What Are Classic Ado's Recordset Replacements

Mar 15, 2011

I've tried to do my homework on this...

I'm migrating a site from classic asp to asp.net 4.0

Before I rework all the code, I wanted to get clarification that the way i think my database code should be updated is fairly correct. (I'm using SQLClient objects)

First, when old code would use forward only recordsets or access single record/value, I'm fairly sure i'd use SqlCommand and SqlDataReader. That is pretty straightforward.

Now, when my old code navigates a recordset (movePrevious, find, etc.)... I believe the way to go is with SqlDataAdapter and DataTable to retrieve the data and DataView to filter/find/navigate the data.

I'n looking to do a quick migration... i don't want to get too bogged down in the new entity framework... so - just trying to stick with similar objects/logic.

I know this is one of those questions that doesn't really have a right/wrong answer... and I think that is part of my problem in finding an answer - there are so many.

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End While

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Jul 30, 2010

how I can include .inc file from VB classic ASP in C# aspx page?

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<!-- #include file="menu.inc" -->

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if Len(Session("GUID")) < 1 Then
Response.Redirect "default.asp"
End If

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