WebMatrix :: Error Running Tutorial 6 - Displaying Data On Grid

Oct 14, 2010

<hiddenSegments applyToWebDAV="true">

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var db = Database.Open("StarterSite");
var sqlQ = "SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY Name";
var data = db.Query(sqlQ);
var grid1 = new webgrid(data);

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I followed the tutorial at [URL] At 12:04 in the video, the author, Stephen Walther. inclues the line return View(_entities.MovieSet.ToList());

When I tried to compile this I get an error: Error 1 'MovieApp.Controllers.MoviesDbEntities' does not contain a definition for 'MovieSet' and no extension method 'MovieSet' accepting a first argument of type 'MovieApp.Controllers.MoviesDbEntities' could be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?) P:experimentMovieAppMovieAppControllersHomeController.cs 18 35 MovieApp If I just enter return View(_entities. then Intellisense offers Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, and TosString.that _entities is not being interpreted because of insufficient referencing? My (introductory) understanding is that it is looking in the DataModel.edmx (or the entities design surface) for DataMovies. In an earlier part of the tutorial, we created a datamodel called Movies. In the DataModel.edmx Model Browser, I can see EntityContainer: Movies. So, then, why might _entities not be seeing this?

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code-first development in my WebMatrix project. I think is even easier than writing SQL-s into the code...

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WebMatrix :: Error - Invalid Data Your Change Could Not Be Committed To The Database

Mar 27, 2011

so I've set up the table as described.. (seems to be some directions missing with regards to, is identity? and is Primary Key? and what those values are and should be set to for name, description, and price durring table setup) So, ive tried to set the table up as directed and then go on to click DATA which allows me to fill in the table. I can fill in the table all the way accross but when i reach the end of the first row it says:

INVALID DATA your change could not be committed to the database. after you click OK you can fix the invalid entry or press to cancel your changes.

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ADO.NET :: Using The First mvc Tutorial To Make Application - Getting Error - No Key Defined

Mar 30, 2011

all I am using the first mvc tutorial to help make this application. I keep having an issue where this error occurs:

: EntityType 'ITmainDB' has no key defined. Define the key for this EntityType.
System.Data.Edm.EdmEntitySet: EntityType: The EntitySet LawmMarketOrders is based on type ITmainDB that has no keys defined.

The tutorial video works fine. But when I create this application it creates the above error.

Below is my Models data for the view:


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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data In A Grid View Control When Set A Row To Visible = False

Aug 23, 2010

I have a problem displaying data in a Grid View control when set a row to visible = false when a certain condition is true.

For example, if a DataRowData value has a condition set to true (custom in table) I set the visible property to false, so the data row will not be visible at run time.

The problem is that I'm using paging (10 rows per page) and if 8 of those rows fall into the true condition that won't show the row, that grid view page will only show two rows of data in page 1. The worst scenario is that if I go to page 2 of the grid view and all the rows (10) fall into the true condition, that grid view page will not show any data at all.

How can I show 10 rows of data at all times in a gridview? In other words, I would like to just show the visible rows at all times.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data In .rdlc File With Table Along Grid (no Reporting Services)?

Mar 29, 2010

I want to display values aligned with a header grid. An employee might start from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. for their first break. I am trying to display the values 7:00 and 9:00 aligned with the header.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Totals For Columns In A Grid View?

Jul 13, 2010

I have developed my application using ASP.NET with Visual Basic. I have a table that contains 3 fields. The name of the table is "Customer" and the names of the fields are "Name", "Address", and "Amount". I have a gridview that displays these three columns. I want to summarize the value in the "Amount" column for each record and display the summarize value in the footer of the "Amount" column.

I added some code to the "ItemTemplate" and "FooterTemplate" of the template for the "Amount" field and wrote two functions One function adds the value of the "Amount" field to a variable called "TotalAmount" and the second function 'gets' the value stored in the "TotalAmount" variable.

I am not getting any error messages and all of the items are displayed in the gridview but I am not displaying anything at the bottom of the "Amount" column. What more do I need to do?

This is my code for the "Amount" template:

Text='<%# Bind("Amount") %>'></asp:TextBox>
Text='<%# Bind("Amount", "{0:c}") %>'>
<%#SumAmount(Eval("Amount")) %></asp:Label>
<%#GetTotalAmount() %></FooterTemplate>
This is the code in my .vp file
Dim TotalAmount as decimal 0.0
Function SumAmount(ByVal Amount
TotalAmount = TotalAmount + TotalAmount
Function GetTotalAmount()
Return TotalAmount

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Days Between Two Dates In Grid View?

Jul 16, 2010

i have ending date comming from sqldatabase and other is current ,now i want to show in a column of gridview days left i.e.(ending date - current date)

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Forms Data Controls :: Grid View DataFormatString Currency Displaying In $ When It Should Be £

Jun 11, 2010

I'm using:


to format the currency values and on my local machine everything works correctly displaying the currency in £ (pounds).

I moved my code onto the server that it will be run from and it's displaying in $ (dollars).

Our technical team that look after the server (Development aren't allowed access to the admin side of things) say that the server is set up for UK.

Where should they be looking to be able to set the server to display the data correctly?

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Displaying Items in A Grid View?

Mar 20, 2010

i want to change , the displaying items in a grid view and on the way the text value of a lable at the same click on a link ... ? it means that i need the connectionstring or somthing in the properties to change with the link click

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying A Databound Dropdown List In A Property Grid?

Jan 8, 2011

How would I go about displaying a databound dropdown list in a property grid, i.e. a dynamic list that can be used to set the value of an individual property?

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying All Users In A Grid Along With Profile And Membership Info?

Mar 24, 2010

I am developing a website in asp.net that user asp.net membership, users and profile tables.I am trying to display all the users that are registered in a grid along with their first name, last name, email and other profile information . unfortunately all this information is scattered in various tables in the database ( aspnet_users, profiles, membershipsetc)... Can you please tell me how to configfure the datasource & columns of my datagrid (control) to achieve what I am trying to do .. ?????

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Forms Data Controls :: Write A Code For Displaying A Files And Folders Of Server Directory Using Grid View In .net?

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how can we write a code for displaying a files and folders of server directory using Grid View in asp.net?

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WebMatrix :: WebMatrix: Using XML Data For WebGrid?

Feb 3, 2011

right now I playing around with WebMatrix and I followed the tutorial from http://www.asp.net/WebMatrix. Chapter 6 (displaying data in a grid) described how to use a WebGrid helper very clear, but the data in the example is always retrieved from an SQL DB.I want to use the same XML file from chapter 7 (Displaying data in a chart).Using the code:

var DataSet = new DataSet();


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Web Forms :: Displaying Progress When Running Long Code?

Jun 11, 2010

I have a report that takes a couple of minutes to generate.What I am trying to do is display a progress indicatior onscreen (progress bar or spinning circle) while this is running.I was thinking of using javascript to display the progress indicator but am not sure how to get started on this. am using ASP.NET 2008, C#.

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Crystal Reports :: Displaying Integers For Running Total Result?

Mar 5, 2011

I've got a report w/ grouping and a running total field. The running total is the sum of 'n' integer values, however, when I display the running total field it displays a floating point value. So for example, two rows have 10 and 15, but the the running total displays 25.00. Is there a way to display this result as an integer? I tried using a formula field w/ the 'Int', 'Truncate', and 'Round' functions, but nothing seems to work.

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AJAX :: Using ControlToolkit, Site Is Running Successfuly But Controls Are Not Displaying?

Jun 2, 2010

i m using AjaxControl Toolkit in visual studion 2005.after removing all errors now my site is build and debug sucssefuly without any error but when it displayed in browser, theres is not a single ajax control which i used in design mode of page.please tell me what is the reason of this?here is my code

<asp:ScriptManager id="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
</asp:ScriptManager> <br />


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Web Forms :: How To Keep A Running Total On The Amount Column Of Grid

Apr 20, 2010

I have a gridview grid that I am using as an input and I need to keep a running total on the amount column of my grid.

I have the following template :


In my code behind I have the following in my method: GridView1_RowDataBound


What would I be missing that the value doesnt come through with the findcontrol...?

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Forms Data Controls :: Image Uploading To Database - Get Error On Running

Jun 23, 2010

I am uploading images to database....but only error that I am getting at this point when I run it is for.....

DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("MIMEType", MIMEType)

The error for the above line is Object not set to an instance of an Object look over the code an see if you can see what is wrong.

Protected Sub Button_Insert_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button_Insert.Click
'Make Sure a file has been successfully Uploaded
If FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile Is Nothing OrElse String.IsNullOrEmpty(FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile.FileName) OrElse FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile.InputStream Is Nothing Then
Label_ErrorMessage.Text = "Error"
Label_ErrorMessage.Text = "No Error"
'Exit Sub
End If
'Make sure we are dealing with a JPG or GIF file
Dim extension As String = Path.GetExtension(FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile.FileName).ToLower()
Dim MIMEType As String = Nothing
Select Case extension
Case ".gif"
MIMEType = "Image/gif"
Case ".jpeg", ".jpe"
MIMEType = "Image/jpeg"
Case ".png"
MIMEType = "Image/png"
Case Else
Label_ErrorMessage.Text = "Invalid Type"
'Exit Sub
End Select
Dim DataSource As New SqlDataSource()
DataSource.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ToString
DataSource.InsertCommandType = SqlDataSourceCommandType.Text
DataSource.InsertCommand = "Insert Into ClassifiedImages (Title, DateUploaded, MIMEType, ClassifiedId) Values (@Title, @DateUploaded, @MIMEType, @ClassifiedId)"
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("Title", "Images For Classified Ad" & " " & Request.QueryString("ClassifiedId"))
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("DateUploaded", DateTime.Now)
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("MIMEType", MIMEType)
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("ClassifiedId", Request.QueryString("ClassifiedId"))
Dim ImageBytes(FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile.InputStream.Length) As Byte
FileUpload_Image1.PostedFile.InputStream.Read(ImageBytes, 0, ImageBytes.Length)
DataSource.InsertParameters.Add("ImageData", ImageBytes.ToString)
Dim RowsAffected As Integer = 0
RowsAffected = DataSource.Insert()
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
If RowsAffected <> 1 Then
End If
End Sub

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How To Refresh A Grid While A Storedproc Is Running For Long Time From Codebehind

Aug 18, 2010

I have a button clicking which a storedproc runs for long time in buttons onclick event.

I have a grid which will show log table data which gets updated by the storedproc.

I want to refresh the grid to show the updated log while the storedproc runs.

Is it possible?

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