Web Forms :: Send Form Tag Via Email - After User Put Data
Feb 14, 2010
i have very big form in my page (alot text boxes some chkboxes abd more. after the user fill his form he click a submit button. after that i want to get all the form (i mean with all the style and exactly the way it look ) so i have a function that i have build to send mail. i want the msg body will be the form how can i do that? just to get the form and get it as a string (with values )
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I want to send a confirmation email to the user after they register to my website. I am using CreateUserWizard of .NET and I use C#.
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After Guid userId = (Guid)user.ProviderUserKey;
I am very confused and not sure what to do. I understand that i need to email an url with the userID to user's email upon registration, but how to do this, and when user clicks that url in that email, how that url will automatically come to activation page?
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Jan 15, 2010
I was able to find examples throughout the internet that more or less accomplished what I needed to be done, but now I have run into some problems. I need to be emailed the form data when the users submits it and then the user needs to be redirected to a thank you page, in this case "thanks.asp". I have been unable to get the form to redirect users to the thanks page, and in my efforts I think I might have messed the email process up as well.
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Oct 26, 2010
I'm using a ASP.NET Web Form to capture information from a user and then email the results to me. This is working well.
The problem is, that the SMTP Relay Server I am using from my ISP seems to be a bit slow so once I hit SEND on the form, it seems to take a little longer than average before sending the user through to the "Thank-You" page.
To counter-act the long wait time, I would like to add a little bit of code that will display on the Web Form once the user clicks the send button, but before the data is actually sent or they are forwarded on to the thank-you page.
Right now in my file.aspx.vb I have:
Catch smtpExc As System.Net.Mail.SmtpException
'Log error information on which email failed.
Catch ex As Exception
'Log general errors
End Try
What I'm wondering is if it is possible to have a HIDDEN control of some type on the form and then change Visible=False to Visible=True to have the text display once the user clicks the Send button? Or should this be done another way?
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May 12, 2010
I have above 50 user email id stored in my database i want to send email, As a admin, I typed some message, when i press send button. It will send to to all user email Id which is stored in My Database. I am using asp.net and c#.
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Nov 14, 2010
to send email to user who is creating new account. i am using following code but it is not working well for me.
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Mar 20, 2011
I am developing a website where I need to send confirmation link to the user's e-mail account when he/she signs-up.
When user clicks this link then a field userEnable in database changes from "false" to "true".
How do I send a confirmation e-mail to a user when user clicks on the signup button.
When user clicks on this confirmation link then how would the field UserEnable change from "false" to "true"
I am using asp.net 4.0 with VB.NET as the language and SQL Server 2008 for my database.
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Sep 24, 2010
ser enters email addressafter submit, an email is sent to the user The email will include a link that will take the user to a reset password page.Now, how do I fetch user's ID based on the email address and encrypt it? Then what should link be? Like, what I want is fetch the User ID then encrypt it somehow so that the link doesn't contain the actual ID and that link will take the user to a page that will have textboxes to reset the password. I am just confused how to go about it.Also is this the secure way? To reset a password like this?
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