I don't want to use Sessions to handle each click event inside treeview selected node changed.Secondly, if you suggest me to use treenode.SelectedValue then I would say my values are dyanmically generated.Everytime a node a clicked, the selected node value is sent in the next request xml to get response and xml schema is different for each click. How do I handle this each click event other than using session variables. I thought of using Request.Item (and integrating with URL redirect property) but I don't want to use that.
i am currently developing an asp.net project. there is a previous, next, and cancel button that the user can utilize, but the problem is that everything is broken into controls so that if they hit the browser's back button it will reset everything and take them to the very beginning. i would like to capture the onbeforeunload event and trigger the previous button click event (i.e. treating navigation like clicking the previous button).
I am writing a programming using Tree View. I have created the Tree View object and have added a node for the root called Favorites. I want the user to be able to enter a value in a text box and once clicking on an add folder button, an event fires that takes the text that was entered in the textbox and creates a new node under the root node of favorites.
I am having a problem with my program in that the user is not able to click on the Favorites root note in order to create another node underneath of it. Favorites is simply displaying on the screen, but they cannot click on it to select it. What do I need to add so that the user can select the node to which they want to add a child node to?
I am developing a web site to display some data that is inside a database. To do this I've created an ASPX web page that opens a connection to a database and retrieves the desired data. After that it populates an asp:table object dynamically.
The problem is that some of the fields that are retrieved from the database are too large to be displayed on the web page, so I decided to make a popup that would be able to display just the desired field.
To do this I've added a button to the asp:table so that when the user clicks it the popup would appear with the contents of the field. However what is happening is that when the user clicks on the button, the page just gets reloaded and the Click event handler is never called.
Below is the code in which I add the button to a TableCell, and the TableCell to the TableRow collection:
note that the popupHandler is a delegate to the function below. I am using it as a the Click event handler for testing purposes.
Also you should be aware that the table is only populated when the user clicks on a "Query" button inside the main ASPX web page, this means that I only populate the table after the PageLoad event has occurred.
I have a treeview which will be generated dynamically which need to be displayed on left side and when user clicks on a node it need to open a page on the right side of the same page. and each node has different aspx page. so whenever user selects a node the page details should be displayed on the right side .we can use an iframe on the page which will display the different pages clicked on the node.Is there any alternative i can use to display different pages based on the user selection on the right side without using iframe.
I need to capture the 'Update' click event with jQuery in an asp.net GridView and have no way of knowing where to start. I'm still rather new to jQuery. My GridView is attached to a SQLDataSource and, naturally, has all the bells and whistles that that combination affords.
How can I set spacing between each node in treeview? the spacing is not the same for all the nodes. I want to manually add different spacing between leaf node and parent node.
after populating treeview and i want to traverse in all the node and want to attach javascript if the node has child node. how to do it in asp.net when work with treeview control.
At webform I have TreeView whith adding nodes from code:
as you can see, I want make space formatting in node, but after show it node to browser, all redundant spaces was removed. How I can deny removing spaces in treeview?
I have a C# page with 2 Panels, in the one at left is a treeview, and the other one is blank. What i intend to do is, avoid the framesets, and directly work with asp Panels. And when a node is clicked, target the blank panel.
I'm looking for a treeview with drop down list on each node. the treeview should be dynamicllay created on server side. Each node will have a drop down list and each item of the list will have a different color. When I create the tree on client side, I will have to select dropdown list accroding to a data table.
Also, on the client side, the user should be able to select each node and its leaf to group set the drop down list for one branch.
Is there any controller I can use rather than write my one tree?