 , I just wonder can I customer controll the change on the month , can I use the drop drown month to change the month in calendar ?
I am new to this platform . I tried to use calendar control but by default it shows present month date along with previous month and next month dates. "How to Prevent the display of other month dates" ..I mean i wish to display only the dates of the month which i have selected..
I have a standard calendar control and is now showing Nov 2010 calendar on page.
I want it return to label1.text as Nov-2010. Then I want when users click forward arrow and turn Calendar to Dec 2010, I want Dec-2010 be displayed in label1.text. ie not when user click a particular date but when user click Calendar to a particular month the Calendar is showing.
I have 2 web control calendars on a web page where I allow the user to select a startDate (WebControlStartDate) and endDate WebControlEndDate. Then the user can click the "Refresh" button to update the report that is displayed.
I am able to successfully store both the startDate and endDate value in a session variable and after the user clicks the Refresh button then both the StartDate and EndDates are chosend on the start and EndDate calendars.
However, both the StartDate and EndDate calendars are defaulting to the current month, meaning even if I select a previous month after refresh I will have to click back to a previous month in order to see the selected Day. After clicking refresh I want both month displays on the web control calendars to disply the months that were selected.
To summarize: each calendar is selecting the correct dates I just want the pageLoad to display each selected Month after the user clicks the Refresh button.
How to extract Month from Date and then displaying the date using that extracted month??
I want to display dates according to Month. I have only "Date" column in database table.
I used below queries but it is not working:
string query= "SELECT EXTRACT(MONTH FROM date) AS Month FROM HolidayTable"; DataSet ds = new DataSet(query) int month = Convert.ToInt32(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0][0]); and string query2 = "select date from HolidayTable where date= '" + month + "' ";
As normal when page load, it display a calendar with current month.
Is it possible, on page load to display Next Month calendar, instead of current month? After page load as usual, I need to navigate to previous months, next month and all, like normal calender. Only thing is to display Next month instead of current month on page load.
I tried this code
Calendar1.TodaysDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(1)
But it’s not displaying the Next Month calendar instead of current month.
I need to write a query to populate a gridview with minimum rates in ascending order for a month from three tables.For example i have three tables A,B,C as follows
TABLE A TABLE B TABLE C Id id id Quote_no Quote_no Quote_ no Name Rate1 Equip_name Rate2 E_rate Date R1_rate R2_rate Date
Now if the data is as follows
I need to get the Name from Table A ,minimum Rate1 and Rate2 values for a month in a dropdownlist from date field from Table B and the corresponding minimum rate(E_rate) for Equipment E1 and E2 only from Table C for the month in ascending order group by Name.
id Quote_no Name 1 101 XYZ
2 102 ABC TABLE B id Quote_no Rate1 Rate2 Date
1 101 105 200 12/11/2010
2 102 90 210 15/11/2010
TABLE C id Quote_no Equip_name E_rate R1_rate R2_Rate Date
I would rather specify fields in my code behind than embedding them in the .aspx page.
I also have a subtotal label control in my repeater that I would like to populate its text property by mutiplying two of the database values e.g productprice * unitprice shown in my repeater.
I need to do this in code behind, looping through the repeater. Any idea of how I can do this in C#?
I wanted to know if we can pass values from Parent page (in this case from Default.aspx page) to the user control and maintain those values on subsequent "Add/Load" of user control.
So in short, if I click the "Add" button it loads my "webusercontrol" and also I am able to pass my default.aspx dropdownlist value to this dynamically loaded user control and assign it to a "Label or Textbox" which resides in my "webusercontrol", now the problem is that the value doesn't persists! What I meant is , when I click "Add" button again the "webusercontrol" gets loaded again perfectly but now all my "Label's" in webusercontrol has the new selected value from the default.aspx dropdownlist.
So say for instance I have a Dropdownlist in Default.aspx page with Values "Apple, BlackBerry, Nokia" and initial value to be passed is "Apple", I click the "Add" button, now my "Label" inside webusercontrol has the value "Apple", perfect! Next when I click "Add" button again and select a different value to be passed this time say "BlackBerry" now I have 2 webusercontrol loaded on the page, so that means I have 2 "Labels" with different ID's, but now my first Label initially had the value "Apple" because that's what I had passed and now when I passed the value "Blackberry" both the labels of my webusercontrol has the value "BlackBerry" instead of one being "Apple" and another "BlackBerry"
Is there a way to resolve this issue? may be Dictionary List?
When I run my page and select a month with the small arrows, I get the year view instead. It looks like the width of the year is too wide and overlapping the arrows as the year is still highlighted when I hover over the arrows.It may be that theres some css styling thats overriding somewhere but how can I set the width of the year section.
Assuming I enter into TextBox txtReleaseDate a date in format month/day/year, then upon clicking an Update or Insert button, a CompareValidator control complains that date format is not valid. But if I enter date in format day/month/year, then object data source throws an exception Cannot convert value of parameter 'releaseDate' from 'System.String' to 'System.DateTime', while CompareValidator doesn't complain. I need the two controls to accept the same date format, so:
a) Since my DB stores date in format day/month/year, the best option would be for ODS to also accept this as valid date format. Can ODS be configured that way?
b)Can CompareValidator be configured to also accept month/day/year format?