AJAX :: ModalBackground - Opacity On Large Page Turning Screen Solid?

Sep 14, 2010

I have a problem with Opacity in my project - it turns the screen a solid colour instead of see-thru.

I am displaying a rotating wheel in a panel and using modalpopupextender.

1) Only happens in IE8

2) Only happens when there is a lot of data displayed on screen (i.e Datagrid displaying a lot of records).


Example of my issue:

I have a screen with a Tab Control with 3 tabs.

Tab 2 and 3 contain a small amount of data on the grid (10 to 20 records), Tab 1 contains 1000+ records.

All this is within an Update Panel - the tabcontrol have AutoPostback set to on.

Now if I click tab 2 -> tab 3 -> tab 2 -> tab 3 etc then the progress show correctly with an opaque screen.

If I click Tab 1 the pop displays but the screen is a solid colour. If I try Tab 2 or 3 again the screen stays a solid colour.

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Sep 24, 2010

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// GET: / [code]......

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VS 2010 Line Breaks Are Not Appearing (only Get A Solid Paragraph)

Jun 8, 2010

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<p id="body" runat="server"></p>

The problem I am having is:

1) line breaks are not appearing (I only get a solid paragraph)
2) the ' marks are not showing up.

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Dim lblBody As HtmlContainerControl = CType(editplaceholder.FindControl("body"), HtmlContainerControl)
lblBody.InnerText = NullTest(dsarticle.Tables("selectedArticle").Rows(currentrow).Item("Article_body"))

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visual studio 3.5 sp1


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Apr 29, 2010

I have question regarding printer option page which pop up when i click on print button on crystalreportviewer and when i click okay on that pop up page it displays print preview of the report.

Is there any way to skip that pop up window(Printer Option) and just display (PDF)print preview screen instead?

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I have tried following code but i am getting error:

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


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So, the pseudocode for a trigger done programically—so you do something when somebody clicks a button Button1 would be-- after you set up a ScriptManager, UpdatePanel and suitable ASync PostBack triggers in XAML (as per the above links) so that the Ticks event is triggered in the UpdatePanel:

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bool myTriggeringBoolean; //used to turn off and on code in the Timer's Tick event [code]....

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<h2>University Newsletters</h2>

<asp:ListView class="lvUniversity" EnableViewState="true" ItemPlaceholderID="plcItem" DataSourceID="odsNewsletterUni"[code]...

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<td onclick="<%:Html.ActionLink("", "Index", new {id=item.user_id}) %>">

I'm using MVC 2

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Feb 5, 2010

I added a button on my website and tried to use confirmbuttonextender. I inserted it and enabled it on the button but when I run the application and click the button, the page just posts back, no pop up message or anything comes up. What would cause this? I don't get any errors

<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" Text="Button" />
<asp:ConfirmButtonExtender ID="Button1_ConfirmButtonExtender" runat="server"
ConfirmText="Once data has been updated, it can't be retreived" Enabled="True"

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AJAX :: Autocomplete Fills Beyond The Screen In IE6

Apr 27, 2010

In IE6, the CompletionList of the autocomplete (with scrollbar) fills beyond the screen and the limits of max-height and CompletionSetCount.

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AJAX :: How To Cover Whole Screen Using UpdateProgress

May 7, 2015

In My Code I have implemented jQuery validation ...

Next I add the following Code to display Loading Images when Page Post Back, but this Code is showing at the tme of Loading of the Page.

Followed [URL]....


Protected Sub Submit(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
ScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock(TryCast(sender, Button), Me.[GetType](), "alert", "alert('Form has been submitted.');", True)
End Sub

[Code] ....

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