Web Forms :: Use A Trigger In A Webpage?

Feb 16, 2011

i have web page, and i use data from a local SQL SERVER, i work on VS2010. The thing is that some of my tables use triggers, and when i want to update, it displays an error because the table has asigned a trigger. So how can i use a button that has a trigger. For example, i have a table with employees, and other table with it expertise, in my web page i can change it expertise of each employee and with that i determine its payment according to the hours he worked. So if i change the expertise he has, in other table the expertise of this employee should change, but right now it doesnt. Because in this other table the expertise remains the same. This is what i have right now.

Table employee
Id - IdEmployee - Name
Table Hours
IdProyect - Proyect - Hours - Expertise - Employee - Payment
Table Expertise
Id - IdEmployee - Name - Expertise - BASEpayment

So, the main table is the Hours table, where i need to pay the employee accordint to its expertise in the table expertise. When i change the expertise in the table expertise, i need that change in the other table.

here some of the code.


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