Web Reference Endpoint URL And Configuration Question?

Feb 21, 2010

I have a project ("The Project") that references an external web service. I am then referencing that project in an ASP.Net web application ("The Web Application"). When I reference "The Project" in "The Web Application" the app.config is not copied over, which isn't a problem. Does "The Project" take care of know what endpoint to use? Can the web.config override the endpoint URL? I did a test and am not reference the eternal web service in "The Web Application" and everything seemed to work ok. I guess, can I create the same configuration section, that is in "The Project's" app.config and copy it over to the web.config file to override?

Update: I guess what I really need to find out is how to change the end point of a web service when generating the code from adding a "Web Reference". I tried adding a service reference to my code, but the wsdl is not getting loaded correclty or I am doing something wrong. Update 2.0: I forgot about the URL property of the proxy that is generated by the web reference.

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using Microsoft.ServiceModel.Web;

And it works fine as long as I add the namespace reference to microsoft assembly dLL System.ServiceModel.

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I downloaded the trial version of abcpdf, which is absolutely fantastic!

Anyway, real simple, you just need to reference the .dll and off you go...

So, I got my code working, but when I moved to production server I hit a wall.

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The trouble is, on my server I don't have the full version of VS, so I am unable to add a reference, which I presume takes care of the web.config settings? I manually dropped the .dll into the bin folder and I added the assembly line into web.config, but, as I don't have the above, I am not sure if the token key is correct.

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retrieve appsettings from the app.config file stored in a DLL directory?

I have read many posts on this and it appears as though it's not possible. I've tried all configurationmanager options without success.

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Error 1
The type or namespace name 'MyDummyBinDLL' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
13 7

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What Does IMetadataExchange Endpoint Actually Do

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I'm working on a web service that uses ASP.NET security model (i.e. with AspNetCompatibilityRequirements set to allowed). Like many others, I got an error saying the Anonymous access is required because the mexHttpBinding requires it and the only way to get around it is to remove the mex endpoint from each service as described here:


I thought by removing mex endpoint I will no longer able to generate WSDL or add a reference to the service from Visual Studio but to my surprise everything still works. I quickly googled the "mex binding" but most web sites just say it's for "Metadata Exchange" without going into too much detail on what it actually does.

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I have an asp.net 2.0 website. I have an appsetting in the web.config to point to which environment I am in (Dev, QA, Production). Each environment has it's own web reference for calling web services to get data.I currently have all 3 web references added to the project at the same time and manually change the name of the current environment I want to use. Is there a way I can use the appsetting environment variable I have setup to decide which web reference to use? Does anybody have an example or can point me in the right direction to get started?

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Feb 8, 2011

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I am not able to add the service using Add Service Reference. I am not able to get the WSDL using a browser.

2. If I add the tag <serviceMetadata


and remove Mex Endpoint, I am able to query the wsdl using browser and I am still able to add a refernce using Add Service Reference.

Then, What's the specific use of Mex Endpoint.

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WCF / ASMX :: Endpoint Address Won't Update

Dec 16, 2010

I had to move a WCF service (IIS hosted) to a new address. This service is called by a webforms web site on a different site in the same instance of IIS. I checked the WCF service is available and working by calling it directly from a browser.

I then did the following

updated the Service Reference folder in my consuming website updated the web.config servicemodel section (it was auto updated by changing the Service Reference) re-built and deployed libraries using the WCF service to the websites bin folder Stopped the consuming website in IIS and deleted files from Temporary ASP.NET Files folder Re-started IIS and deleted *ALL* files from Temporary ASP.NET files
When I browse to a page that calls the WCF service I get the error;


There was no endpoint listening at <<Old endpoint address>> that could accept the message

How can I force my website to use the new WCF endpoint? Do I need to re-start the web server?

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Custom Description Page For The WCF Endpoint?

Mar 14, 2010

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Is there a way to emulate somehow this behavior with WCF? At least, how can I customize the HTML content of the WCF endpoint?

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Oct 2, 2010

I'm trying to expose a webHttpBinding EndPoint using Framework 4.0.

<endpoint address="web" binding="webHttpBinding" contract="MyContract"/>

However, when browsing using WFC Test Client, I see nothing. If I change my Framework target to 3.5, it works fine.

Is there something different in 4.0 to get this to work?

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Distribute Web Service As DLL And Specify Endpoint In Web.config?

Dec 28, 2010

I have a Web service currently in an ASMX file. I want to move this code into its own class library project which generates a DLL. I want to be able to drop this DLL into any Web application and have it work. However, without an ASMX file, I have no URL endpoint. How do I get around this? Essentially, I want to run a Web service without having to distribute an ASMX. I just want to distribute a DLL. Can I map the endpoint for the Web service in the web.config, or something? (I think that perhaps WCF might do this, but one look at the config for that, and it feels like the cure is worse than the disease...)

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Aug 27, 2010

How can i check that which Endpoint is calling WCF Service.

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Endpoint Not Found When Attempting To Access Service Via

Oct 2, 2010

I get "Endpoint not found" when attempting to access my service via the browser at


I get "Error: Cannot obtain Metadata from http://localhost:10093/Services/Service1.svc" when attempting to access the same address from the wcftestclient.

If I place a breakpoint in the service implementation it is hit, so I assume the svc file is setup correctly:

<%@ ServiceHost Language="C#" Debug="true"
Factory="CommonServiceFactory.WebServiceHostFactory,CommonServiceFactory" %>

Here is my config:


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C# - How To Configure Endpoint For Web Service Declared With WebService() Attribute

Oct 13, 2010

We have a C# Web Service that declares itself using attributes. The code-behind file looks like:

[WebService(Namespace = "http://the.web.service.url/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public sealed class TheWebservice : WebService
public SomeObject TheFunction()

The web services has worked for a long time now. Recently, one request resulted in an error:

The maximum string content length quota (8192) has been exceeded while reading XML data. After searching around, I found that there is a setting maxStringContentLength that can increase the meaximum size. The post says you can configure this setting in Web.config in the BasicHttpBinding section. You can then specify that BasicHttpBinding in an endpoint section. But since we declare the webservice using the WebService attribute in the code-behind file, we do not have an endpoint section.

Is there a way to specify an endpoint using a declarative attribute? Alternatively, is it possible to switch from attribute to web.config mode without breaking existing clients? Am I confusing WCF and its predecessor here?

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WCF / ASMX :: Want To Use Https, Endpoint Binding Doesnt Work

Sep 3, 2010

I am very new to WCF, I have read a lot and seen several presentations about it. I can get the basicHttp endpoint to work on my server but when i wanted to use https, I found that that endpoint binding doesnt work. I think through my research that the wsHttp binding is what i need. I can get the client to work but the service gives me a few different errors when I try to call the ssl endpoint.

Currently i get the following error:

The requested service, 'https://devwcftestsite.crata.ucf.edu/services/Person.svc/Person' could not be activated. See the server's diagnostic trace logs for more information.

Below I have included the web.config for my service project which is hosted at:https://devwcftestsite.crata.ucf.edu/services the service is called:Person.svc


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