Web Forms :: How To Create Table In Code Behind(dynamically) And Add Styles To It

Jun 14, 2010

I am working on some project where i need to generate a table dynamically and set style to it . In each cell i need to add LinkButton

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C# - How To Format HTML Table With Inline Styles To Look Like A Rendered Excel Table

Sep 8, 2010

I'm currently stuck settings border in a html table. (I use inline stiles for a better rendering in e-mail-clients) I have this piece of code:


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Dec 10, 2010

I've created a static table, which looks just as I would expect it to, but I want to reduce my work in the future, as I'll need to create more rows and columns to store extra data that's added to my application.

So rather than creating new rows and columns whenever I need to, I'd like to automate the task by pulling the data from the database and populating a table that's dynamically created based on how much data is pulled.

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Is this where "Dynamic Data" would play a role? If so, it's completely new to me, my needs are just for a single table on a page, not something that needs to be done en'masse all over the website, if that makes a difference?

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I put this in the aspx.cs of the form I am doing, but, since I haven't found a way to call variables from the ASP, I recreated them, still, even if I did get those, this problem would still exist:

private void DrawPicture(Bitmap bitmap)
System.Web.UI.WebControls.Image PictureFinger;
int PictureFingerW = 248; [code]....

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How to Create Master Page in Code Behind Dynamically?

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Precisely and concisely, I have aspx page that has only one button "Generate". If the user clicked on this button, one HTML page should be created.

The created HTML page should have title "Home" and the Body should contain "Hello World".

1) What is the code that should be written inside "Generate" button in order to accomplish this functionality?

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Javascript - Dynamically Create Table With Time Increments

Oct 4, 2010

I need to create a table with just 1 column containing times (starting from 4hrs) which increase in increments of 10 seconds for each row. So it needs to look something like this:

04hrs 00mins 00secs - 04hrs 00mins 09secs
04hrs 00mins 10secs - 04hrs 00mins 19secs
04hrs 00mins 20secs - 04hrs 00mins 29secs
06hrs 59mins 50secs - 06hrs 59mins 59secs

This will obviously take a long long time to hard code so I'm looking to create it dynamically. Based on what i'm currently trying to learn I'd like to be able to do this using jquery or asp.net (vb) but anything will do as long as it works!

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Sep 26, 2010

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************* Code *******************


****************** Contents of text file appended below ***********************


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this.Style.Add ( /*...*/ )

... doesn't appear to work.

What do I need to do to add a style to it?

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i need to customize the controls of Gridview columns and rows.

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ADO.NET :: Create / Add Table From Code To Database?

Aug 15, 2010

I create table:

DataSet data=new DataSet();
DataTable myTable = new DataTable("NewTable");
DataColumn[] keys = new DataColumn[1];


And how can I now add this table to real database( I am already conected to my sql server).

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Data Controls :: Dynamically Create DataList Control In Code Behind

May 7, 2015

I need to create a DataList from code behind. 

The structure of that DataList shold be as follows: 

<asp:DataList ID="DataList1" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal" RepeatColumns="5" CellPadding="6">
         <table> <tr><td>
                      <asp:Label ID="lblName" runat="server" ForeColor="Red" Text='<%#Eval("ID") %>'></asp:Label>
                   </td></tr> </table>

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C# - Unable To Create A Multiple Row Table From Server Side Code?

Feb 22, 2010

I am trying to create a table dynamically in my code behind. My problem is I have a count of how many controls I want added to each TableRow after which I want to add that TableRow to the table and then start a new row. Here is the code I have no far but it just adds one row and does not move any of the controls to a seperate new row.

public void FillTable(string DB, int? appID, string function, int? rID, string UserId, int ControlsperRow)
OneEvaDataContext datacontext = new OneEvaDataContext();
var results = datacontext.sp_Build_Menu_Field_Names(DB, appID, function, rID);
int controlCount = 0;


I would have thought that doing the .Add only when I am finished building that row would work but I guess since I'm using the same TableRow "tr" It is only putting in just one row.

EDIT: in the is context base is my class which looks like this:

public class Dynamic_Search_Table : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table

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Inline Styles Versus Styles In CSS

Jan 18, 2011

I know placing all your styles in a CSS file is the best thing to do as it is a lot neater.

But does it REALLY matter if the styles are inline or in a CSS?

Edit below

My plan is to just place the styles in my MasterPage and all other pages will use the MasterPage....I believe the correct term is not "INLINE" but Embedded?

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Mar 9, 2011

Im creating a table dynamically in my codebehind to display some statistics. The table is in a usercontrol. When the page first loads, its created and displayed correctly. If I do something that generates a postback, the table subsequently disappears, this is because its created inside a !IsPostback. How can i ensure that the table, once its been generated, stays visble on the page ? I dont want to generate it each time the page loads as it involves a lot of calculations on the database which will slow the pageload down.

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Feb 18, 2011

I'm currently in the process of creating a webshop. This webshop supports theming, but I also want customers to choose a lay-out. I can create multiple masterpages and create a handler to dynamically set the correct master page. But some components, like the shopping cart, are controls which have to be present in the master page and are also used in the aspx pages. The shopping cart control for instance, has an Update method which is called whenever the user adds a product to their cart. So the question is: can I somehow create a default masterpage which has all the components on it, but still be able to create multiple lay-outs. And how should I reference that master page from the aspx pages? I also thought of creating an Interface class which defines the masterpage and it's public components, but I don't know if I can reference an interface from aspx pages.

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