Web Tests Without VS 2010 Ultimate?

Dec 13, 2010

At my previous job we had VS 2008 Team Edition which included the ability to do web tests and load testing right in VS. Currently the company I'm at has VS 2010 Professional but we are thinking of upgrading to Premium, but this still leaves us without the built in Web Testing/Load Testing ability directly in VS.

I'm going to talk to my IT Director and see if they might be willing to go for ultimate, but I need to know first if any off-the-shelf products can fill this hole as the cost is almost double for the Ultimate edition of VS 2010.I really like the testing abilities in 2008 that I worked with, but really just need some of the similar functionality. The ability to record a test and then group a series of tests together, see the HTPP values and results, possibly the ability to do data driven tests and DEFINITELY the need for load testing.

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Private Sub LoadGrid()
'Populate Collection
grid.datasource = MyCollection
end sub

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'Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2' RunCheck result: Install Needed Verifying file integrity of :UsersglenAppDataLocalTempVSD1766.tmpMvcRuntimeAspNetMVC2.msi WinVerifyTrust returned 0 File trusted Installing using command 'C:Windowssystem32msiexec.exe' and parameters ' -"C:UsersglenAppDataLocalTempVSD1766.tmpMvcRuntimeAspNetMVC2.msi" -q ' Will attempt to elevate process. Process exited with code 1603 Status of package 'Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2' after install is 'InstallFailed' Status of package 'Microsoft ASP.NET MVC 2 - Visual Studio 2008 Tools' after install is 'InstallNeeded'

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MVC :: Enabling .NET MVC2 Unit Tests In VWD?

Mar 16, 2010

As stated in http://forums.asp.net/t/1535916.aspx the unit tests are missing from the ASP.NET MVC 2 RTM source code, but are available on CodePlex at


After installing ASP.NET MVC2 RTM on Visual Web Developer 2008 Express, apparently unit tests are not enabled for VWD - when I create a new MVC2 project I don't get the "Create Unit Test Project" dialog box where I can say"Yes, create a unit test project".(I thought I was presented with that dialog box in earlier versions of either MVC2 RC or MVC1, but maybe not...)

Given the source code on codeplex, is it possible to use that to enable unit tests for MVC2 for VWD Express? If so, are the steps one have to take detailed somewhere?

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How To Make HttpContext Available To Be Used By My Unit Tests

Aug 13, 2010

I want to write a unit test which tests the function of a class called UploadedFile. The problem I face is this class' static constructor uses HttpContext.Current property and because I am running my unit test from a class library I do not have an HttpContext at the testing time.

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static UploadedFile()
if (HttpContext.Current == null)[code]....

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HttpServerUtility server = HttpContext.Current.Server;

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Sep 11, 2010

I have Visual studio 2008 with Win 7 Ultimate, i want to update My .net frameWork 3.5 to 3.5 sp1.

I download .net frame Work but the setup can't run it disapperars after some seconds.....

I need to update .net frame work 3.5 to .net frame work 3.5 sp1 for the new features of 3.5 sp1 like Entity Frame Work.

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