Web Forms :: Post Back A Page Preserving Data Entered On The Form With Added Error Messages

Mar 6, 2011

asp.net with vb. I thought this would be easy but have been reading for an hour and not found out how to simply repost a page where form data has been entered and return the page with some error messages about what was entered. I want to return the page with all input controls with the data just as the user entered them before submitting. the error messages are labels that were blank when the page is first loaded. preferably the page returns focused to the topmost error error message. if that can't be done I would populate some label at the top of the page with something to the effect that 'errors were found, scroll down to see the errors'

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AJAX :: Dynamically Added Controls Not Working/causes Full Post Back In Updatepanel?

Jun 25, 2010

This is what i am trying to do with asp.net updatepanel.i have button and a panel inside my updatepanel. when the button inside the updatepanel gets clicked i want to dynamically add new controls such as LinkButtons to my panel1 without full post back. Now when the dynamically added controls gets clicked it causes a full post pack and also not calling "LinkButton1_Click" event. i am sure i am doing something wrong here.



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Web Forms :: How To Post Data From One Form To Other Form Using Cross-Page Technique

Jan 14, 2011

I have Master Page and ascx user controls in my application.

how would I use the Cross-Page technique using the @ PreviousPageType directive.

useful links or samples to achieve this.

I am trying to use the Page class that exposes a property named PreviousPage from my User Control.

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Data Controls :: Every Post Back In Form Is Taking Long Time When Several Update Panels Used

Nov 22, 2015

I have a big form in which i have almost 10 update panels. some are having updatemode = conditional and others are always. Now by default when that page is opened i only show one dropdownlist.When that project dropdownlist (from which i populate the rest of the elements in my page) value is changed by user it takes long time to load the other elements. Also the other gridview which is also surrounded by update panel and mode in conditional takes long time to show edititemtemplate controls in edit mode. 

I am unable to trace the reason behing delay. Few days ago it was working fine and fast but now it is slow.

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Web Forms :: Loading On Post Back Like Facebook On Every Post Back Request

Nov 30, 2010

I have four textbox and a button in my page. After filling the textbox. When the user click save button. A loading image should be displayed. User should not feel that the page is postback to the server,Some thing like in facebook loading image.

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Web Forms :: Display Validation Error Messages When Form Fields Left Blank Or Empty?

Jul 10, 2013

When I Login the page using username and password  and then click the logout button and after again click Login button without entering username and password it will be login,I want to show error

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MVC :: Form Submit Does Not Post Back - Browser Specific

Mar 17, 2010

I have an ASP.NET MVC App. The forrm has a "button control declared like this "<button name="" text="">I handle this in the post back in the controller. Though it works fine in development machine in IE, it DOE NOT work when i deploy to prod box. I tested it in Firefox and it works just fine

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C# - Stop From Re-appending Querystrings On Form Post Back?

Feb 11, 2011

I am developing a simple rating system for my employer's profile based web-app. Here is my problem:

The actual page is domain.com/review.aspx?user=username, but I use the url-rewrite module in IIS to use domain.com/username/review The page contains a repeater control that displays reviews for that username, as well as a form for people to create new reviewsWhen the form is submitted, asp.net re-appends the (hidden) querystring to the url on postback.The post-back url is now domian.com/username/review?user=username&review, causing the page to break if refreshed.

Is there any way to keep asp.net from re-appending the querystrings that are actually already present, but re-written with IIS

Live link <- submit a review, and then refresh the page (edit) by clicking in the address bar! Beautiful yellow error message.


C# code:

protected void submitReview(object sender, EventArgs e)
int starRating = txtStarRating.Text == "" ? 0 : Int32.Parse(txtStarRating.Text);
testimonials.addNew(Int32.Parse(txtHiddenUid.Text), reviewContent.Text, reviewerName.Text, true, starRating);


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Web Form And Ajax Data Lost On Post Back - Finding Possible Cause / Ajax Or Changing Visible Property

Sep 15, 2010

I have two Repeater controls, each hosted in a user control. Both user controls are contained in the same aspx page. Only one User Control is visible at any one time. The repeaters are comprised of checkboxes, and text boxes for user input.

The aspx page is configured with an Ajax ScriptManager; and contains several Ajax UpdatePanels. These UpdatePanels result in partial page post backs when text is changed in a textbox control in controls on the aspx page (this is not the behaviour for the Repeaters in the User Controls). Through use of several AsyncPostBackTriggers, various controls contained in the other UpdatePanels on the page have their content refreshed in response to the partial page post backs they are configured be notified about.

Depending on a radio button group selection, I set the visible property to true or false - as appropriate for the User control containing a repeater control. The Repeater control is then populated with data using databinding. All of this works.

However, when the Submit button is clicked, the Repeater control contains no data.

Given that I am not dynamically adding the Controls containing the Repeater controls (but using Visible true / false). I would have thought that the State of the fields and the data in the visible control would be preserved during the post back.

The User Controls are contained within the UpdatePanel that contains the Submit Button.

I have explicitly Enabled View state without any effect.

Am I correct in assuming that I should not have to do any explicit handling of data changes the user makes (via client side script and manipulation of an Data Structure Representing the Repeater Data); and the View State should maintain the data I need to access on the server when submitted?

I do not believe that it is the User Control visible state changes that are causing the issue because when the page is initially loaded on of the User controls is populated with dummy rows (so it displays).

I am suspicious that because the visible state of the controls is changed during partial page post back, that the Page View State ends up with no knowledge of the User Control and therefore cannot track its data (or changes).

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Web Forms :: Post Of Form Suddenly Failing Getting Error From Mscorlib Error: Thread Was Being Aborted?

Feb 10, 2010

I have been using the RemotePost Class( as per http://www.jigar.net/articles/viewhtmlcontent78.aspx) to post a form to a pay provider, for about 3 months successfully, I made some changes external from the call to this class that sent an email when user presses the button to notify us that the user has selected to go through to the pay provider (similar to PayPal). and suddenly got an exception error MSCROLIB, Thread was being aborted. I have since removed the code and I still get the error it happens when I call


I tried the suggestion on KB article [URL]/ but the control is not past to the Pay Provider I also took the actual response that is written and posted it to a new html file added a submit button and it works. So I am no stuck. The Pay provider claims they have changed nothing, and has tried to help but says they are receiving no input from either our dev site or the live site.I also tried to step into the call but it just throughs the exception

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How To Get Error Messages On Dynamic Data Edit Page Template

Aug 11, 2010

I have the following markup at the end of my Edit page template in a Dynamic Data project:

<br />
<asp:Label ID="errorLabel" runat="server" Visible="false" ForeColor="Red">Helloooo</asp:Label>
<br />

And I have the following code in the code=behind for the template:


The 'if' condition is true, and the errorLabel.Visible = true etc. executes, but the label remains invisible on the rendered screen.

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C# - Using A Timer Post Back, Which Controller To Use That Doesn't Post Back To Server?

Jul 14, 2010

Being new to ASP.NET I have run into trouble building my own Whack-a-mole program. I think my problem comes from using Buttons, which by themselves send post backs to the server, making the software unusable. The looks are in place, making new buttons show up in the grid, in different places by random. However, when a button is pushed - the score doesn't change (which I feel is strange).

Not so strange is that the Button doesn't work since it sends post back to the server - reloading the UpdatePanel. I think I should use a different controller like the CheckBox and style it hard using CSS (which isn't a problem). Is this the correct way to go, or should I make use of JavaScript AJAX instead?

Note to self: This technique shouldn't be used in a public application since it put too much unwanted pressure on the web server.


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Forms Data Controls :: Setting The ID Parameter To Form Parameter Source And Have Entered The Grid Views Name In The Form Field

Mar 11, 2010

How do you use the http POST method with a Grid View on another page. I am trying to use the POST method to send the ID from the selected row of a Grid View, I am using a link button set to fire the select command and it has the Post Back URL set, from one page and then retrieve the ID value on another page using an Object Data Source. Also, under the Defining Parameters, I am setting the ID parameter to Form Parameter Source and have entered the Grid Views name in the Form Field.

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Web Forms :: Position Page At Bottom After Post Back Ignoring Focus() Further Up Page?

Jun 7, 2010

I have a page that I am adding user controls to the bottom of the controls each postback. The User Control has a textbox in it and the focus needs to be on this newly created control textbox each time. It all works almost perfectly however when there are too many controls to fit on the page, because I set the focus to the textbox the bottom of the page is set to the textbox that has focus not the very bottom of the page. I have a submit button below this which ends up below the page limit. How can I set focus to a textbox but still scroll to the every bottom of the page to show the submit button.

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Web Forms :: Handling Error Messages In Master Page?

Feb 24, 2010

In my app i have a master page that all content pages use. I would like to have a centralized area inside my master page that would handle displaying of error messages. So on my master page I would have the following this is where the content goes So when I would submit a content page, placeholder named "ErrorPlaceHolder" would be found and error would be displayed in the pages "Pre Render" event..I guess. How would I do that?

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C# - Encountering Error When Doing Post - Back Using __doPostBack()

Oct 29, 2010

I am getting an error on javascript when doing post back. The code is as follows:

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="test.aspx.cs" Inherits="test" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" [URL]>
<html xmlns=[URL]>
<head id="Head1" runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function DoPostBack()
__doPostBack('Button2','My Argument');
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<input type="button" id="Button2" value="Press me" onclick="DoPostBack()" />

I am getting the following error: Line: 13 Error: Object expected I can't understand why this error is coming.

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Web Forms :: Force Page To Reload Or Post Back?

Feb 28, 2011

I have an input form on a page along with gridview and combo box. a user first select a filter combo box then click on search, to see a return values in a grid view format. then a user can enter new row once he / she cick add, i want the page to reload and the new inserted value to show in the gridview.

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Web Forms :: Additional Post Back After Page Has Loaded?

Aug 4, 2010

I am writting an application that displays 3 visable text boxes and 1 hidden text box and one hidden button.

My application sets focus to the hidden text box.

The input comes from a barcode scanning gun which gives the "enter" command after the scan is complete...this essentially clicks the hidden submit button which moves the text from the hidden text box to the currently active visable text box.

To start the application does some verification on what was scanned then gives the user feedback on what was scanned then enters it into SQL.

My problem comes with the last scan...the page does not actually post back to give the user the neccessary confirmation before commiting the info to SQL and resetting the form.

Is there a way to either do somethig after the page has been rendered or do an additional post back somehow before calling the commit and reset functions?

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Web Forms :: Page Not Found After Long Post Back?

May 10, 2010

i'm trying to load data from large access file(.mdb) to Sql server database

every thing is ok , but the operation take a long time (1 hour)

so , in the middle of loading data when i'm reach the record 18000 the iis show me the page not found

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Web Forms :: Redirect To Error Page When Entered Code Be Wrong

Sep 29, 2013

I have button and textbox in Trade.aspx page that users enter Number in TB and according to that Number it go to other page 

protected void Trade_Click(object sender, ImageClickEventArgs e) {
string data = Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text);
SqlCommand _cmd = new SqlCommand("traidname", _cn);
_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure;
_cmd.Parameters.Add("@BehCode", data);
string tName = _cmd.ExecuteScalar().ToString();
Response.Redirect(tName + "?BehCode=" + Server.UrlEncode(txtNumeric.Text));

Now I want if users enter wrong number in TB that doesn't exist in database it redirect to Error.aspx page

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Web Forms :: Submit Button / Post Back As Confirmatory Page

Jul 17, 2010

I use submit button to post to database which successfully show in gridview but i also want to use thesame button to show a post back as confirmatory page that you have successfully submited a post please, how can i go about the code to perform these function, i use property section of the submit button to do a post back to confirmatory page , the page show but message fail to show in grid view. a simple example of what i was trying to do is this, when u write a post in this forum now , u press a button to submit a post and a confrirmatory message is send to u. what is actually performing the two functions.

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Post Form Data To Controller Without Page Refresh?

Jun 9, 2010

Post form data to controller without page refresh in asp.net mvc application using Jquery ajax.

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C# - Success Messages As Opposed To Model State Error Messages?

Jan 26, 2010

For error messages, validation faults etc you have


But, where do you put success responses like "You successfully transfered alot of money to your ex." + "Your balance is now zero". I still want to set it at the controller level and preferably in key-value way, the same way as errormessages but without invalidating the modelstate.

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Web Forms :: Show Processing Message While Page Loading Upon On Post Back

Apr 28, 2010

I am using ASP.NET 2.0 with C#(No AJAX) in my project. In a particular web page, when the a button is clicked, some server intensive C# code runs before the same page is displayed again with the results. While code execution happens on the server in response to Button_Click event, a blank white page is shown to user on his browser in between post backs. How do i show a message in this case, that the processing is still going on and ask the user to wait? I have used javascript to show a message on page unload. But this message is also erased when the page is posted back to the server and the user sees a blank white page on his browser. How do i avoid this white page? Is there a way to show a message in the blank white page? How do i show a processing Message while the page is loading upon on Post Backs to the same Page.

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Web Forms :: Scroll Back To Drop Down List After Auto Post Back In Code Behind?

Feb 22, 2011

Using Vb.Net 2003 Asp.Net 1.1

I have a dynamic data bound drop down list, when the user selects thier selected item I have to use the autopostback feature.

Problem is: when the page comes back it is at the top of the page not where i have the control.

I don't really need it to focus back on the dropdownlist but to scroll to it, I want to do it in the code behind.

Any "New" ways to do it, I mean new as in code from like 2010 instead of old code from the early days.

I really don't want to use Page.Register new Script...... code if I can avoid it.

What would be cool is a ScrollToControl() Function for my code behind that worked but didn't register script.

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