Web Forms :: How To Save Asp.net Checkbox Value In Session

Sep 30, 2010

i was trying to save a checkbox value in session and display it in a new page.all other information i saved in session are textbox values. they are displayed correctly. but the checkbox value remain false for some reason. the form i made can send emails to user. checkbox value in the email is correct.


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Similar Messages:

How To Save Checkbox Values In Session Variable

Jan 3, 2012

How to save values of checked checkboxes..while navigating to other web forms in session variable..

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AJAX :: Save AsyncFileUpload In Session / Unable To Save All The Files?

Feb 17, 2011

I have one AsyncFileUpload control ,one Attach button,one Listbox and Save button.

When Users browse the file and click the attach button, filename must be added to listbox. So in this way the user has the option to add upto multiple filenames to listbox. For this i have written the following code


this is source code


In Attach button click event i added the filename to listbox and saved the Asyncfileupload controls in different session variable.

When user clicks on save button all files has to be saved in application folder and for this i wrote the following code.


But iam unable to save all the files . Suppose i added two AsyncFileupload controls to session variables, only last file i,e. 2nd file can only be saved and couldn't get first file.


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Web Forms :: Save Data From Treeview Checkbox?

Dec 30, 2010

I have treview with checkbox,then I want the checkboxes that have been in tick can be saved into a database sql server. how do I do it.

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Web Forms :: Passing Checkbox Parameters In Session?

Dec 27, 2010

If I want to use a CheckBox control to set a parameter and pass it to another page in session, should my code behind look like this?


OpenYearRound is the ID attribute of the CheckBox control.Is there a smarter way to do this?What would my code behind look like for a CheckBoxList control? Something like this?


How would I retrieve those values from the session? Like this?


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Web Forms :: Save The User Name And Password In Viewstate Or Session?

Feb 5, 2010

I am designing a site with that requires users to login in to access info. How do I save the user name and password in viewstate or session. so I can use it in other pages later.

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Web Forms :: Save Value In Session - Call Method On Global.asax

Aug 18, 2010

I have a method in one class file with defination like this which gets the user id of logged person.

public string GetUserID(HttpRequest req)
{ .... }

I need to call this method in global.asax and save that value in session. I need to use this session value i need to use this Session value and assign that to label in Masterpage. I did not use global.asax before. And what should be the input to method... i have seen only Request is have the returntype HttpRequest. So i thought of giving that.

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State Management :: Error :Session State Has Created A Session Id, But Cannot Save It?

Nov 18, 2010

I read the solutioin for this error, at the following link :http://forums.asp.net/p/1046935/1576341.aspxbut I am still not clear what exactly causes the error. I have two doubts :1. Can anyone please elaborate a bit on this issue, with any example ????2. Is there any drawback of this approach ?

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Data Controls :: Save CheckBox Selected Values To Cookies?

Mar 26, 2016

I have 3 checkbox and one button in default.aspx page I want when users select these checkboxs and click on button it saves this checkboxs values in cookie...

 I wrote below code:

protected void Imgorder_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e)
HttpCookie order = new HttpCookie("order");
if (CheckBox1.Checked)
order.Value = CheckBox1.Text;

is it correct? and if it is correct I wrote it just for 1 checkbox how I can write for 3 checkboxs that if users select them  it saves valuse in cookie...

How I can do it?

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Data Controls :: Save Checked Checkbox Values Into Database Which Is Inside GridView

Dec 23, 2015

I have a gridview inside which there are 4-5 checkboxes. In that gridview, I have 10 rows too. So, Now what i want is.

IF I check, 2 checkboxes and don't check remaining checkboxes. how to save the value of the checked checkboxes value as Y and unchecked checkboxes value as N into the database.

Below is the HTML of the checkboxes here:-

 <cc2:Grid ID="GrdRights" runat="server" FolderStyle="../Styles/Grid/style_12"
AllowSorting="False" AutoGenerateColumns="False" AllowColumnResizing="true" AllowAddingRecords="false"
AllowMultiRecordSelection="true" OnRowDataBound="GrdRights_RowDataBound" ViewStateMode="Enabled"
<ClientSideEvents OnClientSelect="FunMonthList" />
<ScrollingSettings ScrollHeight="400px" />

[Code] .....

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C# - Session State Of Checkbox List

Apr 20, 2010

in storing the checkbox list items in session. I have a checkbox list as follows

asp:CheckBoxList ID="cblScope" runat="server"
asp:ListItem ID="liInScope" runat="server" Value="true">In Scope (Monitored)</asp:ListItem>
<asp:ListItem ID="liOutOfScope" runat="server" Value="true">Out of Scope (Unmonitored)</asp:ListItem>

I have to store the value of the checkbox in session when they are cheked.

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C# - Want To Save A HashTable In A Session?

Feb 26, 2010

I am building a Asp.net Application. I need to save a HashTable in a session.

At page load i am writing

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (!Page.IsPostBack)
Session["AttemptCount"]=new Hashtable(); //Because of this line.
Here problem is, when a user refresh the page, session["AttemptCount"] also get refreshed.
I want to know where should I declare

Session["AttemptCount"]=new Hashtable();
So that my seesion do not get refeshed.

EDIT In Global.asax, this session will get started, as soon as user opens the website. I want to creat this session only if user go to a particular page. i.e Login.aspx

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How To Create Checkbox To Remmber Session Until Userlogout

Jan 21, 2011

How to create remember me checkbox to remmber session until userlogout ..?if user directly close their browser without logout then next tiem they open browser its session will be maintained as it is till they logout from session .

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Security :: How To Save Session Username

Jun 4, 2010

Using Membership. How that when you first login Save user name?

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How To Save Web Config Without Losing Session

Jun 29, 2010

I thought about saving all sessions variables to hiddens and then resaving those values back into session after I changed the web config..but there has GOT to be another way.

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Session - Save Textbox On Redirect?

Jul 15, 2010

I am new to ASP.net and I am trying to save the state of some textboxes on redirect. I have a dashboard interface with drilldown. The main dashboard page has a date range option (textbox for both start date and end date) for the information displayed and I need to save the date range chosen by the user. I know that I can put the info into a session variable to use in the page that I am redirect to, but when I hit the 'go back' button on the drilldown page it returns to the main dashboard page and the textbox value is lost. I ahve also tried saving the viewstate, but could not get that to work either. What is the best approach to solving this problem?

edit: In case it matters, I am actually using the jQuery $(location).attr('href', url); to do the redirect because some of the chart objects I am using cover html or asp hyperlinks in IE.

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Save Value In Properties In Place Of Session?

Feb 1, 2010

I an using Session for storing UserName for whole project. But it always time out before 20 min. I want set value in properties and want to use in project but when my page is loading again its showing null value.

How can i save this value in this?

Code what i am using.

public string UserName {get; set; }
public string Password {get; set;}

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Save Image Into Session Variables

Aug 22, 2011

I would like to know how to:

- Save an image into a Session Variables
- Get the image from the Session Variable and display it on the web page.

Here's the example on how to get the image from the DB:

string v_customer_code = "PAUL";
SqlConnection v_connection = newSqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["SqlServer"].ConnectionString))
v_connection_string = "SELECT [Photo] FROM [customers] WHERE [code] = @CODE";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(SQL, v_connection);
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CODE", v_customer_code);


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Save Some Info In The Session Within A Custom MembershipProvider?

Nov 5, 2010

I want to save some info in the Session when the users successfully logins with my custom MembershipProvider, but I have no access to the Session in the provider's ValidateUser method.

public class CustomMembershipProvider : MembershipProvider
/* Override other methods and properties here */
public override bool ValidateUser(string username, string password)
/* do something to validate the username and password
* and set the validUser variable */
if (validUser)
/* want to store some info in the Session here, but I can't access
* it here, because this is not a Page */
return validUser;

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Security :: How Secure Is Session To Save Password

Nov 11, 2010

I want to save the user_email and user_password in my website Session and clear it when loggin out but i wantg to know how secure it is to store passwords?

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State Management :: How To Save Username In Session Variable

Apr 20, 2010

I am building a simple search interface for one of our existing systems. I am using windows authentication. What I would like to do is grab the username of the logged in user via httpcontext.current.user into a session variable on page load and use it in various places on my page. My problem is that when i run my code in debug mode from visual studio it works fine. But when i try to run my code from the browser using localhost it does not work.

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How To Save A Field Username To A Cookie Or Session In Application

Jun 3, 2010

I'm going to ask a user to login first, then when I'm going to save information I'm going to have to save the information and associate it with the logged in user.How should I handle this with session?

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Session - Save Attached Files Using FileUpload Control

Apr 4, 2011

In my website,I have a home page in which by clicking on an image button,I get redirected to a different .apsx page .This page consists of a FileUpload control and 2 buttons(ATTACH,CANCEL).When a user selects/browses a file from his local machine and click ATTACH button,I display that file in a GRIDVIEW and also push the details of that file like Filename into a DATATABLE. The user in this way can browse multiple files and all of them are added to GridView and also pushed to DATATABLE.Now when the user clickes CANCEL button,I am sending the whole DATATABLE in a session object to the HOME page.Upon clicking SAVE button in the home page,the files in the DATATABLE must get stored in a physical location that I mention in the code. The problem that I am facing is that when I write

FileUpload fl=new FileUpload;

The files are not at all getting saved in the location. However If I pass the FileUpload control using Session from the second page,

FileUpload fl=(FileUpload)Session["FileUpload"]

The files are getting saved with the correct filenames but the content of all the files consists of the content of the latest uploaded file.I know what the problem is but unable to get a solution. My Requirement is to save the files in a physical path only after clicking the Save button in the home page.

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Security :: Save Session When Internet Explorer Closes

Mar 9, 2010

I am using ASP.NET Memberships and I have the timeout set to 100, when the user logs into the system in Internet Explorer (6 or 8) and then closes the window and tries to open it back up... It asks the user to login again. Why is that and how can I disable that?

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Save A Value From JavaScript To A Session Variable And Call It Back Again?

Mar 14, 2010

I need to save a value to a session variable from a javascript function, and then be able to call this value back from the Session into another javascript function during post back.

How do you do this?

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