Web Forms :: How To Put Opacity On ImageButton

Jan 18, 2011

I have an ImageButton with an image put to it.

I wonder if it is possible to put opacity for example 50% to this ImageButton in any way?


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Web Forms :: Div Background Opacity Without Content Opacity?

May 21, 2010

i have 3 div .


when i confirm opacity for div2 it so contain for div3

but i wana to make opacity just for div2 not for div3

how i can make opacity just for parent layer background ?

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Web Forms :: How To Fade Images Using Opacity

Apr 6, 2010

I have thought about using the opacity method to "fade" images into eachother as this method is supported by I think all browsers. Though I have never used the method before and I know this should be done in the javascript.

In this case I have 3 images so it should loop from Pic1 to Pic2 to Pic3 to Pic1 and so on but am not sure how to start out this. I will be happy for some idéas.


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Can Change The Opacity Of A Div Programatically

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I have a div with an id of "test" and runat="server"

Can I change the opacity of this div in the code behind, and if so how?

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AJAX :: Cover Background Colour Black To Opacity 'white' In Updatepanelanimationextender?

Jul 30, 2010

notice that the FadeOut in updatepanelanimationextender gives opacity that produces a 'transparent' white on the gridview


what trying to achieve is to make a black fadeout opacity 0.5 cover the whole gridview OnUpdating.

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AJAX :: ModalBackground - Opacity On Large Page Turning Screen Solid?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a problem with Opacity in my project - it turns the screen a solid colour instead of see-thru.

I am displaying a rotating wheel in a panel and using modalpopupextender.

1) Only happens in IE8

2) Only happens when there is a lot of data displayed on screen (i.e Datagrid displaying a lot of records).


Example of my issue:

I have a screen with a Tab Control with 3 tabs.

Tab 2 and 3 contain a small amount of data on the grid (10 to 20 records), Tab 1 contains 1000+ records.

All this is within an Update Panel - the tabcontrol have AutoPostback set to on.

Now if I click tab 2 -> tab 3 -> tab 2 -> tab 3 etc then the progress show correctly with an opaque screen.

If I click Tab 1 the pop displays but the screen is a solid colour. If I try Tab 2 or 3 again the screen stays a solid colour.

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AJAX :: How To Make An Opacity Panel Over Other Panel

Feb 9, 2011

How to Make an Opacity Panel Over Other Panel has Pictures

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Web Forms :: ImageButton Does Not Fire?

Sep 8, 2010

I have the following image button:

<asp:ImageButton ID="submit" EnableViewState="true"
ImageUrl="/images/btn_submit.png" AlternateText="Submit" CssClass="f-right"
runat="server" onclick="submit_Click"></asp:ImageButton>

The event is fired in Firefox but not in IE*.

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Web Forms :: ImageButton OnClick - Get Information?

Sep 18, 2010

I created an image button called "pic1" with the OnClick feature. When clicked it runs "btnClicked". In the sub "btnClick", how would I get information? One example is to get the button tooltip. I tried this: request.form.item("pic1.tooltip"). That did not work.

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Web Forms :: Imagebutton.CssClass In VB.NET Not Working

Feb 3, 2010

I have a multiview, with constant back and next imagebuttons, that are positioned and characterized by an external css style sheet. One of my views however are of different widths from the others so this view needs to have the buttons positioned accordingly. I am trying to do this in my pagebehind VB.NET code with Visual Studio 2008 3.5, of assigned similar Imagebutton.CssClass = "~/css/classname" where classname is the name of the class I wish to set dynamically to the buttons.

Public Sub FwdDetermineMultiView()
If mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 0 Then
mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 1
ibtnPersonalInfoBack.Visible = True
ElseIf mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 1 Then
mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 2
ibtnPersonalInfoBack.CssClass = "~/css/mvPanelNavbtnLeft1245"
ElseIf mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 2 Then
ICategories.CategoryList = CountChecks(lbCategories)
If atLeastOneRowSelected() = True Then
ICategories.Category = GetCategoryNames(ICategories.CategoryList)
Session("Categories") = ICategories
mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 3
MsgBox("You must assign at least one category", MsgBoxStyle.Exclamation, Wrn)
mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 2
End If
ElseIf mvAddReferral.ActiveViewIndex = 3 Then
End If
End Sub

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Web Forms :: Using The RenderControl Method With An ImageButton

Oct 1, 2010

I am trying to find out what html is generated when a control is rendered. For most controls, the following worked fine: Dim tempbuilder As New System.Text.StringBuilder() Dim tempwriter As New

System.Web.UI.HtmlTextWriter(New System.IO.StringWriter(tempbuilder))
Dim generatedhtml as String Me.imgImage.RenderControl(tempwriter) generatedhtml = tempbuilder.ToString()

However, when I tried doing it with an ImageButton, I recieved the following error: Control 'ctl00_cphExampleContent_imgButton' of type 'ImageButton' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server. What can I do to avoid this?

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Web Forms :: How Tostop An ImageButton Postback

Jul 15, 2010

My message application has high and low priorities ImageButtons on it. By default the message is low priority.

Question how do stop a postback for an ImageButton? Or can you, onclientclick does not work.

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Web Forms :: Postback Isn't Working In Imagebutton

Jan 26, 2010

why the postback isnt working in the following code. The code is within a datalist.

<asp:ImageButton ID="ImageButton1" runat="server" ImageUrl='<%# Eval("ImagePath", "~/members-images/{0}") %>' PostBackUrl='<%# Eval("ID", "~/members/users-profile.aspx?UserID={0}") %>' width="160px" />

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Web Forms :: Click Twice The Imagebutton To Fire?

Feb 1, 2011

click twice the imagebutton to fire?


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MVC :: Replicate The Web Forms ImageButton Control?

Apr 8, 2010

I need to replicate the Web Forms ImageButton control in my MVC app and I have read about Html.SubmitImage. However, this helper method is not appearing in my list of options in Intellisense. Here is my code :

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Web Forms :: Assign A Byte[] To A ImageButton?

Nov 22, 2010

Is there a way to assign a byte[] as Image to a ImageButton?Currently i'm using the Aspx:BinaryImage which allows me to assign a byte[] as Image.Problem is that the BinaryImage does not support a onClick event.

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Web Forms :: Open New Browserwindow With ImageButton?

Mar 9, 2010

I am using an Imagebutton to open a webpage. This code works but what I wonder is if it is possible to have a new browserwindow opened with yahoo.com instead of

that the current browser is entering yahoo.com ?


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VS 2005 - ImageButton Not Firing On Some Forms?

Oct 5, 2011

I have a ImageButton on a master page and a text box. Basically I set the default button to my image button and in the master page I have the following code:-

Protected Sub butSearch_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.ImageClickEventArgs) Handles butSearch.Click
If txtSearch.Text <> "" Then
Session("SearchFor") = txtSearch.Text
Response.Redirect("~/Search.aspx", True)
End If
End Sub

When I click on a menu button which has its navigateurl set it works but if I select a different button which loads another content page it does not.

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Web Forms :: Set Anchor Link For Imagebutton

Apr 29, 2012

I have image button in my page i want when user click on image button it go to the bottom of the page 

i know this code 

1. The link which when clicked will goto bottom
<a href = "#bottom">Goto bottom</a>

2. The link to be placed at bottom of page
<a name = "bottom"></a>

but i have an imagebutton i want for imagebutton do that.

how i can do it?

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Web Forms :: ImageButton Click Event Is Not Fire?

Mar 7, 2010

I try to add a new ImageButton to my panel in a dynamic way -when the user click on button in the page.When i create the ImageButton i register to the click event.when the page load - i can to see the ImageButton but when i click on him is not fire the event.



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Web Forms :: ImageButton Click Event Not Working?

Oct 5, 2010

I know this question has been asked before. But for some reason I can't find the exact answer I need for my problem. My problem is as follows:

I am creating a web page (The one posted is just an easy example) that creates multiple ImageButtons on one page via a loop.I have tried many other ways (for example, create instance in form_load and pass to the WriteHtml() method) but I can't figure out a way to complete this. In this example I have 10 buttons that need to be able to be clicked.

The code is as follows:


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Web Forms :: Imagebutton Fails To Fire On First Click?

Mar 16, 2011

The image button below does not respond the first time I click it -

note - it is rendered visible programatiocally before use.


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Web Forms :: ImageButton Event Being Miss Fired?

Apr 30, 2010

ImageButton event being miss fired?

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Web Forms :: Open Imagebutton's Postback Url In New Window?

Nov 19, 2010

how will open an image in new window from imagebutton' s postbackurl on onclick of image..

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