Webservice Not Working?
Dec 1, 2010
i have declared an int variable; something like that:
int ret = ws.GetVersion();
the webservice correctly load the value and return to the client, however in the client if i select ret and hit shift+f9 it say that ret doesnt exist in that context.but if that would be the case i would get a compiler error,
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Similar Messages:
Nov 19, 2010
I am trying to setup a Spring.net web-service but keep getting an error message that I cannot figure out.
System.NotSupportedException: Target 'target' of type
'Spring.Objects.Factory.Support.RootWebObjectDefinition' does not support methods of 'StudentRegistration.Services.IBoundaryService'.
at Spring.Util.AssertUtils.Understands(Object target, String targetName, Type requiredType)
at HelloWorldExporter.GetAllBounds()
public interface IBoundaryService {
XmlDocument GetAllBounds(); }
public class BoundaryService :IBoundaryService {
public virtual IBoundaryDao BoundaryDao { get; set; }
public virtual XmlDocument GetAllBounds() {
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
xmlDoc.LoadXml("<test>ok</test>"); return xmlDoc; } }
<object name="BoundaryService" type="StudentRegistration.Services.BoundaryService, StudentRegistration" abstract="true"> </object>
<object id="BoundaryExporter" type="Spring.Web.Services.WebServiceExporter, Spring.Web">
<property name="TargetName" value="BoundaryService"/>
<property name="Namespace" value="http://fake/services"/>
<property name="Description" value="something"/>
<property name="MemberAttributes"> <dictionary> <entry key="GetAllBounds">
<object type="System.Web.Services.WebMethodAttribute, System.Web.Services">
<property name="Description" value="something."/>
<property name="MessageName" value="GetAllBounds"/>
</object> </entry> </dictionary> </property> </object>
What should I try to clear this up?
View 1 Replies
Sep 3, 2010
I have a web service file in my project having a web method which is used for AutoCompleteExtender and which works fine when I debug it from VS. But when I publish and host it on IIS, it's not working properly. However, I tested the webservice method directly by typing the URL and it gave the desired output. Is their a special setting needs to be done in IIS to make it working or any property of AutoCompleteExtender need to be set?
View 3 Replies
Mar 24, 2011
I have this code:
$('#' + textboxID).autocomplete({ delay: delay, source: ["cats", "dogs"] });
which works fine.
I want to use a webservice:
$('#' + textboxID).autocomplete({ delay: delay, source: webserviceURL});
This doesn't work. My webservice URL is /blah/blah.asmx/myMethod
The webservice definition is:
[ScriptMethod(ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public List<string> myMethod(string term)
// Logic here, return list of strings
The method never gets called. Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have other webservices in the same .asmx which work fine with other controls (other controls are using $.ajax to call them).
Edit: Getting closer, I now get a 500 error saying Request format is unrecognized for URL unexpectedly ending in '/myMethod'. I think it's not treating my url quite right..
View 2 Replies
Nov 25, 2010
I am using this clientaccesspolicy.xml file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <access-policy>
<cross-domain-access> <policy> <allow-from http-request-headers="SOAPAction">
<domain uri="*"/> </allow-from> <grant-to>
<resource path="/" include-subpaths="true"/>
</grant-to> </policy> </cross-domain-access> </access-policy>
And trying to access webservice using javascript in my subdomain, but its not working in FF, working fine in IE. I have also tried using crossdomain.xml file which too works fine in IE, but not in FF.
View 1 Replies
Nov 8, 2010
I canīt get it working , Is there anything wrong with the code?
I tested the web service and itīs working fine, but when i run it. it doesnīt pop up.
here is the webservice :
and here is the webForm:
View 8 Replies
Feb 24, 2011
I have a textbox with the autocompleteextender in VS2010 that is referencing a webservice. However, nothing I seem to do makes this work as no values are returned when I begin typing in the textbox. When I view the webservice in my browser and invoke it, it returns values so I know that my webservice works. Code below.
<asp:ToolkitScriptManager ID="ToolkitScriptManager1" runat="server">
<asp:TextBox ID="Task1" runat="server" CssClass="CENTER" Width="160px"></asp:TextBox>
View 1 Replies
Dec 20, 2010
I have a simple page that looks up contacts using a webservice with a single method written in Linq. On the page, I have both a gridview and a listview with a DataPager to compare the two. I can get paging working just fine with the gridview, but the Linq code has to return all of the data on each call and let the web page pick out only a page's worth... not the best solution. I have been told that a ListView will solve this problem, but all the examples I have been able to find have the Linq code on the web page instead of in a separate layer (e.g. a webservice). Ideally, I should be able to tell the web service to bring back a specific page worth of data (starting record number and number of rows), but how do I get the ListView (or the DataPager) to fire an event that asks for this data?
Here is the ASPX code:
<asp:ListView ID="listPersons" runat="server"> <LayoutTemplate>
<table> <thread> <tr> <th> Site ID </th> <th> PersonID </th>
<th> Person Name </th> </thead> <tbody>
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceholder" runat="server" /> </tbody> </table>
<asp:DataPager ID="Pager1" runat="server" PagedControlID="listPersons" PageSize="5" > <Fields>
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="true" ShowPreviousPageButton="true" ShowNextPageButton="false" ShowLastPageButton="false" /> <asp:NumericPagerField />
<asp:NextPreviousPagerField ShowFirstPageButton="false" ShowPreviousPageButton="false" ShowNextPageButton="true" ShowLastPageButton="true" />
</Fields> </asp:DataPager> </LayoutTemplate> <ItemTemplate><tr> <td> <%# Eval("SiteID") %>
</td> <td> <%# Eval("PersonID") %> </td> <td> <%# Eval("PersonName") %> </td>
</tr> </ItemTemplate> <EmptyDataTemplate> No data found... </EmptyDataTemplate> </asp:ListView>
Here's the code behind:
private void DoList(string Match) {
ContactsService cs = new ContactsService();
listPersons.DataSource = cs.Find(Match, 100 ); listPersons.DataBind(); }
and the web serivice:
public List<Person>Find(string Match, int Count) { if (Count < 5) Count = 5;
using (DataLayer.ContactsDataContext context = new ContactsDataContext()) {
var Persons = from p in context.Persons where p.PersonName.Contains(Match)
orderby p.LastName, p.FirstName select new Person() {
SiteID = p.SiteID, PersonID = p.PersonID, PersonName = p.PersonName, };
return Persons.Take(Count).ToList(); } }
View 1 Replies
Nov 20, 2010
I have a webservice "DataService.asmx" which I am using for AJAX calls for insert, update, delete and some other tasks. All the pages are calling webservice smoothly but this new page I added and calling my webservice using the same ajax method not working. Strange thing is that neither its going on SUCCESS nor FAILURE...and put a breakpoint on my webservice but its not going into the webservice...plz help as its been 6 hours now figuring what the problem is..here is the code.
here is my webservice
and here is the Code behind
View 5 Replies
May 13, 2010
Configuration : Windows Vista,VS 2005,Ajax v1.0.61025 My Html Page
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>Untitled Page</title>
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function fnCall()
var ans= Sim.Service.HelloWorld(OnMethodSucceeded, OnMethodFailed);
function OnMethodSucceeded(result)
function OnMethodFailed(result)
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" ><Services>
<asp:ServiceReference Path="http://localhost/ajaxtest/service.asmx" /></Services>
<div><input id="Button1" type="button" value="button" onclick="fnCall();" /></div>
Web Service CS.
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Web.Script.Services;
namespace Sim
[WebService(Namespace = "http://tempuri.org/")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
// To allow this Web Service to be called from script, using ASP.NET AJAX, uncomment the following line.
public class Service : System.Web.Services.WebService
public Service()
//Uncomment the following line if using designed components
public string HelloWorld()
return "Hello World";
But i am getting Sim is not defined. Error. post ur comments. I have reviewed most of the forums. I am not able to clear
View 13 Replies
May 25, 2010
I ultimately need to show countries in one drop down then states/provinces drop down of the previously selected drop down. I'm sure everyone has seen this many times. My page shows the countries but does not show values in the province/states drop down. It's as if the webservice is never run. I've tried removing and adding the ajaxtoolkit reference. The tableadaters run simple working sql code. I'm really at a lose here.
<%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="ajaxToolkit" %>
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server" />
<%--Dropdown to display countries--%>
Country:<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountries" runat="server" DataSourceID="ods_Countries"
DataTextField="country" DataValueField="abbreviation">
<%--data source for the country drop down list--%>
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ods_Countries" runat="server" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_{0}"
SelectMethod="GetAllCountries" TypeName="countryDataSetTableAdapters.CountriesTableAdapter">
View 8 Replies
Aug 5, 2010
In Visual Studio 2008 I have a Class Library project (called Media) to which I added a Web Reference (not a Service Reference) to a third-party web service (wsdl). In the Class Library project a proxy class is created for using the service along with several classes for the types used in that service.
I also have a second Class Library (called Sync) that references the first one. And then I have a Web Site project that references the second class library. All of this is .NET 3.5
So Web Site > Class Library (Sync) > Class Library with web service reference (Media)
I want to step into the generated code, so I fire up the web site in IIS 7.5 and trigger the call to a method in the second class library (Sync) that in turn should call the web service proxy. I was fully expecting to hit the breakpoint, but instead got an exception:
Unable to generate a temporary class(result=1). error CS0029: Cannotimplicitly convert type Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute to Media.WebService.multiValuedAttribute[]
Why is ASP.NET trying to generate a temporary class? Don't I already have the generated class from the first Class Library (Media)?
View 1 Replies
Aug 13, 2010
I created a one Java script calender. Its working fine in ie6 but its not working in firefox. I'm new to this java script so kindly give your suggestion as soon as possible.
Inherits="_Default" %>@
Assembly="System.Web.Extensions, Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"
TagPrefix="asp" %>
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN".......................
View 1 Replies
Mar 9, 2010
i m facing a issue in my code i m calling a user control which is in master page, and in row databound i m calling it and it is working fine but on select index change of checkbox it is not working
protected void chkIntClient_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
UserControls_AlwaysVisible uc = this.Page.Master.FindControl("Alwaysvisible") as UserControls_AlwaysVisible;
uc.Visible = true;
ArrayList raters = new ArrayList();
CheckBox chkselproducer;
View 7 Replies
Nov 19, 2010
After the implementation of ajax drag and drop, we have observed that which is working fine in IE and Firefox and not in chrome and safari, In Google chrome and Safari when we try to drag a module, the page getting scrolling to the top of the page.
View 1 Replies
Jan 25, 2011
OK Here is the situation:
I have a web app with a table of statistics on our salesmen's customers, and each row has a sparkline graph showing the general trend of the sales data for the last 12 months. Each page shows a particular salesman's customer list, and some of them can have an enormous number of customers = an enormous number of rows = an enormous number of sparklines (e.g. one in particular has 125 and takes 15 seconds to load).
For this reason, jQuery sparklines could not be used - they completely pinned the CPU of a user accessing a page with a lot of sparklines with IE.
So I moved on to using the Google Chart API, which worked much better, except for two issues: 1) it's on a secure site, and the Google Chart API URL is only served over HTTP (solved by using a small wrapper script to download the graph dynamically and re-serve it from our secure server); and 2) on a page with 125 sparklines, it was still very slow due to the number of requests (even when the 0-9 server prefixes are used to maximize the # of available connections).
So my next step beyond this was to try to make each of the "download/grab/re-serve image" method calls asynchronous - and it worked!
...but only on my dev box running in debug mode.
When I pushed it up to the live site, it was faster, but it left some of the images unloaded, which is of course unacceptable.
So here is what I was hoping some SO hotshot would know:
1) Why are my asynchronous method calls working while debugging, but not working on the live site?
2) Is there any easier way to get a large number of sparklines of some sort to load quickly on a secure server without making me want to tear my hair out?
2a.) Does anyone have any experience using the ASP.NET Chart Library? Is this something I should investigate?
2b.) A co-worker suggested I make my own sparkline routine using a 1x1 CSS background image and varying the height. The problems are a) it is completely un-extensible in case we want to make changes; b) it seems hacky as hell (leaves about a bajillion DIVs per sparkline in the markup); and c) I have no idea if it will be fast enough when there are 100-200 of them on one page - what are your thoughts on the feasibility of the 1x1 sprite approach?
View 2 Replies
May 21, 2010
I mean, what is the faster way to get as fast as I can more than one table with stored procedure? Is there any study what is faster and why? There is a big problem getting more than one table at once with Entities, so the only way is DataSet. But I was told DataSet work very slow. Is that true?
View 2 Replies
Jan 15, 2011
I am using vs2008 pro. my problem is that javascript debugger is not working on mozila firefox but working fine on IE8.
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Feb 23, 2010
Url rewriting not working on live server in asp.net but locally working fine. but locally it's not case sensitive.
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Feb 21, 2011
I have a login control that is working beautifully on my localhost, but not working on the server. It validates my username & password - and gives me an error if I enter an invalid username/password. However, if I enter the correct username/password, the page refreshes, but does not redirect me to the "ReturnUrl" that I see in the URL. I've seen posts on this, but nothing that I tried worked. I've tried setting the 'MembershipProvider'attribute of the login control. I don't want to set the DestinationUrl...I want it to take what is in the ReturnUrl in the querystring. I don't think it's a web.config issue cuz it works on localhost??
View 3 Replies
Mar 18, 2010
Window.open javascript function is not working in Mozilla, but working in other browsers, here is what I have write.
<a href="javascript:window.open('../Terms.aspx','Terms','width=550,height=400')">
click here</a>
Actually what happened in Mozilla is popup is opened but parent window is blank with [object Window]
View 2 Replies
Apr 26, 2010
I want to export the grid data to excel then write the following code but the following lines of code are working at firefox3 but not at ie8(no response).
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.AddHeader("Content-disposition", "attachment;filename=ProjectTimeSheet.xls");
System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel";
string excelFile = "";
excelFile = ConvertToExcel(PrepareGridViewForExport()); //generate formated table for excel
View 4 Replies
Aug 19, 2010
My application is working fine in local environment but not working after push code in live. My locale environment and hosting environment both are having same configuration. Same app working fine 2 month before but in different domain but same hosting server.
how to check the both config / any possible to run debug mode in hosting server please let me know. below code used in all page for checking user session status but when I click on any link page redirect to login.aspx I think session got timeout. I don't know why session got time frequently, but this issue not happening in local environment (desktop).
View 6 Replies
Jul 9, 2010
Am trying to get a working enity model with foreign keys working but have run into a problem. I have imported 3 tables with content and some data.Lets call these tables geo_countries, geo_counties, geo_municipalities and the FK are:1. geo_county have a column country_id wich corresponds to country_id in geo_country 2. geo_municipality have a column county_id wich correspond to the county_id in geo_county.The problem i have is when i try to get correspondig child items with the following code i run into trouble:
The problem above is that 'test' generates results but not 'test2', wich never return anything. Am i not supposed to be able to do it like i do in 'test2'? I earlier tried to add a child object by replacing ToList() with Add() and that worked. But i cant seem to get anything out of it.
View 4 Replies
Aug 28, 2010
If Not IsDBNull(ext) Then
ext = LCase(ext)
End If
Select Case ext
'Case ".htm", ".html"
' type = "text/HTML"
'Case ".txt"
' type = "text/plain"
'Case ".doc", ".rtf"
' type = "Application/msword"
'Case ".csv", ".xls"
' type = "Application/x-msexcel"........................
View 5 Replies