Web Forms :: Trying To Cache 2 User Control In Page?

Feb 11, 2011

i am trying to cache 2 user control in my page. These user control pulls inforamtion from Database and shows the information. (like top review etc).

It works fine if i dont add


in my user controls. but as soon as i add above code in my user controls then i get error.

Sys.ArgumentUndefineException: Value cannot be undefined. Parameter name:type

at the left bottom of the page.

This occurs when i navigate to different page and come back to page which has user control

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: Clear Cache On User Control With Vary By Id Parameter

Aug 1, 2010

I have a page that deploys a user control to display an article. The page will show a different article depending on the ID parameter fed in via querystring, and there are many thousands of articles in our db. Here is the problem: I need to cache the user control to improve performance. But editors constantly need to go in and make changes/corrections, which they want to appear instantly on the site. Is it possible to clear the cache for a specific article only once it has been edited? ie for the request article.aspx?id=123? If so how would I do this? Otherwise, if the cache is cleared for all our content every time a single piece of content is edited, it will defeat the object of caching in the first place. I have tried using a cache key as recommended here: [URL] However, this apporach suffers from the drawback mentioned above. have also seen that you can set caching up to be cleared by changes to the db. However, the particular table concerned holds content for a number of other sites and would also have the same disadvantage.

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Web Forms :: Cache Only One Control In Page?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a web form where most of the aspx markup never changes. Only a few controls change from time to time. As I have read through some articles it seems I have to create a custom control to enable partial page caching. Is there another way where I can cache all but a few controls?

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How To Avoid To Cache The User Control In Mvc

Nov 12, 2010

I add cache to my application, I have a page which contains several User Control, my problem is I just want to cache the data returned from Controller, but not want to cache all the page content. Since one of my user control is login control, if I cache all the result, then it will behave incorrectly.

my problem is :

1.Is it possible to just cache the data returned from controller ?

2.If a page is cached, can I force a control in the page to be uncached ?

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Web Forms :: User Control C# - Open User Control Page When Click A Button On Parent Page

Mar 22, 2011

i would like to ask about how can i open user control page when i click a button on parent page, also, can i call parent's method from user control page and then refresh parent page?

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Caching User Control And Clearing That Cache Programmatically?

Jul 13, 2010

I'm trying to cache user controls and on some pages i want to cache single objects. There are multiple ways of implementing caching, and my head is breaking over it.

The way I see the caching options now:

You have the PartialCaching option which is set to cache the control for 30 minutes, and after that it clears itself... You have the varyByParam to identity the page by its querystring paramaters... or other vary options

But i just cant find an appropriate way to add caching to a control, and be able to clear the caching programmatically when i update one of the objects used in the control from the backend.

You can do HttpContext.Current.Cache.Insert(), which accepts a key on which you can destroy the caching item later by using remove... This can save objects in cache but can you use options like varyByParam?

My questions are burnt down to two:

Is there a way to clear the caching on specific user controls from the code? If yes, can this be done according to the varyby options? How would the object caching respond to logged in users or anonymous users using Insert()?

EDIT: I'm caching multiple things.... And I'm really flabbergasted in which choice to make referring to caching. Can the Cache.Insert be varied by Parameters?

The main problem is peopling editing things from the backend, which needs to trigger an event that reinstantiates or clears all caching items referring that object.

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Security :: Remove The Cache Of A Page After The User Signs Out

Jan 21, 2011

I have an ASP.NET website in which the user has the Login/Logout functionality. There are some pages which are viewable only if the user is logged in. Now, after the user signs out, I noticed that the user is still able to see this restricted page on pressing the back button. I want to create the functionality such that once the user signs out, the page should not be viewable. How can that be done?

P.S I am not using built in Login controls in ASP.NET

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Web Forms :: Accessing A Public Property Of A Nested User Control In A Master Page From A Pages' User Control?

Sep 10, 2010

I've got a web site that has a master page and that master page (mpMaster that has a user control ucControl1) which has a sub user control (ucControl2), this user control has a property which accepts a value. Now, I have a page that uses the master page
and on this page I have another user control (ucPageControl), I need to find a way of setting the value in ucControl2 from ucPageControl. Is this possible at all?

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State Management :: Output Cache To Be Used Only When Parameter Has Changed + Old Question Of User Control Not Answered?

Aug 26, 2010

i have 2 questions about output cache:1.is it just me , or does it seems that it is used only after the second time that the user reaches the webpage? if so, why, and how can i tweak it to my needs? my guess is that it wouldn't be logical to cache every time a user reach a webpage, but only when it happens enough times.2.i know that i can use "varybyparam" for using the output cache when the parameter doesn't change , but it seems that it would use the output cache even if there is no parameter , or if the specified paramter is not there. is there a way to overcome this?3.an old question that somehow marked as "answered" , yet i didn't solve : suppose i created a user control and i gave it values through the CTOR via the aspx file . is it possible to show the values from within the split/design mode? remember that i've talking about ASP.NET and not simply C# winforms . i write this because this question was on :[URL]and the answer that i got was for C# and winforms . i've tried to do the same for ASP.NET , but i've failed.

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Architecture :: Cache The Full List Of Objects In Http Cache On The Service Tier And Page In Memory?

Feb 25, 2011

We have a wfc layer that wraps the business classes and database access and use a client that lives on the database layer. Amongst our group we are attempting to form standards. Some want to have the client call the web method and pass the page they are requesting and the page size. Pass that to the database and then page in SQL Server use RowNum.Some want to cache the full list of objects in http cache on the service tier and page in memory. They concern here is memory use on the server.

Which would be best for a medium number of users with potentially large number of records to manage (say 30K) Is it better to cache them all in memory and work from there or page at the database as the application scales?

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Is Page Output Cache Stored In.NET Cache Object?

Nov 2, 2010

I need to enable caching in my asp.net application, but I do not want to use the webserver's memory for holding cache objects. If I add the page directive for output caching will the page be stored in the asp.net cache object?

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Web Forms :: Load User Control In Page From Another User Control?

Jan 11, 2010

i have:

- Default.aspx;
- user1.ascx: 1st user control containing repeater;
- user2.ascx: 2nd user control containing a detail view of row.

In page.aspx i dinamically load the repeater inside a user1.ascx.

after i want to dinamically load the 2nd user control also in default.aspx by a button inside a user1.ascx.

How i can do this? I can't load user2.ascx inside user1.ascx but only in aspx page.

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Web Forms :: Cache "OutputCache" - Exclude The "login/register" Control From The Cache?

Nov 10, 2010

I'm using the OutputCache for my pages, and I have a dynamic user control (login/register) . When the user try to sign in, the the control do not change the aspect because I´m using OutputCache. How can I exclude the "login/register" control from the cache?

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Custom Server Controls :: How To Programmatically Cache A Server Control And Add A Cache Dependency?

Feb 11, 2011

I have a server control that I developed which generates navigation based on a third party CMS API. Currently I am caching this control using the PartialCaching attribute. The CMS uses cache key dependencies to invalidate the cache when a user makes an edit, however in the case of my server control it does not get invalidated and the updated navigation will not show up until the cache expiration set by the PartialCaching attribute.Here is my two part question:

What is the proper way to programmatically cache a server control, without using the PartialCaching attribute, and adding a cache key dependency?

Is it possible to continue to use the PartialCaching attribute and add a cache key dependency?

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Passing Parameter From One User Control To Another User Control In An Aspx Page?

Jun 3, 2010

have two user controls on one aspx page. UC1 has a grid which contains a link button column which user clicks. Based on the value of clicked cell, I need to show some data into UC2.How do I pass data from UC1 to UC2? How do I invoke a function of UC2 from UC1?

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How To Consume Razor User Control OR MVC User Control In Layout Page

Mar 5, 2011

It's simple to create both user control from the two world : ASP.NET+Razor or MVC 3.0.But i do not known how to consume the user control FROM the razor"_layout.chtml" page.I want to put such thing within the layout page: <uc:MyTag Prop1="" Prop2="" />So i need to declare this directive at top of the layout file : <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc" TagName="MyTag" Src="Controls/Mytag.ascx" %>

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Web Forms :: Cache Or Not The User Basket?

Dec 26, 2010

I developed an ecommerce application.In this application (out of all other user products stuff ) use Sales to products

Here is simple demo:


For example
Buy 20 products and the other 2 product with 50% off

And another example
Buy 1 product and the other cost 9.99$

And last example
Baying more than 600$ got 20$ discount

Course calculate this is not so simple, and the GET BASKET event can take time

I wondered what the best way to do it. My 2 options are:

1. Try to cache the user basket.Yes - because this calculate make just one time (until the user change and add product to the basket etc')No - because this object keep on the server, and if I take a situation that many user fill their basket I don't want the server work slower because the consequence of this decision.

2. Of course the opposite to call this calculate each time than its make slow the make basket event but this not "sit" on the sever and I am not afraid of crash the server.

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Web Forms :: How To Find Control Inside User Control From Page

Nov 10, 2010

I have on dropdown that show hide user control. In the user control i have Ok and Cancel button.

When the dropdown change i want to apply ValidationGroup on the Ok button that is inside UserControl.

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Web Forms :: How To Apply The Stylesheet Of A User Control To The Page Its Getting Called From Parent Page

Jan 31, 2011

I have created one user control for changing the theme of the page where i have several buttons and on click of each button i am applying the theme of clicked buttons color and for that i have created several css files like red.css, blue.css , green.css etc.

now i want to apply this theme to the page but i am not able to do that from the user control as because i am not getting the stylesheet property in the page and thus i am not able to work further.

can anyone tell me how can i apply the theming from user control to the page its being called.?

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Web Forms :: Cross-page Postback From User Control Included In Master Page?

Apr 4, 2010

I am tring to send form values to a page from a user control. I included the user control in a master page.When i use page.previouspage it can not get value. is there any way to send form data to a page from a user control included in a master page?

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Web Forms :: Have Two User Control Page - How To Retrieve Text Box And Drop Down Value In Both Page In Aspx...

Oct 18, 2010

i have two user control page how to retrive text box and drop down value in both page in our aspx page

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Web Forms :: Access User Control Of Master Page In The Content Page

Jan 27, 2010

I have a user control in the master of my website and I want change some property of that control from the content page.

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Web Forms :: Finding Control On A Page From User Control?

Mar 24, 2010

In my application(ASP.NET 3.5) I have a User Control(ascx) that I have on a number of pages. Sometimes I need to reference certain label from the page ascx is on.

When I try this from within ascx,


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Forms Data Controls :: Get Row Status Of DataGrid In User Control Page From ASPX Page?

May 15, 2010

My Question is related to access the rows in one page and putting conditions in another page.I need to check whether a datagrid has row in it or not. DataGrid is in .aspx page. Based on this checking i need to write a condition in .ascx page.the .ascx on which condition is checked is linked to .aspx page. Meaning that UserControl1.ascx is Register with Default.aspx pageI am using VS 2003let me know if any input is needed from my side.

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Create A Web Page, That Use A User-control (the User Control Is Win-form)?

Oct 23, 2010

I am trying to create a web page, that use a user-control (the user control is win-form).I am getting the message : That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.I put the dll on c:windowsassembly, but I don't know why I getting the above.Here is my code


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