DataSource Controls :: Storing HTML In SQL, Then Displaying It. Tutorial?

Mar 17, 2010

I was wondering if anyone had a tutorial or overview of the best way to store html in a MS SQL database, and then calling it back up and displaying it and should I save the decoded html in ntext?

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WebMatrix :: Error Running Tutorial 6 - Displaying Data On Grid

Oct 14, 2010

<hiddenSegments applyToWebDAV="true">

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DataSource Controls :: Access Layer - Northwind Tutorial - Unable To Find The NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter Class

Mar 31, 2010

I've been attempting to walk through the "Creating a Data Access Layer" tutorial found [URL] I create the DB connection, create the typed dataset and table adapter, specify the sql, etc. When I add the code to the presentation layer (in this case a page called AllProducts.aspx) I am unable to find the NorthwindTableAdapters.ProductsTableAdapter class. I tried to import the NorthwindTableAdapters namespace, but it is not showing up. Looking in the solution explorer Class View confirms that there is a Northwind class, but not the namespace I'm l ooking for. I've tried several online tutorials that all have essentially the same steps, and I'm getting the same results.

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How To Send An HTML Email - Finding Good Tutorial

Jan 20, 2010

Does anyone have a good tutorial or now how to send html emails. I have searched and searched and not been able to get anything to work. I have tried CDOSYS and havent been able to get it to work. Currently I am using System.Net.Mail and System.Text so that I can use StringBuilder and put it in the body.

I would like to be able to build an aspx page and send it as the body in an auto generated email.

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Uploading Pictures / Storing / Displaying As Thumbnail

Aug 3, 2010

I'm a complete novice to ASP.Net embarking on a charity work for a primary school in Africa to create a simple website. The website should have a webpage that users can upload pictures that is stored and displayed as thumbnails. Which can be click on to show the picture in its actual size.

I've used masterpages to create a consistent look across all pages. On the gallery page, I have a textbox and a button which are yet to be programmed.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Formatted Text?

Feb 15, 2010

I have MS SQL Server 2008 and I would like to store formatted text from a rich textbox. Formatted in the sense that I want to store a multiple choice question's formatting, an example would be like this:What is 2 + 2?

4 6 2 8

Then when I retrieve it from the SQL database it saves its formatting.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Values In A Table

Jun 9, 2010

how can we store the value which i entered in a textbox to table dynamically.

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DataSource Controls :: Saving/Storing DateTime?

Mar 23, 2010

had a look around and a couple come close to the problem I have, but there more evolved than me, so it seems quite basic.I basically, want to store the current DateTime of when a button is hit. In order to achieve this I have a field in the table of SQL DB called 'TimeStamp' (Although strictly speaking its not, thats just what I've called it) using Datetime Datatype. I think I'm skipping some stages in order to accomplish it, although I'm not sure what it is I'm missing/doing wrong :SHere is my code:


I just have DID have "obj.TimeStamp = DateTime.Now;" but states I need to convert it (unsure how to do) Adding "ToLongTimeString" after .Now asks if I invoked the method. I've also tried a few other ways (saveNow.Now etc... ) but to no avail.

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Security :: Storing And Displaying User Input (encoding Query)?

Aug 30, 2010

how to handle html and scriptswhat . if I build my own CMS? Isn't it inevitable that I'll want to store html code, possibly scripts, and almost certainly apostrophes and special characters, and then display them again.

What's the best way to do this, since I wont want to display the encoded html, but the html itself.

Would it be to encode everything then when I want to actually display the html, decode it, but everywhere else, keep it encoded?

I'm just trying to think of all the scenario's that I could come across when I accept user input where I don't know what they could be typing in. What if I WANT the user to be able to display html? Is it possible to decode only some tags but leave all other tags encoded?

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DataSource Controls :: Reading / Storing Values Of Checkboxlist In SQL (VB)

Sep 22, 2010

I'm trying to store multiple selected checkboxes from a single checkboxlist, but i don't know where to start. Imagine i have three tables: tbl_events, tbl_organisors and tbl_settings and i want to store the organisors of an event. Each event can have multiple organisors, so each organisor should be added as a single row into tbl_settings. I know how to bind tbl_organisors to a checkboxlist, but how do i store the results (meaning: add the rows to tbl_settings) ?

tbl_events: Event_ID (PK) and Event_Name
tbl_organisors: User_ID and user_name.
tbl_settings: Settings_ID (PK), Event_ID and User_ID





Initially all checkboxes will be unchecked, but users must be able to select multiple organisors from the checkboxlist and then store them into the DB by submitting a form. So the query will look something like: INSERT INTO tbl_settings (user_id, event_id) VALUES (@user_id, @event_id). And this is where my head cracks

1) How do i loop through all selected checkboxes and store each value (user_id) in a new row in tbl_settings?
2) After saving, the users reloads the page and the organisors he just selected must be selected by default in the checkboxlist. How?

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Email Ids From Notepad To Database?

Jun 20, 2010

I have some email ids (around more than 1 lakhs) in notepad like

these i want to store in a table in ms sql.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing 15digit Or More Number In Sqlserver2005?

Feb 13, 2010

i want to store 15digits number in sqlserver2005.Presently iam using varhar(50) am i correct or wrongwhen iam using varchar(50) i getting this error The conversion of the varchar value '3521340104012721' overflowed an int column. Maximum integer value my stored procedure do we have any other datatype to store 15digits or may be more in sqlserver 2005 ,iwant to use only sqlserver2005his 15digit number is GPRS device serial number idonot have an idea how many digits does it contain so i mentioned 15 or maybe morei have a sample data where they have given 15digit seial no.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Currency Symbol In The Sql Server?

May 19, 2010

How to store currency symbol in the sql server.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Large Files In Database?

Aug 6, 2010

I want to upload some large files from a web page to MS SQL Sever database, I am very sure that it is sounding weird.

File sizes are around 100MB.

I am having following settings,

SessionTimeOut period = 60 Mins,

Server Operation timeout = 60 Mins,

SQL Connection Timeout = 4 mins (Not sure if this is helping)

This is page is going to be used by our client only once a week & as they are having web farm environment we are avpiding to store these files on file systems.

Currenty we are able to upload files with sizes upto 8 MB succesfully. But when we are uploading a file of 100MB it fails, its for sure that operation takes lots of time.

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Dropdown List: Displaying Descriptive Text But Storing Numeric Code?

May 24, 2010

Is it possible to display a list of descriptive phrases (say pulled from a lookup table in a database) but store a code in another table? I'm a beginner at ASP.NET but have some experience with SQL Server. If so, how can I do it?

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Required Field Names In Web.config?

Feb 2, 2010

I am writing an app that has a bit of process flow to it. On the save of a record, I need to check some fields to make sure they are not null. If they are not null, I will update a 'SectionComplete' field to true.

The thing is, I would like to store my fields in the web.config. So, I would like to have a string in the appsettings section that has a list of field names that are required. Then in my method, I would call these fields out and check each one for the specific record id, and then update the database.

I would like to do this in the web.config so we could add/remove columns without having to redeploy.

For example: my required fields are name, id, and phone. For section one to be labeled complete, all of these fields would need to be not null.

web.config would have this entry:

<add key="Stage1Fields" value="name, id, phone"/>

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DataSource Controls :: Storing And Comparing Images In SQL Server 2008

Apr 10, 2010

I am trying to build a small e-commerce website that will allow user to upload and store the image of their product in the database and also the user could upload the image of the product and compare it with all the similar product images that are already stored in the database. I am using MS ASP.Net using VB.Net as the front end.

if MS SQL server is the best option to carry out such task or should I consider some other database to do this in terms of complexity involved as well as the integration with MS .Net framework.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing And Pulling Data In DB To Get Google Map Location

Jul 22, 2010

I have this simple project which needs to show location on a google map by pulling data from the DB.I am using, mysql DB, google map and i found out from some website that i needed to use ajax.

The process is like this

1. I have a event form where i have multiple fields to fill in and it includes a Location/Venue fields which i can enter a location by Name(Not the Co-ordination). I am located in Singapore. So all fields will be stored into the DB.

2. I have a webpage displaying a table of the data from the same DB, and it comes with a embedded Google Map. On the table, the value of the Location column will be Hyperlinked, and when i click it, it will act as a search query in the embedded google map and locate the address without reloading the page again(which i believe i gotta use iframe?)

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DataSource Controls :: Storing And Retrieving Doc / Pdf / Xls Files In SQL Server 2005?

Jan 8, 2010

I am working on document management system. finding guide / code for Storing and Retrieving doc/pdf/xls files in SQL Server 2005.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing Image To SQL Server And Retrieving From Two Diff Sources?

Feb 18, 2010

I am storing image (jpeg) files into SQL server 2005 using MS Access Forms. When I try to read and render it on a webpage using and C# code behind, it could not read it.

But if I write the image to SQL server using ASP.NET C# and then read it back using ASP.NET C#, it render the image just fine in the browser.

Does anyone know if Access write the blob is difference than ASP.NET write the blob into SQL server? I am using the same varbinary as my column in the database.

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DataSource Controls :: Storing An Attachment Uploaded By User In RadGrid Into Sql Server 2005 Database

Jun 9, 2010

I am a new-bie in Asp.Net.I am working in a project where I need to store an attachment which will be uploaded by the user in radGrid into Sql server 2005 database.After storing this attachment, I have to retrieve this attcahment and show the same to the other users in radGrid so that they will be able to download the attachment and see that.How should I do that?what kind of datatype would it be?

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SQL Server :: How To Best SQL Datatype For Storing HTML

Oct 1, 2010

I'm using Cute Editor for ASP.NET for the first time, and it's occasionally refusing to insert or update a record. Basically the records are just composed of a bunch of HTML and text. So far I can't detect a pattern to the problem and I'm wondering about my data type.

I tried VARCHAR(MAX), NVARCHAR(MAX), and NTEXT, doesn't seem to fix it.

So what is the best SQL data type for HTML?

And could that be causing CuteEditor to refuse to insert/update records? Or something else?

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C# - Storing HTML In SQL And Accessing It Through Gridview?

Aug 31, 2010

I am storing small webpages in html format in a varchar(max) column in MS SQL server 2008. Now I want the gridview to show the column as a button/hyperlink such that when I click it, I will be redirected to a new webpage which will render the html in the table corresponding to that row.

I tried using the buttonfield control but there doesn't seem to be any way I can access the datafield and underlying html in that case.

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Storing HTML In Db While Avoiding Persistent Xss / Sql Injection?

Nov 29, 2010

I'm building a page in that will use tiny mce to provide a rich text editor on the page. Tiny mce outputs the rich text as html which I would like to save to a database. Then at a later date, I want to pull the HTML from the database and display it in a page.

I'm concerned about allowing malicious html, js tags into my database that would later be output.

I should html encode/decode etc. to prevent a persistent xss attack and or sql injection attack?

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C# - Storing HTML Formatted Text In Database?

May 18, 2010

I am building a web site similar to Craigslist. I would like to know how to store the html formatted text (bold / italics / font size etc) in a sql 2008 database?In order words, the user would enter their text, format it with font size, bold etc and save the information. Whats the most efficient way to store that in a database?

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