Web Forms :: Inserting Valu Twice In Bd?

Jan 22, 2010

inserting value on refresh ?



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ADO.NET :: The Null Value Cannot Be Assigned To A Member With Type System.Int32 Which Is A Non-nullable Valu...

Nov 17, 2010

My code:


If the value is null writes out that error.How to check if the value is null? And if the value is null, I want to store + 1

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Web Forms :: Inserting The Int Value Back Into The ID?

Feb 3, 2010

I'm not sure if the title makes any sense, but this is what I'm trying to do. I have multiple buttons and it's connected to this single event handler. The labels for each button is btnXX, XX being the row and column.

protected void btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

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Web Forms :: Why SPROC Inserting Two Records Instead Of One

Oct 13, 2010

Why am I getting two records inserted into the table, when I'm expecting and needing one? The VB code below is checking whether the HTTP is secure or not, and if it is then execute the SPROC. But for whatever reason, I'm getting two records inserted about 5 seconds apart. Does anyone know why and how to fix? I just need one record.

SPROC [Code]....

VB [Code]....

GLOBAL.ASAX [Code]....

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Web Forms :: Inserting Data With Masterpages?

May 6, 2010

Has anyone ran into problems using masterpages and inserting data into sql? I have ran into this numerous times where I will set up a page using a masterpage, through a few controls on the page to insert data say from a datagrid, do an insert and the data never inserts.

Then I will change the page to a regular webform page, nothing differnet other than it's not using the masterpage, and wala, the data gets inserted?

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Web Forms :: Inserting Data To Database?

Jun 30, 2010

bjdtrw["companyname"] = name1;
bjdtrw["address1"] = ad1;
bjdtrw["address2"] = ad2;


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Web Forms :: Stop Inserting Duplicate Value In Ddl Using Code Behind

Aug 4, 2010

my ddl1 and ddl2 in update panel so i want to insert item in ddl using following condition. It is working fine but when you choose ddl2 more than one then it insert item every time meand duplicate value and populate ddl1 every time.

protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue=="1" )
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("first", "1"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("Second", "2"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(2, new ListItem("Third", "3"));
else if (DropDownList2.SelectedValue == "2" )
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("first", "1"));
DropDownList1.Items.Insert(1, new ListItem("Second", "2"));

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Web Forms :: Inserting Into Multiple Tables Code Behind

May 8, 2010

I have to code this:

I'm building a registration page. The form will insert into multiple table at the same time. I need to automatically get the data from one of those tables and insert it in a field into another 2 tables.



As can be seen both the tcoach_Members and tcoach_Roles table have a column named UsersToRolesId; this column is a foreign key to the UsersToRoles table.

In the UsersToRoles table the Id "Is Identity" and increments by 1 automatically. The UserName and the RoleName will be entered into this table upon registration of a user. Following this, in the Roles and Members tables, this Id number must be entered.

The question is, how can I grab this Id number from the UsersToRole table and insert it into both the Roles and Members tables, via code behind? Can anyone advise me of a way to do this?

The code below is what I've done so far but I am stuck at this Id number:


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Web Forms :: Inserting Page Break In Pdf File?

Aug 3, 2010

i am pulling data from database to the pdf file but i need to show those data in page by page. Here i am using iTextSharp for pdf. Is there any page break options. I did try document.NewPage(); But it didn't work out.

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Web Forms :: Inserting Multiple Checkboxes Into A Database

Jun 14, 2010

I needed to redesign the input page. I have in place individual checkboxes to represent fferent selections. For the database, the result for these checkboxes are in a seperate table. The insert only works for the first table which are textboxes. The information is not getting stored for the checkboxes. I have it separately eventually the checkboxes will be used for a search feature. For example, the information of the company, phone, address are getting inserted into the database but the checkboxes refering to the business is not being stored. What am I doing wrong with my code? Am I missing "true" for the checkboxes? The following is my code:


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Web Forms :: Inserting Multiple Records In Database

Apr 5, 2010

I am having 3 textboxes where I am inserting 3 employee names.I want to insert these details into database as 3 different records.Pls respond me ASAP

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Web Forms :: Inserting To DB - Textboxes And DDL Not Using Databound Controls

Mar 16, 2011

I am working on this form and I am having a difficult time trying to insert data into the database without having to use gridview, or something like that. I have textboxes and and dropdown lists all over the place and i want enter/selected values to be sent to the DB.

Heres some code:


I understand this code fairly well, but from what i can gather is that is used with DataBound controls. how do i set something like txtProvider.Text to @Provider and also execute the Query?

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Web Forms :: Inserting UserControl Into Aspx Page?

Jan 9, 2010

i have user controls inherits from base user control like this:


How do i insert CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail into aspx page?

Note: The derived user controls having the same control layout as the base user control. Making copies of ascx page for CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail is not good idea, because if i modify the base's ascx page, the old CustomerSendMail & UserSendMail 's ascx page should be replace with the new one.

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Web Forms :: Inserting Label Inside A Href Tag?

Feb 10, 2010

Inserting label inside a href tag


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Web Forms :: Page_Load Order - Inserting Record

Aug 25, 2010

Is there any way to make sure an Insert Command happens before the Page_Load Events? I'm having a problem with inserting, then reading the DataSet directly after. It seems it processes too quickly, or prior to the record being inserted. It has an impact on the DataSet that is to be displayed on screen. Summary:

Page_Loads > Finds Saved Data > If None exists (string contains 2 types of matches) > Displays the 1 of 2 types randomly.

Buttons 1 & 2 Insert their respective options > Page Posts Back > Page_Loads > Read Saved Data > If my Max amount of the 1 of 2 types of Data are reached, the remaining type is shown > Displayed on page The problem I am having is that my DisplayDataSet is not getting the correct values. It seems it's always 1 record behind on the count, because the count happens so fast, it's not getting the record that was just inserted. How can I write this, or make sure the "Find Saved Data' Routine happens after the Insert has been preformed?


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Web Forms :: Opening A New Window After Inserting A Record?

Dec 15, 2010

I need a way to opening a new window after inserting a new record. I'm using object data source for CRUD and my code looks something like this:

Private Sub odsFileNote_Inserted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ObjectDataSourceStatusEventArgs) Handles odsFileNote.Inserted
If e.Exception Is Nothing Then
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(GetType(Page), "newWindow", String.Format("<script>window.open('{0}');</script>", "www.google.com")).........

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Web Forms :: Inserting Data Into Database From Code Behind?

May 7, 2010

i need to insert 160 parameters to my database table through Stored procedure. is there any good and best way of inserting values into Table rather than crating 160 parameters on stored procedure and assigning values to the parameters in the c# code? please help me to achieve my need.Note : I have 160 columns in my table . Also what is the way to avoid creating 160 params in the stored procedure.i have all the 160 values in 160 properties of class file.

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Web Forms :: Multiple Dates Selected But Inserting Only The First One

Jan 8, 2011

Multiple dates selected but inserting only the first one


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Web Forms :: Inserting Information And Photo In One Click?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a problem with fileupload control. I have a fileupload control in my registration page. The user will have to enter their information and upload a photo at the same time. When they click RegisterButton, a modalpopup will show up to confirm that the information in the registration is correct and once they click ConfirmButton on the modalpopup, they are registered into the database. I want also to see the photo in the modalpopup.

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Web Forms :: Displaying Folders By Inserting Path?

Sep 10, 2010

I am going to be displaying folders and files in a tree stucture although i need to user todecide what folders they want to view by putting in a path, can this be done? When the user finds the file, they are going to bepresented with an option to move or delete the file. Should i use another tree stucture or an input box to allow the user to put the path

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Web Forms :: Inserting Blank Into Smalldatetime Field?

Jan 18, 2011

I have a field of type smalldatetime in a sql table. through a webform, i am trying to insert a blank value(i.e. through A blank text box) but its showing an error that the" value can not be recognized as valid date time". I am using a textbox to insert value to this field. but that text box can also be blank sometimes. plz help.

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Web Forms :: Masked Textbox For Inserting Date?

Apr 27, 2010

I am having a masked textbox for inserting date.But if i am inserting any invalid date (i.e 40/34/5000) it is accepting but it is give out of range error at runtime.I want to avoid this problem during inserting time to display any error message to user as'Invalid Date' using any ASP.Net controls.Pls suggest me which control I can use to have this type of validation and pls send me the code as well.Pls respond me ASAP.

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Web Forms :: Inserting Labels Into Panel Or Placeholder?

Apr 29, 2010

My labels aren't lining up evenly even though Im using an offset and/or string.Padright


Does anyone know how to make the spacing between these labels the same for each add to Panel?

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Web Forms :: TextEditor Not Inserting The Right Character Into Table

Apr 27, 2016

TextEditor not inserting the right character into table


<cc1:Editor ID="txtEditor" runat="server" CssClass="form-control" Width="100%" BackColor="WhiteSmoke" Height="600px" Font-Names="Comic Sans MS"/>


protected void btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
if (Session["UserName"] != null && Session["UserName"].ToString() != string.Empty) {
string username = Session["UserName"].ToString();


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Web Forms :: Inserting Date From Form Into Table?

Aug 29, 2013

My Table in the Database is not inserting the data from a form. Here is the code for the Table,

CREATE TABLE [dbo].[aspnet_UserGen] (
[FamilyName] CHAR (100) NOT NULL,
[FirstName] CHAR (100) NULL,


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