Web Forms :: How To Keep Usercontrols In Each Postback
Dec 15, 2010
I have several dynamic usercontrols that I want to load them in separete tab panles.but my problem is when the postback occures my usrecontrols diapeare.however I want to keep my usercontrols in each tab panle in each postback.I mention that I write code in c#.
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Similar Messages:
Dec 23, 2010
I have several dynamic user controls that I want to keep them in each postback. but the problem is when I click on menu item at first time, every thing disapeare in my page! even the things I created on design time. would somebody please help me to find out the problem of my code?it's realy urgent!!
View 13 Replies
Jan 17, 2011
As the title says , i'm looking for some kind of technology that allows me to dynamicly add & remove usercontrols.Without a postback ofcourse :)A link would be awesome , example code would be super!
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Aug 27, 2010
Is it necessary to reload the viewstate of usercontrols during postback? I want to know in which case viewstate is set by default.
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Sep 21, 2010
In one of my pages I use an usercontrol. The usercontrol has a textbox and a button on it. When someone adds text to the usercontrols textbox, I want to use the entered text in my page_init event. The problem is that in the page_init event, the textbox value is empty. How can I use the entered text in the page_init event?
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Jun 29, 2010
We need to add 2 user controls to an aspx file, these 2 user controls have one telerik ajax manager each. but telerik only allows one ajax manager in a web page. I am getting exception while running the app.
Is there any way in aspx to seperate the user controls so that it will act as a seperate page?
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Mar 9, 2010
First off - has any recent .NET / Windows Service Pack / Windows Update changed the behaviour around the Visibility of Panels / User Controls? An area of our site has all of a sudden stopped working. The most recent change that I made was a few weeks ago, I've backed out the change from my development environment, but the issue is still happening.
I'll explain what is happening. I have a couple of forms where the same behaviour is happening, but they follow the same pattern:
On the form there is let's say 2 ASP:Panel controls. In each of these there is a separate ASP:UserControl. When the User first visits the page, they are shown the first Panel and User Control. On this control they complete a couple of steps and click Next. This fires an event on the main page, which hides the first panel and shows the second panel, at least that is what is supposed to happen - and if I debug and step into the code this is what is happening as normal. Except on screen, the first panel is no longer being hidden, so it would appear clicking the Next button does nothing.
I'm at a loss as to what has happening - nothing has changed, and stepping through the code it's working correctly, but the screen is not reflecting what is happening in the code.
My next step is to create an isolated set of test pages to recreate the issue. Will attach when done and investigated, hopefully this will solve it
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Feb 11, 2010
I have implemented a user control with dropdown lists and textboxes where user may choose to add more of the same user control dynamically then submit the values within all usercontrols at the same time. They way I added usercontrols dynamically is whenever user clicks "add more" button, it increases the value of "userControlAmount" in session by 1, reloads the page and during next page_load event, within an updatepanel it creates usercontrols on the fly.
However whenever more is added since all usercontrols are generated again according to the latest user control counter, the values within the dropdownlists and textboxes are getting reseted.
I can hold all values in a viewstate/session however beyond the time/effort it will take, it doesn't sounds very "professional" to me. I was wondering if there is a more efficient way of doing this.
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Jan 28, 2011
I was trying to add a Theme and some UserControls to a existing ASP.NET Web Project (nopCommerce) via a Second Web Project (which is added as an virtual Directory). But this did not work in my Configuration and I did not know if this is even possible.
The Reason why I want to seperate my Code from the nopCommerce project is for easyer upgrading to a new Version, and to handle adaptations for different shops efficient.
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Mar 16, 2010
I have the usual problem of dynamically created usercontrols not hitting the event handler for a linkbutton inside the control, but I've checked the usual problems and I can't work out what's wrong. I'm calling a function to create the controls at the bottom of my page.load (although I did try page.init as well just in case) outside of my page.ispostback check, and I'm setting the controls id's to a fixed name which is consistent across postbacks. Any ideas what's wrong?
Usercontrol code:
<asp:LinkButton runat="server" ID="lnkDeleteGroup" Text="Delete this group" />
View 5 Replies
Sep 21, 2010
I have a simple user control which contains a textbox and a dropdownlist. I need to add this control multiple times to my page then save the details to my db, validating each control. When they re-enter my page I need to load the user control for each record in the db populated with the data they entered. They can then edit the data, delete the row or add new rows.
I'm trying to find the cleanest most efficient way to accomplish this. I realise I would need to re-add the user controls after each postback re-populating the data. Would the best way be to add each row to an arraylist or list of type object, save it to the viewstate and re-add the controls with data on postback, or is there another method which would suit?
View 13 Replies
Nov 9, 2010
I have a general question regarding usercontrols' parameters. In the built in web controls, such as the 'runat' parameter, when you begin to type 'runat' in Visual Studio, it gives you an Intellisense choice of 'server'. Or in the RequiredFieldValidator controls, the 'Display' parameter has 3 choices: Dynamic, None, and Static.
My question is, how do I incorporate this feature into my custom Usercontrols?
For instance, I created a usercontrol with a parameter called 'BorderColor'. This parameter will change a textbox's border color to the specified value. The possible values are: Blue, Red, Green, Black, Purple, etc. How do I have Intellisense display these choices when the BorderColor parameter is typed in?
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Mar 1, 2011
I want to create several instances of a webcontrol on my web page each time the user clicks an 'add' button.
View 7 Replies
Aug 21, 2010
In my web application , I have an online application form which contain 4 sections.When I click next button in the first usercontrol for the first section,i need to display the second usercontrol for the next section. When i tried, first loaded usercontrol only applying the styles.
what logic i need to use here to display each usercontrol on the next button click. How to save the values of each usercontrol on the next button click?
View 2 Replies
Mar 9, 2011
I have a userControl with with two DDLs and two RBLs, and public properties to get/set the values. If I register the UC on a page it works fine....I can set/retrieve the values without a problem.
I need to create multiple UCs based on records I'm pulling from a dB, so I'm trying to instead create the UCs programmatically. I'm testing this by adding a reference to the control ("symptomBasic"), creating a placeholder ("ph1") on a page and then trying to populate it with the UCs in PageInit. (the parent page uses a master page)
Partial Class testUC
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Private myUC As ASP.symptomBasic
Protected Sub Page_init(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Init
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To 3
myUC = CType(LoadControl("~/controls/symptom.ascx"), ASP.symptomBasic)
End Sub
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
End Sub
End Class
When I load the page, I get three UCs in a row, and they work properly on postback...i.e. all the values are preserved. Question is, how do I then find the controls on postback when I want to populate them with data or read the values back?
Let's say I know I returned 3 rows from the dB and created 3 UCs during pageInit...how do I then access those controls to read back the values provided by the user? I see that each control has an ID like: "ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_ctl01_cName", where each set of controls is "ctl00", "ctl01", etc.
View 9 Replies
Sep 28, 2010
I am having problems finding my UserControls inside the Controls collection of a Placeholder control.
I have a ListView control with a PlaceHolder control in its ItemTemplate. OnItemdataBound for the ListView control I am adding a custom UserControl to the Controls collection of the Placeholder control. It all renders fine. My problem is when I try to find my user controls in the Placeholder. I just can't get it back. My code is below.
My objective here is to get to the input controls within my UserControl and call the save method of this.
PlaceHolder intakeBenefitHolder = null;
protected void lvIntakeBenefits_ItemDataBound(object sender, ListViewItemEventArgs e)
if (e.Item.ItemType == ListViewItemType.DataItem)
using (ListViewDataItem item = (ListViewDataItem)e.Item)
View 1 Replies
Sep 27, 2010
I am making a website where the user has to choose some addresses form a list of street names.
I have made a usercontrol Witch I dynamically adds to the website depending on some choices the user makes (Zip, and Streed name) The usercontrol contains a checkbox. When the user clicks a button on the site I would like to find all the usercontrols the user have checked.
The usercontrols is contained in a asp:Panel
I have tried with a foreach loop where I loop all the controls in the panel. It only retun one control.
Then I have tried with at ControlCollection ctrlCol = ContentPanel.Controls;
It only returns a LiteralControl. Then I have tried to loop all the controls on the webpage testing for the type as the usercontrol but no luck
How can I find an loop thru all my usercontrols and find the checked?
View 5 Replies
Aug 25, 2010
1)How I can read a value of a text control in javascript on the usercontrol ?
2)also how I can assing a value of a control to another control via javascript function .
View 5 Replies
Oct 25, 2010
Last night you guys here on this forum helped me in accessing properties of a dynamically loaded UC in an aspx page. Now i am facing another hiccup.
My code behind is : public partial class SiteUserControls_Message_Messages : BaseControl
In one of the click events i am loading three web users controls:
protected void RadTabStrip1_TabClick(object sender, RadTabStripEventArgs e)
SiteUserControls_Message_Create CreateNewMessageUC = Page.LoadControl(CreateMsgControl) as
SiteUserControls_Message_Create; // typecasting the UC
Now i want to access this variable CreateNewMessageUC in another event like this:
protected void MarkAsUnreadLinkButton_OnClick(object sender, EventArgs e)
But when i access teh variable in another event it is always null.
View 3 Replies
Jan 23, 2011
I have a website that serves all its pages using a single 404 page. it displays hotel profiles form business and depending on different profile levels offers more or less functionality and information.
Through the DB a masterpage is selected and usercontrols are applyed to that.
I have a contact page like this : 404.aspx > masterpage.Master > contact.ascx
My form action looks like this default.aspx?404%3bhttp%3a%2f%2fwww1.testsite.co.uk%3a80%2fcontactus
and when I click the button this where I send up with an error "Validation of viewstate MAC failed" error.
I have read stuff on these for 4 hours but still have no idea where to start.
Do I need to
Catch the form action URL (postback URL) in the baseclass and change it back to [URL] - If I do this are the form firled values still intact
Do i need to do something to change the form.action url before the page is built, if so is this done in the masterpage preinit event as this is what the form tag is
What I know works is that the usercontrol is aware of the postback, but not the form values.
I want to be able to add a 404 based contact us form on any one of 1000s of profiles and be able to catch the values. Idearly I would like to do this in the codebehind of the usercontrol as this keeps the code seperate
I am sure this must be possible and normally I can work stuff out, but here I am totally stuck. I am trying to do this in VB.
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Jan 18, 2010
i've got a weired problem using an event-Handler in a Usercontrol I built. The Question to this is pretty simple. I don't get the "SelectedIndexChanged" Event on one of my ListBoxes which I turned to a Multiselection Dropdownlist with jQuery. It's a simple ListBox which should return the new values and should fire the "SIC" Event right? But it doesn't. I don't even get the new values as I try to change values and then read them. I spent more then 2 days searching for an appropriate answer but didn't find anything. As I tried to build a WebSite using some Usercontrols combined with AJAX I'm thinking about letting the Usercontrols out.
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Feb 16, 2010
Programmatically Loading UserControls with Page_load Event?
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Jan 13, 2010
Pro-grammatically Loading UserControls with Page_load Event?
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Jan 7, 2010
I have a login.ascx control with three controls (LoginName, Password and A Button) , I want to rase a click event on this button from .aspx page because some restriction is there so that I am unable to write any code on .ascx page.
I have assigned value on login name and password from .aspx onload events. but I an facing problem while rasing event on button.
I am showing code that I have written on .aspx page that I have putten onload section.
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Feb 1, 2011
I am trying to add some widget-functionality to the CKEditor using custom plugins.. Does anyone have any experience parsing the resulting html or getting the job done in another way?
What I am looking for is to add something like a news-block at a user specified place in the text, like an ordinary image..
I have thought of several options, like just adding an iframe that takes care of the content automatically (from the src url in the iframe), but that way I loose the text formatting/css.. I have also thought of adding the content dynamically with some ajax onload, but that way I might loose some viewers..
Finally I have come to the conclusion that using custom tags like <something options="..." /> or even <div class="something" options="..."></div> and then replacing them with usercontrols is the best solution.. But how to accomplish this? I know how to add controls to other servercontrols, but how to add them easily in some random text? It could be something like putting the text prior to the widget and after into a placeholder and adding the widget-control in between..
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