C# - Unable To Create A Multiple Row Table From Server Side Code?
Feb 22, 2010
I am trying to create a table dynamically in my code behind. My problem is I have a count of how many controls I want added to each TableRow after which I want to add that TableRow to the table and then start a new row. Here is the code I have no far but it just adds one row and does not move any of the controls to a seperate new row.
public void FillTable(string DB, int? appID, string function, int? rID, string UserId, int ControlsperRow)
OneEvaDataContext datacontext = new OneEvaDataContext();
var results = datacontext.sp_Build_Menu_Field_Names(DB, appID, function, rID);
int controlCount = 0;
I would have thought that doing the .Add only when I am finished building that row would work but I guess since I'm using the same TableRow "tr" It is only putting in just one row.
EDIT: in the is context base is my class which looks like this:
public class Dynamic_Search_Table : System.Web.UI.WebControls.Table
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