Web Forms :: Set Up A For Loop So That Each Label Can Be Changed?
Jun 25, 2010
I have a number of labels on the page, each with an ID of Label1, Label2, Label3 etc, up to Label20. How do I set up a for loop so that each label can be changed?
For example:
I need it to change the control ID each time, based on the value of I.
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Feb 21, 2011
create List of dynamic asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button when asp:dropdown selected index changed Dropdown List - ddlLang - English, Italian, French, German
If English is selected from ddlLang Create new asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button. If French is selected create another new asp:Label, asp:textbox and asp:button. In the same way so on.... and when button submit clicked get all dynamic text box values and label values to Save to DB.
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May 29, 2010
I'm using VWD2010 express. using C# code behind.
What I need to do is update a label during a loop (simplified from my implimentation). If I can refresh the whole page or an update panel that would work too. I want to give the user more info than just "Please Wait...". So the extreamly simplified version of what I'm trying to do is:
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Label"></asp:Label>
<br />
<asp:Button ID="Button1" runat="server" onclick="Button1_Click Text="Button" />
protected void Button1_Click(Object sender, EventArgs e)
for(int i =0; i<=10; i++)
Label1.Text = i.ToString();
Because ASP runs all of it's code behind events before sending the HTML to the user it will not update the label text until after the entire loop has run. I've tried using and update panel and using the UpdatePanel1.Update(); command. I've turned off out buffering Response.Buffer=false; and Response.BufferOutput=false;. I've been searching forums for the past 2 days trying for find a solution. Is this even possilble with ASP or are we at the mercy of ASP only giving HTML to the user when after it's done with it's server side events?
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Sep 20, 2015
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DataSet ds = new DataSet();
DataTable dt = new DataTable();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Description", typeof(string)));
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Auctionno", typeof(string)));
[Code] ....
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Sep 14, 2010
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We provide the application in three languages (English, Dutch & French) which you can switch all the time. This has worked all the time for all users, well that's what we think anyway.
Yesterday I found out that switching from one to another language isn't working for 2 of our users. So I started testing a bit and I always got this error.
I'll try to explain what happens behind the doors when changing the language:
First of all the current language is saved in a session so we don't have to check the user row every time a page loads. Besides that we save the language in the users row in the database.
Users Table:
Id int
Email varchar(150)
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Jan 14, 2010
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Dim CompanyDetails As String = ""
Dim CompanyRow As DataRow
For Each CompanyRow In newdt.Rows
CompanyDetails += CompanyRow(1) & " " & CompanyRow(0) & "<br/>"...
How can I get this to see the GetInfo as declared..... since its in a loop within a loop?
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Feb 21, 2011
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<asp:Label ID="TitleLabel" runat="server" Text="Title:" /> <asp:Label ID="DataLabel" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Data") %>' />
So if there is no Data incoming to the DataLabel then I want both labels to be invisible.
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Jun 1, 2010
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May 10, 2010
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<asp:Label ID="lblDescripSub" Text='<% first 10 chars of lblDescription.Text %>' runat="server">
<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblDescription" ></asp:Label>
I dont want to use javascript.
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Feb 21, 2010
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Jul 14, 2010
I have been messing about with this for hours surely this should be an easy task ....... I have a stored procedured that creates a invoice on a Quotetable one of the parameters is a output parameter Invoice Number this is passed to a label. (Label1) This works great.
I then need to add items to the invoice on a item table so my next stored procedure should take the value of Label1 and update the foreign key quotenumber on the itemtable with the value from label1.
On the aspx page I have a small section for a gridview which shows the current quote with however many items on it using the control
On the ASP page the control for @Quotenumber = Label1 but I get the following error
'Conversion failed when converting the nvarchar value 'Label' to data type int.'
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Jul 1, 2010
What is the best way to get the value of a dropdownlist control before it has been changed and after it has been changed. Can it be done in one routine? In other words, if a user clicks on a dropdownlist control and changes it's value, I need to get the old value and the new value and send both these values as input parameters to a stored proc.
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May 26, 2010
I have a rather short (~30 item) CheckboxList control and when it changes, I need to know which Checkbox changed.
I've got the CheckboxList set to AutoPostBack so I know only one Checkbox changed, but I don't know how to detect which one.
Unfortunately, the SelectedIndex property of the CheckboxList is useless. I'm sniffing around checking the ViewState, but I'm not sure if that'll work or how I go about that.
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Jan 25, 2010
I have 2 dropdown list.On selectedindex changed I am assigning the selected value in to a label
protected void DropDownList1_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sltvalitem1 = DropDownList1.SelectedValue.ToString();
lblitem1price.Text = sltvalitem1.ToString(); // item 1 price
int itm1 = Convert.ToInt32(lblitem1price.Text); // item 1 price in to interger
int itmtotal = itm1 ; // total value in to the integer
lblitem1price.Text = itmtotal.ToString();
protected void DropDownList2_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
string sltvalitem2 = DropDownList2.SelectedValue.ToString();
lblitem2price.Text = sltvalitem2.ToString();// item 2 price
int itm2 = Convert.ToInt32(lblitem2price.Text);
int itmtotal2 = itm2; // total value in to the integer
lblitem2price.Text = itmtotal2.ToString();
So now in lblitem1price I have one value and lblitem2price I have dropdownlist2 value.
so I want to calculate these 2 values in to a Label called lbltotal.
So then according to the selected value of 1st or 2nd drop down total should be changed.
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Mar 7, 2011
I have a form that can be used to input new records, or to review previously entered records... What is the best way to tell if any of the fields have been updated? I have a fairly sized relational DB and I hate to update every associated record in every table every time the update button is pressed. Is there possibly some way to tell on the server side or on the clientside via JavaScript?
This has to be a common problem with a good efficient solution.
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Jan 6, 2011
In my asp.net project, I have a view-image page and an upload-image page. I upload an new image and direct to the view page, the image doesn't be changed, because IE won't reload the image if the image's url remains the same.
prefer the way to ask the browser to reload the image independently without server setting or web-headers changes.
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Jun 18, 2010
Say If got these dates in a TextBox 2010/06/19,2010/06/20,2010/06/21,2010/06/22,2010/06/23, i want automicly my Start label to pickpup the lowest date and Label End to pickup the highest Date Start: [2010/06/19] End: [2010/06/23] between brackets is my label
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Jul 20, 2010
trying to loop on the value of my labels.
i have several labels named label1, label2 etc....
my labels are filled with dates 10/10/2010, 10/11/2010, 10/12/2010 ....
the user enters a date in a textbox and i want all the labels that have a date > than the date enterd by the user to turn visible false.
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