Web Forms :: Server Side Validation To File Upload Control?
Oct 12, 2010how to validate a file upload control to allow maximum "100kB" Size images.if exceed it should fire a asp validation"file size must be 100KB maximum".
View 2 Replieshow to validate a file upload control to allow maximum "100kB" Size images.if exceed it should fire a asp validation"file size must be 100KB maximum".
View 2 RepliesI have a async file upload control and I am doing client side validation for Image."OnClientuploadstarted" I am doing the client side validation.My validation is working fine but my problem is that the file upload control text box goes green (i.e file is loaded on the server) even if the validation fails which is I dont want.What I want is when the client side validation fails the file does not gets loaded on the server and the Async file upload textbox does not goes green.I have goggled but have not found a suitable solution.
View 4 RepliesI am trying to upload photo to my website folder "upload"
View 6 RepliesThe below code is working fine in local machine..
To enable the details of this specific error message to be viewable on remote machines, please create a <customErrors> tag within a "web.config" configuration file located in the root directory of the current web application. This <customErrors> tag should then have its "mode" attribute set to "Off".).aspx
<table width="100%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<td colspan="2" align="left">
<td width="15%">
Public Sub CustomValidator1_ServerValidate(ByVal source As Object, ByVal args As System.Web.UI.WebControls.ServerValidateEventArgs) Handles CustomValidator1.ServerValidate
' Get file name
Dim uploadAvatar As FileUpload = DirectCast(AdvertisementForm.FindControl("uploadAvatar"), FileUpload)
Dim UploadFileName As String = uploadAvatar.PostedFile.FileName
If UploadFileName = "" Then
' There is no file selected
args.IsValid = False
Dim Extension As String = UploadFileName.Substring(UploadFileName.LastIndexOf(".") + 1).ToLower()
If Extension = "xls" Or Extension = "xml" Then
args.IsValid = True ' Valid file type
args.IsValid = False ' Not valid file type
End If
End If
End Sub
<td><asp:FileUpload ID="uploadAvatar" runat="server" /></td>
<td><asp:LinkButton ID="BtnUpdate" runat="server" CausesValidation="True"
CommandName="Update" Text="Update" CssClass="updatebutton" OnClientClick="ValidateFileUpload();" /></td>
<asp:CustomValidator ID="CustomValidator1" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Please select valid .jpg or .bmp file" ></asp:CustomValidator>
<td><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server"
CausesValidation="False" CommandName="Cancel" Text="Cancel" CssClass="cancelbutton" /></td>
I have a fileUpload User Control FileUploadControl.ascx containing asp.net fileupload control and a requiredfield validator.I have another usercontrol RenderingTemplate.ascx that contains two FileUploadControl.ascx.RenderingTemplate.ascx is on page RenderingTemplateDetails.aspx, this page has save and cancel button.Now My requirement is in case user selects a file in one fileupload control,he has to select in other as well. If he does not select any file,let postback happen. cannot use Requiredfieldvalidator as it fires for both. I tried adding onclientclick to page save button and check whether file upload has some text in it.but i didnot succedd.Now i want this functionality to be a part of control so that i dont have to recode it on every page. IS there any clientside event on usercontrol which fires when save button of page is clicked.
View 1 Replieshave a gridview in that i have checkbox and file upload controls and common submit button outside gridview.if i checked a row checkbox and i need to check whether the file upload control contains any value or not.if checkbox is checked and file upload control contains values then i will insert the details into database table.if not means i will show a message. if not checked means its not a problem no need to validate the control. how to do this..
View 4 Replieswant to know that can we validate a control which is out side a form element in asp.net(server side validation)and outside a form element in html(client side validation) let's take a closer look
<input type="text" name="first name"/>
can we apply clien side validation on above text box by java script ?in asp.net
<form runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server"></asp:TextBox>
I'm interested in identifying a means to verify the server-side validation is performing as expected, but need to bypass the client-side validation being done using ASP.NET validation controls. To test this, I've tried using the form Poster add-on to Firefox that allowed me to get/modify the page contents and post it, but the .NET framework interpreted the submission as harmful and threw an application error ("A potentially dangerous Request.Form value was detected from the client").I've created a WinForm that includes a WebBrowser control and I'm able to manipulate the contents of the web page and invoke the button click, but am interested in seeing how to allow a postback with invalid input values. I don't want to assume the server-side validation works (even though I do check if Page.IsValid on the server on postback).This submits the web form in the WebBrowseer control and the expected client-side validation fires:
This is how I've manipulated some of the page contents (this just prevents submission):
mshtml.IHTMLDocument2 doc = extendedWebBrowser1.Document.DomDocument as mshtml.IHTMLDocument2;
string html = doc.body.innerHTML;
html.Replace("Page_ValidationActive = false", "Page_ValidationActive = true");
doc.body.innerHTML = html.ToString();
is it possible to automatically populate a file upload control's file for automated testing and server stress. I have one upload control (that simply brings up the browse and selects the file) and a button that uploads the selected fileupload control's file. Is it possible to give the file upload control a file pather "C:myImage.jpg" and submit the file by pressing the upload butto:
document.getElementById("fileUpload").value = "C:myImage.jpg";
I have a webform (ASP .NET 3.5 SP1) where I need to put a file upload server control. People from this page should be able to upload a file of 50 MB (max). I know for this purpose the ASP .NET FileUpload control is not good. What can I do? Is there any free fileupload module which I can use?
View 1 Repliesi want to upload file to web server without using fileupload control...
here is issue is that i have static path and using that path i want to upload that file to web server..
I have a input html file upload control for uploading image.
its working fine in my localhost, but its not uploading image when i upload the site on server.
its only not working in safari 4.0.5
in rest browser its working so nice.
I want to upload files to the web servers from the client machines.
Can i upload a file on a network share folder using file upload control?
I would like to create a share folder on a file server sitting next to the web server. If i upload the file from the network share folder instead of uploading it from the client machine does it make any difference?
Will the file be stored in a temporary location before copying to the final destination? Where will be the file stored in this case of uploading it from share folder?
I have to copy a file from client machine to server folder without use file upload control.
i tried with WebClient().Like this
Dim onbjweb As New WebClient()
onbjweb.UploadFile(Server.MapPath(serverpath), "POST", LocalFilePath).
Its working fine in localhost.When its deployed in server its not working.
I am using the async file upload control to upload to a image file. I want the user to upload only jpg files. And for that I am checking the uploadedfile content type in server side, after the upload complets. I wanna check this, before upload starts. There is one javascript method
function startUpload(sender, args){}
but how to access the content type of the file selected by user.
I'm using an entity model with metadata annotations. My controller method looks like this...
if (!ModelState.IsValid)
return View(model);
return RedirectToAction("Index");
If I enable client side validation in the view I'll get the error per the Attributes from the metadata class. If I take clientside validation out, error gets thrown from saving to the DB rather than return the view with an Error Summary.
This is the top portion of my view....
<% using (Html.BeginForm())
<%: Html.ValidationSummary(true) %>
I've tried running without debugging (ctrl + f5) in debug and release mode as well as setting breakpoints and Debugging (f5) but it just seems weird to get Client side validation without server side validation. What am I missing here?
I am using ASP.NET's server-side validation. In the page_load event I'm calling Page.Validate(), and if Page.IsValid is not true I'm then polling the controls to figure out which ones are not valid, and then determining what actions to take.It would be much easier if each control would raise an event as validation fails, allowing me to take action for that particular control. I'm very much a naive programmer when it comes to validation, but is there a way to extend these controls so that a validation error raises an event?
View 1 RepliesIm trying to upload file (lets say .xls file) but i need to check if the file type is macth with it binary. for example we can renamefileA.mp3 as fileA.xls on our windows and upload it. i need to check this first. can anyone suggest me how to check this file type ?based from what I browse, I found that BInaryReading can do it. here is the code
this check correctly. BUT, once it returns TRUE (when FileA.xls is really an XLS file), the POSTED FILE content will be 0. and the upload went file (the SAVEAS works) , and the file copied to the specified directory. but the content is 0 and when i open it, it said that the file is corrupted.i think this is due to the BINARY READER. is that true ? because before above method called, i make a breakpoint and the POSTEDFILE content length is still 16kb. after the method called, its 0.
I have an application that lets the use upload a pdf, I wanted to put a limit on the size the pdf can be. If the user tried to upload something too big I wanted to display a message to the user. I am trying to use a custom validator where it checks the size of the file and if it is too big it will set the "IsValid" to false. Is this the correct way to go about doing this? Is there a better way? When I test it, everything works in IE 8 and FF, but it does not work in IE 7 and can't figure out why.Here is what I have so far, this is on my aspx page:
And this is the code behind:
I have one big panel called Panel1. Withine Panel1 I have Panel2 and Panel3. WHen I drag the panels into Panel1, Panel2 is on top of Panel3. How can I get them side by side?..
another is how can i create a windows form in .aspx file... with using ajax control or coollet..
how to restore ms sql database express using asp.net file upload..
ow to restore my ms sql backup file using asp.net file upload control in c#...
if I have done the Validation in .aspx file for Server Side control as
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox_Phoneno" runat="server" Width="125px" MaxLength="12"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:RegularExpressionValidator id="RegularExpressionValidator2" runat="server"
ErrorMessage="Please enter a default 10 digit contact number (eg:111-111-1111)."
ValidationGroup="next3" ValidationExpression="(((d{3}) ?)|(d{3}-))?d{3}-d{4}">*
should I have to do Server Side code validation in .aspx.cs file also using classes such as RegexStringValidator. Is it not enough to do validation using the above code. Will it work for Server Side also.
I have one textbox and I want to allow only integer cannot allow character when I entered character to show the error message , this functionality I want create in server side withou using javascript.
View 1 RepliesI have the following form
<form id="upload" method="post" EncType="Multipart/Form-Data" action="reciver.aspx">
<input type="file" id="upload" name="upload" /><br/>
<input type="submit" id="save" class="button" value="Save" />
When I look at the file collection it is empty.
HttpFileCollection Files = HttpContext.Current.Request.Files;
How do I read the uploaded file content without using ASP.NET server side control?