Web Forms :: Submit Twice To Trigger ItemCommand?

Aug 11, 2010

I have two submit buttons, 1 on a search control with its own ValidationSummary/Group and another in a Datalist Item.When I submit the search button and validation errors occur, I must hit the "add to cart" button on the DataList item that was generated from a previous successful search twice in order for the ItemCommand event to fire.I have different validation groups specified for the two submit buttons.

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Web Forms :: Make Validation Controls Trigger Only Not Clicking On Submit Button And Not On Other Navigational...

Oct 17, 2010

I have required validation controls on a page. If the user got to this page by mistake and wants to go to a different section of the website using the navigational buttons; required validators are triggered and it will not let the user navigate away. Ho do I get validators to trigger only when a submit button is clicked?

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How To Trigger A Validation On Only Button Click Or Input:Submit

Nov 24, 2010

I am using Update Panel in my asp page and I am doing JQuery Validation on Asynchronous Postback...I just want to validate my form on only button clicks or submits..My problem is..all my buttons are in different formviews and won't load at a time...that's why I am unable to take the button id's and use the click events..here is my code..

function ValidateMyForm(sender, args) {
var objPost = args.get_postBackElement(); [code]..

All I want to do is: 2nd time validation on only button submit not for everything...I do get other postbacks on this page and those post backs also gets validated each time (I want to Avoid this)...

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Webforms - How To Trigger Client-side Validations Without Submit

Jan 17, 2011

I have a website in ASP.NET (WebForms, NOT MVC) which has a survey form divided in several slides. Each slide has a next button that, obviously does a transition (client-side, not post back or remote request) to the next slide.In each slide I have several ASP.NET controls with their related validators. I want this validators to be triggered when I click the next button (or maybe when each input loses focus?).

I remembered ASP.NET doing client side validation on lost focus, but maybe I'm wrong... (I quit doing ASP.NET development about 3 years now, so I can't remember)UPDATE: It would be better to make ASP.NET trigger each validator when the associated control lost focus. I remember ASP.NET doing this (or am I dreaming? =P)

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JQuery Form Submit Handler Doesn't Trigger When TextField Changes By Watin In MVC App?

Aug 20, 2010

I am writing Watin test in MVC Asp.net app. I mvc app, all input are wrpped with form and every time an input or textarea is changed their form gets submitted by jquery like code below:

$("textarea", context).change(function() {

This is perfect when changes are done by keyboard. However this doesn't trigger the form submit when input/textarea are changed by Watin TypeText() method. I tried to call Change() and Blur() events by Watin and also tried PressTab() with no luck.

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AJAX :: AsyncPostback Trigger And Postbak Trigger For One Control?

Oct 31, 2010

I have UpdatePanel with GridView and i want register posback triger for index changing and asyncpostback for pagging and sorting.

When registering AsyncPostback (with event) and Postback in one control i have ASP event.

How go around this problem? , dynami register triggers mayby is a solution but i can`t unregister triger.

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Web Forms :: Execute Submit From Another Submit Button?

May 17, 2010

In C#/Asp.net I have 2 submit button i.e.

btnOk and btn_Submit

Initially I am doing validating form by clicking on btnOK and in btn_Submit I am inserting record into table. I again want to call btn_Ok event in btn_Submit click event for re-checking validation, if it validates properly thne rest of code of btn_submit should work.

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Web Forms :: ItemCommand Not Get Fire Of Datalist In IE?

Feb 7, 2010

I have imagebutton inside datalist.....the problem is that onclick event of serverside not get executed for only IE ..but its work fine for mozzila....i m not getting what wrong in this code.aspx code



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Forms Data Controls :: ItemCommand On Repeater Not Firing?

Aug 14, 2010

The postback occurs, but the event doesn't fire.


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Forms Data Controls :: Getting ItemDataBound Event After Itemcommand?

Jan 26, 2011

I have a ListView that is managing a link click event through the OnItemCommand and the list pages the data.

<asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblSPNMatch" Visible="false" />......................

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Not Firing ItemCommand?

Aug 9, 2010

This is my Datalist control with an image button in footer. I am just pasting the declaration and footer template


And this is my CB:


When I click the button image residing in footer template i just posts back and don't go to the itemcommand event.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To FindControl In DataGrid ItemCommand

Nov 11, 2010

How do I disable the DataGrid controls in ItemCommand using VB.For Example I have dropdownlist bound in my DataGrid. Now I want to Disable this control in Datagrid_ItemCommand.I tried like this

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Web Forms :: Invalid XHTML Markup Using ItemCommand In ImageButton?

May 20, 2010

I'm using an ImageButton inside a repeater with an ItemCommand. The repeater is used as a trigger to an UpdatePanel. The XHTML generated puts an 'ItemCommand' attribute in the <input> element corresponding to the ImageButton. This causes XHTML validation (using the W3C validator) to fail, because ItemCommand isn't a valid attribute for input.

I've Googled and found nothing about this, and the MSDN page assures me that asp.net generates perfect XHTML.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataList ItemCommand Not Firing When Checkbox Changes?

Aug 15, 2010

I have a checkbox inside the item template of a datalist, dtlLate. I want to detect the checkbox change and execute a stored procedure. When I click the checkbox a postback does occur but the dtl Late itemcommand doesn't fire. I am not rebinding the datalist on postback. I have tried with viewstate enabled and disabled. I have used Bold text for the dtlLate in the content page and in the codebehind to make it easy to find.


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Forms Data Controls :: Entire Row Of DataList To Fire ItemCommand - Got It In IE But Not FF

Oct 12, 2010

I have a datalist in my page that has a LinkButton at the beginning of each row that, when clicked, fires the Itemcommand ("select"). There is no issue with this as it works as it should:


But I also thought it would be good if the user could simply click anywhere in the datalist to expand the item and show based on the SelectedItemTemplate. So, I thought, the cleanest would be to add a function in the code behind that adds a click event to the Panel "panItem" that clicks the above mentioned LinkButton like this (fires in Page_PreRender):


Here is where the problem comes in. This works great in IE but not FF3.6 (havent tested it with older version of FF). In FF, I get a JS error saying "dlMapDB_ctl00_btnItemFigNumber is not defined" for the first row, "...ctl01..." for the second row, etc. So the IDs are correct based on the markup (which makes sense since it works in IE).

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Avoid Repeater Databind On ItemCommand

Apr 3, 2010

I have a repeater which does quite expensive processing when it is populated. It gets the info from a web service which is itself a federated search service and will take 15 to 20 seconds to return results.

In each repeater item/alternatingitem, i have 3 imagebuttons doing some actions (saving in session some ID's, updating some custom collections...) , the problem is when clicking on one of the buttons, the repeater will trigger the command and then databind again, which takes quite some time to process again..

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Forms Data Controls :: Use The ItemCommand To Trap The Insert Command?

Jan 19, 2010

I have a details view to insert some data. I want to validate this data myself. use the ItemCommand to trap the insert command. If the data entered does not match what I need, I want to somehow stop the insert procedure at this point.

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView ItemCommand CommandName Values?

Sep 23, 2010

The DetailsView control has in its

Events an
ItemCommand event that uses the
DetailsViewCommandEventArgs event arg class which has a
CommandName property.

My questions are...

What are the possible values (e.g. "Select", "Insert", etc.) for this CommandName property when operating a standard, uncustomized DetailsView control?

Which order do the following fire in?


The "ing" events are currently being intercepted so that if the user doesn't have permission I set the e.Cancel = true and the "ed" events have redirects to send the user back to a list page that shows the items they just added/updated/deleted. However, I am not able to capture the Cancel button on the DetailsView control since there's no event for it. What I want is to redirect the user back to the list page if they click on Cancel as well.

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Forms Data Controls :: Manually Fire A GridView ItemCommand Event?

Mar 19, 2010

I've got a GridView control with LinkButtons in different cells. Currently when someone clicks a link, it fires the ItemCommand passing the CommandName and the ID of the item the link is bound to. That all works fine. I need to modify it now to not use links anymore. It now needs to show a popup balloon with a link (styled to look like a button) and when the link is clicked, I want it to do the exact same thing. I'm sure there are several ways of doing this, but for time's and consistency's sake, I'm copying the method used from another page we have that is already doing this. It has a hidden DIV on the page with the link in it. When you hover over a link, javascript repositions the div and makes it visible.

So what I need to do is pass my CommandName and item ID to the javascript so that it can trigger the postback when they click that single link. I know this is not the only way to get to the end result, but what I want to do if possible, is still fire the GridView's ItemCommand and set he DataListCommandEventArgs' CommandName and CommandArgument properties. Can someone explain how, under normal circumstances, clicking the LinkButton in the GridView fires the ItemCommand? I know that the LinkButton's click event is forwarded to the GridView but what gets sent from the client side that let's the server know the link was clicked?

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemCommand Event Bubblinmg Up In Nested ListViews -4?

Jan 28, 2011

I am upgrading a website project from asp.net 3.5 to 4.0. I went through the upgrade wizard and site compiled and built fine. But immediately I have encountetred a problem.I have 3 nested ListViews all using the ItemCommand event. Under 4.0 once the ItemCommand event has fired on the inner ListView it then bubbles up and fires on the parent and finally the grandparent.This is a change in behaviour from 3.5 where only the inner ListView event fires. While I can code round this I am worried about these subtly changes between the two versions.

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemCommand Not Firing With Dynamicly Create Repeatercontrol?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm building a navigationmenu and for that I create repeatercontrol dynamicly from codebehind. This works fine with the exception that the ItemCommand event is not firing. The ItemDataBound-event I bind to the repeater-control is working fine. Can somehow tell me what I'm doing from.


<div id="subnavigation">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phControl" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>


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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Simulating The ListView's ItemCommand Event?

Aug 20, 2010

I have a User Control that contains a ListView. In the user control's code is this event handler:

protected void listView1_ItemCommand(object source, ListViewCommandEventArgs e)
Button_ClickHandler(source, e);

What's occurring is that I'm explicitly firing an event so that the parent web page can monitor this and take appropriate actions. Thus when the user clicks on a different ListViewItem it triggers the population of associated data elsewhere on the web page.

This all works fine except for one thing: When I first load the control I'm pre-setting the first ListViewItem. Unfortunately, just setting the ListView's SelectedIndex = 0 doesn't fire the aforementioned event handler.

So I started investigating how to call "listView1_ItemCommand" but couldn't figure out how to instantiate the "e" parameter.

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Forms Data Controls :: Datagrid To Call Itemcommand Or Update Command?

Mar 31, 2010

I use the following with datagrid to call itemcommand or update command etc, and i do this:

If e.CommandName = "doAdd" Then

End If What is the equivalent check in gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Access Itemcommand Event With Button Outside Formview?

Mar 18, 2010

I have a formview and a few buttons outside the formview. How can i access the formview.itemcommand event if the buttons are not in the formview?

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MVC2 Multiple Submit Buttons, Submit Value Null With FireFox And Chrome

Oct 20, 2010

I have a form with multiple submit buttons:

using(Ajax.BeginForm("Submit", "myController", new AjaxOptions { HttpMethod = "Post" }))
{ %>
<button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_a">a</button>
<button type="submit" name="submitType" value="submit_b">b</button>
<% } %>

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