Web Forms :: How To Capture The Onbeforeunload Event And Trigger The Previous Button Click Event

Nov 17, 2010

i am currently developing an asp.net project. there is a previous, next, and cancel button that the user can utilize, but the problem is that everything is broken into controls so that if they hit the browser's back button it will reset everything and take them to the very beginning. i would like to capture the onbeforeunload event and trigger the previous button click event (i.e. treating navigation like clicking the previous button).

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Web Forms :: Unable To Capture A Click Event From A Button Inside A Table?

Oct 7, 2010

I am developing a web site to display some data that is inside a database. To do this I've created an ASPX web page that opens a connection to a database and retrieves the desired data. After that it populates an asp:table object dynamically.

The problem is that some of the fields that are retrieved from the database are too large to be displayed on the web page, so I decided to make a popup that would be able to display just the desired field.

To do this I've added a button to the asp:table so that when the user clicks it the popup would appear with the contents of the field. However what is happening is that when the user clicks on the button, the page just gets reloaded and the Click event handler is never called.

Below is the code in which I add the button to a TableCell, and the TableCell to the TableRow collection:


note that the popupHandler is a delegate to the function below. I am using it as a the Click event handler for testing purposes.


Also you should be aware that the table is only populated when the user clicks on a "Query" button inside the main ASPX web page, this means that I only populate the table after the PageLoad event has occurred.

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AJAX :: Trigger Event Added To Dynamic LinkButton Click Event?

Jun 25, 2010

I have searched around but unable to find a solution that will work. I have a link button that is created dynamically during the page load. It is given an ID (obviously). There is a script manager on the page. I have the controls added to a panel in the updatepanel (updatePanel1). There is a dynamic label that is also created with each link button. I can get a response from the linkbutton click event during a postback on the second time clicking the linkbutton, but I am getting a complete postback instead of the asyncpostback for that control. During the creation of the dynamic linkbuttons, I am also creating a dynamic trigger for each button and adding it to the updatePanel1. The Click event is not firing the method without doing a complete page postback.

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Web Forms :: How To Trigger The Click Event Of The Button If The Property Visible="false"

Jun 23, 2010

How can I trigger the click event of the button if the property Visible="false".

The event will be triggered after the window is close. I am using popup window to trigger click event of the button.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Call A Button Click Event On From An Event Handler

Sep 29, 2010

I got an event handler like this, in this event, i wanted to call another button click event. How can I do that?


if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0)

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AJAX :: Ajax Update Panel Does Not Trigger Button Click Event

Feb 15, 2011

In my application I am using ajax updatepannel in which there is a tab container tool having 4 tabs, in the third third tab I used ajax accordian control which has 2 panel each pannel have one gridview control a Remove button. Here what I want to give delete facility to the user upon the selection of checkbox corresponding to the particular record. But when I click the button it doesnot triger the button click event of the remove button.

sorce code :


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Web Forms :: Avoid Button Click Event On Page Load Event?

Dec 28, 2010

i have an form with an button and some input controls. some time due to input problem i may get error after that if i refreshed the page then that time the button click event has fired, how to avoid this kind of bad event fire.

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Web Forms :: Text Change Event Eats Up Button Click Event?

Feb 18, 2011

I have a textbox with autopostback=true and a button to save the data in the form. Functionality works fine when entering a value in the textbox, tabbing out of the textbox and clicking on the save button. But issue comes up when entering a value in the textbox and directly clicking on the save button without tabbing out of the text box. In the second scenario, only textchanged event fires and save click event dosen't fire. What I was expecting was after exection of textchanged event, save click event should also fire. But this is not happening.

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Web Forms :: Records Never Get Updated On First Button Click Event But Works On Second Event

Oct 5, 2012

I am updateing my gridview using button click event but at the fisrt time it does not get updated first time but its works second time i dont know why . Dol u know how to genterate two button click event for the same button.Records never get updated on first button click event but its works on second button click  event.

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Web Forms :: Working With Events / When A Button Id Pressed Only 'Click' Event To Be Fired And Not The ComboBox's 'TextChanged' Event?

Jul 13, 2010

I have one Button (Refresh Button), One ComboBox (containing DEV and UAT as its items) and a GridView on my asp page.

I am filling up my Grid with values from database on the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event and Buttons's 'Click' event.

First time when page is loaded, there is no information in the grid, but when i choose DEV/UAT from the ComboBox 'TextChanged' event is fired, the grid is filled with the relevant data. That is what i want.

When i click the Refresh Button to refresh the data again, first comboBox's 'TextChanged' event and then 'btn_Click' event is fired.

I want then when a button id pressed only 'Click' event to be fired and not the ComboBox's 'TextChanged' event.

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Web Forms :: How To Capture Treeview Node Click Event

Sep 22, 2010

I am using asp.net treeview control. when ever user clicks any node,i want to perfrom some operations.

currently i am using the OnSelectedNodeChanged event.

but if user clicks on the same node which is already selected then OnSelectedNodeChanged is not getting called ( obviously it wont).

but i want to handle this case also. i want to do some tasks in server side even if he clicks on already selected node.

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Web Forms :: What Is Event Sequence In Button Click Event

Mar 4, 2010

Server control of VS.NET 2005 which have page load event and prerender event and other page events apart from there own.

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Dropdown Selected Change Event Fire On Button Click Event?

Sep 24, 2010

I have write the code in .Net. When I click the Buttun then fired below event.

protected void ddldesignation_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Trigger A JavaScript Click Event From Vb.net?

Jan 27, 2010

I have a set of accordian divs (powered by the prototype library) in an asp.net page. I would like to save the state of the accordian, so when a postback event occurs, the same div is open rather than reloading the page entirely and opening the default div.

My plan was to set a page control value with the ID of the open div using the div's toggler click event function, and then fire a click event after postback calling that same div (using the value of the control holding the div ID) as the target. I'm not sure how to fire a javascript click event from vb.net however, and this sure seems like a lame workaround.

1) can you tell me how to fire a javascript click event from the vb.net codebehind page


2) is there a more elegant way to do this?

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Written An Button Click Event In Js File But The Event Was Not Fired?

Feb 9, 2011

i have written an button click event in js file but the event wasnt fired the code seems below

$("#btnSearch").click(function () {
debugger; alert("search button event fired");
ugger; alert("searchbutton event fired");

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Web Forms :: Add Event Handler To User Control And Capture Event On Parent Page?

Apr 24, 2010

Using vb.net/asp.net 2005.

I have a page books.aspx that has a control named authors.ascx.

Inside the authors control there is a "select" button I want to add some kind of listener or event handler (not sure of the correct terminology) so on the parent page (books.aspx) I can respond to the "select" button being clicked.

I have to pass the authorID from the user control to the parent page.

In my authors.ascx control I just created this event:


Now I need to write the function for SelectAuthorBtnClick and I think add some kind of listener in the parent page to listen and handle the event.

View 7 Replies

Capture 'Update' Click Event In GridView With JQuery?

Apr 6, 2010

I need to capture the 'Update' click event with jQuery in an asp.net GridView and have no way of knowing where to start. I'm still rather new to jQuery. My GridView is attached to a SQLDataSource and, naturally, has all the bells and whistles that that combination affords.

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What's The Difference Between Button.click Event And Button.command Event

Sep 24, 2010

Whats the difference between Button.Click Event and Button.Command Event in asp.net?

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Custom Server Controls :: Trigger Click Event In Composite Control?

May 10, 2010

My CompositeControl creates dinamically several RadioButtonLists according to the DataSource information. These controls are added to the Controls list and rendered in CreateChildControls event.

I need to create a LinkButton that clear a specific RadioButtonList selection and do a postback, to load the DataSource information again (some selections changes the data that need to be loaded from the database). For each RadioButtonList, I've put a LinkButton and assigned the Click Event to a method inside the same CompositeControl, to do the RadioButtonList cleaning.

Unfortunatelly, the LinkButton doesn't trigger the Click Event. In HTML code, the link has the "onclick" attribute setted with the asp.net event, but when clicked, nothing happens.

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Using Jquery Onbeforeunload Event In Application?

Jan 12, 2011

I am using jquery onbeforeunload event in asp.net application.
If i write event as given below then its working fine and display confirm dialog box.

var vGlobal = true;
var sMessage = "Leaving the page will lost in unsaved data!";
[ Working ]
> window.onbeforeunload = function() {
> if (vGlobal == false) return
> sMessage; }

but its not working if i use bind method like as given below

[ Not working ]
$(window).bind("beforeunload", function(e) {
if (vGlobal == false)
return sMessage;

Is there any difference between these two methods.

Code on aspx:

<asp:TextBox ID="txtName" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>

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MVC :: Button Onclick Event Doesn't Trigger Handler

Jul 16, 2010

Trying to get a helloworld web application up running in Visual Web Developer 2010.

Now I created a new project with Home controller and two default views (index and about).

Then in the index view I added a button and a textbox...double clicking the button creates a handler in the view, but it's never called...what am I missing?

<%@ Page Language="C#" MasterPageFile="~/Views/Shared/Site.Master" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage" %>

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Page Load On Button Event - Error On Trigger

Apr 17, 2012

I have a Asp:modal (AJAX) that works fine on a master.page

When i then add an asp:menu with sitemapdatasource, then the page works fine first time at page load, but if i then click the btn that trigger the asp:modal i get this error

[URL] ....

What I want is that the user can write an email in a textbox on the masterpage and then hit a btn, if the email is valid 100% the event is trigged and the asp:modal is showed, its works fine when i dont have a asp:menu on the masterpage, but when i then add the menu, then the pages works, but when i will trigger the asp:modal then i get the error.

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How To Textbox Control's Onblur / LostFocus Event Trigger A Server - Side Event

Jun 14, 2010

I am trying to attach a server-side event to lookup the city/state for the user-entered zipcode in a field like the one below.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextZipcode" runat="server" CssClass="inputtext" Columns="10" MaxLength="10"></asp:TextBox>

Since there is no lost focus event to capture, has anyone had any luck getting this to work?

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Web Forms :: Call Control1 Click Event In Protected Sub Control 2 Click Event

Jan 8, 2010

Private Sub control1 click event

& another protected sub control 2 click event

i need to call control1 click event in protected sub control 2 click event

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Determine Which Control In Window.onbeforeunload In Javascript Caused Event

Mar 7, 2011

I have set up in javascript:

var onBeforeUnloadFired = false;
window.onbeforeunload = function (sender, args)
if(!onBeforeUnloadFired) {
onBeforeUnloadFired = true;
window.event.returnValue = 'You will lose any unsaved changes!'; //IE
else {
return 'You will lose any unsaved changes!'; //FX
windows.setTimeout("ResetOnBeforeUnloadFired()", 1000);
function ResetOnBeforeUnloadFired() {
//Need this variable to prevent IE firing twice.
onBeforeUnloadFired = false;

I'm trying to achieve an edit screen where the user is warned before navigating away. It works fine except I get the pop up for normal post backs of button clicks. I'm hoping to avoid this so I'm figuring if I could determine which button was pressed it would work. Does anybody know how to determine which button was pressed in the indows.onbeforeunload? Alternatively anyone know a better approach to what I'm trying to achieve?

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