Web Forms :: How To Submit Html Through A Textbox

Mar 8, 2011

I know that I can htmlencode and decode server side with ASP.Net, but i've run into an issue if I want to work with some of my forms that should allow html tags when working out side of my companies network. The issue is with my companies firewall tests for cross site scripting attacks. So, now I need to encode/decode my text on the client side it would seem. What does the rest of the world use and/or do to overcome issues like this?

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Web Forms :: Trying To Submit Text Box With Html Code Inside It?

Jul 12, 2010

I receive a potentially dangerous request.form value was detected from the client when trying to submit text box with html code inside it I turn ValidationRequest="false" in the page and in the web config file also I put this settings <httpRuntime requestValidationMode="2.0"> but I still get the error, I'm using ASP.Net 4 with Visual Studio 2010.

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Web Forms :: Validate TextBox Before Submit Button

Oct 28, 2010

I have a textbox that I am "custom" validating to lookup in a table to see if the name exists. When I test it out, if it finds a duplicate, the validation results in an error message as I would expect. First is this only works if I add autopostback to my textbox and that I click elsewhere on the page. The other issue is that after I type a string in my textbox, I want it to validate such that if it returns an error, I don't want to submit the form until the validation is good.

How would I programatically set this up?

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Web Forms :: HTML Regular Form Cannot Submit Data When Pressing Enter Key

Mar 26, 2010

I have a form that I am using with jquery for an application... everything is working fine but I have one issue....I do not want the form to submit when the user presses the enter key... if they press the enter key it will reset the whole sequence and I am running through an array that is placed in the system memory of the client(client-side javascript)is there a way to capture this event properly? Are there other ways that could submit the form?

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Web Forms :: How To Convert Html To View As Html Visualizer In Textbox

Mar 9, 2011

I have some data which is HTML format saved in database. Like the chat as follows.

Roy, 2/11/2011:
Sree, 2/11/2011:

But it gets saved in some HTML format in Database as follows.


So, Is there any ways that I can show this in Text box as what I need. While debugging the code, when I did HTML Visulaliser, it showed me correct format. How can I achive this in my Textbox control.

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Web Forms :: Controls (textbox And Button) Disappear After Submit Buttn Clicked?

Apr 15, 2010

I created a web part called 'staff phone search'. There are two controls 'Button' and 'Textbox' in it. The web part is inherited from Webcontrols webpart class not from sharepoint web part.My problem is that if I fill the search keyword text box and click the button, the text box and the button disappear. However the webpart displays result properly. Subsequently I am not able to search again because the web part never shows the controls again. How can I keep the controls after the webpart is submitted?

My code can be found below.

public class WebPart1 : System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart
TextBox _myTextBox;


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Web Forms :: How To Fill TextBox Fields In Remote Website And Perform Submit

Jul 17, 2013

Is it need to use HttpWebRequest? how does it works? i want to pass data from a asp.net page's textbox to a textbox in a given URL/ a given website, how can i do it? For example, i want to pass a text box value which is entered by a user in my asp page, then the textbox value will be passed to the website's text box and get the response. I want to pass some data to a website-for example [URL] then call the submit button of the given website from my ASP.NET page, then get response from it.  

Which means when user fill in the textbox in my asp.net page,  [URL] the hotel search textbox will be auto fill in with the data (such as the date) that user typed in my ASP.NET page. and this will call the submit button of the website, so that the given website can response.

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Web Forms :: Prevent Users From Entering Char In Textbox After Clicking Submit Button?

Nov 14, 2010

i want when user click on submit button then a div layer will be generated over the textbox whose height and width will be just the same as textbox and in this way textbox will be blocked for entering something. i want to do it by javascript. in this scenario other textbox will not be blocked.

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Web Forms :: ValidateRequest: A Potentially Dangerous Request Error When Add Special Character In The Textbox And Submit

Mar 12, 2010

I have aproblem that when i add some special character in the textbox and submit the page it give error. A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$txtname="<test>"). I found the solution of this porblem by ValidateRequest="false". But if i do this then the request will not be validate and then attacks probablity will be increase. what should i do to for this whithout using ValidateRequest attribute.

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How To Submit Html Form Using Asp Button

Mar 15, 2011

how can i do this........

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MVC :: Html Text Value From FCKeditor Upon Submit Form?

Nov 22, 2010

I am having problem retrieving html text value within FCKeditor upon submit form. My submit mvc model alway null value.Do anyone how retrieve html text value withing FCKeditor and put into mvc model upon form submit?

<script type="text/javascript">

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Calling Aspx Page From Html Submit Button?

Jan 5, 2011

i have 2 forms 1 html others is asp.net in vs 2005 now i want on html page is whn i click on submit button asp.net page is called <action="abc.aspx" method="post"> but its not working

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MVC :: HTML Submit Button - How To Call Controller Action

Aug 12, 2010

In the view I have a HTML button:

<input type="submit" value="Submit" />

Also I have a dropdownlist, how do I call the controller's action after I click the "Submit" button?

And how do I pass the Model back to the controller action as well?

The reason I want to pass back the model (or other object/class) to controller's action is I might have 5 dropdown lists and 3 edit boxes values to be sent as parameters. So I would like to assign these parameters into a object and send it back to controller's action.

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C# - How To Parse Html Files And Submit Information Programmatically

Oct 22, 2010

I would like to know which CODE, Classes could be useful for creating a WEB APPLICATION that could:

01 - Connect to an HTML file on the web.

02 - Parse its content (text content).

03 - Find out specific content in a page (for example looking for specific keywords).

Also how to implement:

04 - How to submit information programmatically in HTML page (feeling forms).

I am interested in understanding Classes and general practice and CODE for accomplish this task.

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MVC :: How To Call Action In Controller On Input Submit In HTML Page

Jul 13, 2010

I am quite new to MVC development and facing some basic issues.

I am having a form on which I am taking input form user. It is bould to one of the properties on Model class.

I am having a submit button

<input type="submit" value="Save"/>

Now I want to call Save Action in my controller on click on this Save button.

But it is not working. I have checked on following things:

1. My HTML page is correctly point to the controller

2. I have written HTML code as

<%= HTML.BeginForm("Save","ControllerName", FormMethod.Post); %>
<input type="submit" value="Save"/>
<%= HTML.EndForm();%>

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Validate Duplicate Value Of Textbox While Submit Button

Dec 22, 2010

I have 3 text box's and a submit button when i enter the values and submit then values are entered in database but when i enter the same values and enter then those values are also entered.......This should not happen...I need a popup window showing there are duplicate values that you have entered.Please give the code for aspx and aspx.cs and data base.

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C# - How To Validate A Duplicate Value Of Textbox In Asp.net While Submit Button

Jan 11, 2011

I have 3 text box's and a submit button when i enter the values and submit then values are entered in database .but when i enter the same values and enter then those values are also entered.......This should not happen...I need a popup window showing there are duplicate values that you have entered.

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Use Textbox Value On Submit As A Query String Variable?

Jan 12, 2011

How would I take a text box value and use it in the query string on submit? I'd like it to start as this,


and end up something like this after the user enters in a search and clicks search.


The controller action looks like this

public ActionResult Index(string query,bool favorites)
//search code

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Pick Up Value From Textbox After Receiving It On The Submit Page In Vb.net?

Jul 14, 2010

i have 2 aspx pages. first one has two hidden input fields as follows.
input id="ad" name="ad" type="hidden" value="<%=Request.QueryString("ad") & "" %>" />
input id="bd" name="bd" type="hidden" value="<%=Request.QueryString("bd") & "" %>" />

Now when this lands on the next page, I need to pick up these values, so basically -

dim a1 as integer=0, b1 as integer=0.
a1 = ad.value
b1 = bd.value

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C# - How To Receive Input To A Hidden Textbox And Submit A Form

Sep 6, 2010

I have an ASP.NET application designed for a Windows CE device that needs to take in information from a scanned barcode. The device sends the scanned data as string input with a crlf to whatever field has focus. I set up my page with a textbox that takes the input and posts back to look up the item.

Now, I'd like that box to not be visible to the user, but IE complains when I set focus to it if the field is "visibility: hidden" or "display: none". I've tried moving it off screen using absolute coordinates, but setting the focus scrolls the window to the new location.

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Unable To Submit Form With Html Characters - Potentially Dangerous Request Detected

Oct 12, 2010

I have a form that a user fills out and can input html or other text into a textarea. I have the validaterequest attribute set to false on the page. However, when I submit the form with any html characters it bombs saying that it detected the potentially dangerous request field and to make validaterequest=false. I've already done this so I'm not sure why it's not working. I've done this many times before and never had this problem. Anyone run into this before and if so, is there a fix? I don't want to update my web.config and apply it site wide.

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MVC :: How To Pass A Value Form ActionResult To Html.textbox Or Html.TextBoxFor In View

Mar 18, 2010

how can i passing a value form ActionResult to html.textbox or Html.TextBoxFor in View

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Convert Html In A Vb.net Textbox / Need To Enter Html Code Into (like < Strong>?

Jan 19, 2011

I have a textbox which I need to enter html code into (like < strong> or < em> for example).The trouble is this is causing an error writing this back to the database. A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client (tbVOther="< strong>testIs there a way around this without turning off the request validation setting?

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Web Forms :: Execute Submit From Another Submit Button?

May 17, 2010

In C#/Asp.net I have 2 submit button i.e.

btnOk and btn_Submit

Initially I am doing validating form by clicking on btnOK and in btn_Submit I am inserting record into table. I again want to call btn_Ok event in btn_Submit click event for re-checking validation, if it validates properly thne rest of code of btn_submit should work.

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MVC :: Validating Is Not Working When Put HTML.TextBox Instead Of HTML.TextBoxFor?

Dec 4, 2010

I have a comment form inside the blog posts. in the form, if the user is authenticated, I will assign the values of the user into textboxes. that part is as follows;


But when I add HTML.TextBox instead of HTML.TextBoxFor, I am not getting validation if the user erase the fileds. Also, this form is inside the indext page and it is related to another action as follows;


so I cannot assign ModelState.AddModelError from controller.

What should I do here.

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