Equivalent Of RecordSet.MoveNext While Not EOF In ASP

Jun 22, 2010

I'm using a DataReader to display informations stored in a table. I created Two button to go to next record and to go back. In VB6 I used this code :

While Not Recordset1.EOF
End While

In ASP.NET I didn't find a way to do like it, because DataReader hasn't the EOF property.

While Not Recordset1.BOF
End While

How can I convert this last code (VB6) to ASP.NET?

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Iterator Not Iterating / Iterator Within The While Loop Returns False For The MoveNext Method?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm having trouble with something that is (or should be) fairly straight-forward.

I have a recursive method that traverses an XML file, writing out the element tag names and values.

This is a snippet from the XML file:


<company_group company_group_ID_attr="1">
<company company_ID_attr="2">
<Address>blah blah blah</Address>
<company company_ID_attr="4">
<Address>blah blah blah</Address>
<company company_ID_attr="7">
<Address>blah blah blah</Address>


I use the following XPath expression to access the first <company group> tag:

On the first call to the recursive method ("swrite_for_select_certain_stuff"),I see with the debugger that I reach the <company_group_name> tag. A recursive call at that point takes me to the text node within the tag ("Cleaning"), but it is a text type node (not an element), so it returns without writing anything to the output stream.

On return from that second call, things go wrong. The Iterator within the while loop returns false for the MoveNext method, when it should have moved to the <company_group_ID> tag (or so I think it should).

Am I missing something here?

OS is Win XP, and .NET is version 4.0.

My code is as follows:


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What Are Classic Ado's Recordset Replacements

Mar 15, 2011

I've tried to do my homework on this...

I'm migrating a site from classic asp to asp.net 4.0

Before I rework all the code, I wanted to get clarification that the way i think my database code should be updated is fairly correct. (I'm using SQLClient objects)

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ADO.NET :: What Is Best To Use In VB NET In Place Of The VB6 Adodb.recordset

Dec 12, 2010

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With the adodb.recordset you could Do While Not EOF and MoveNext

What is the equivalent to that in VB NET without using adodb.recordset?

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var db = Database.Open("StarterSite");
var sqlQ = "SELECT * FROM table1 ORDER BY Name";
var data = db.Query(sqlQ);
var grid1 = new webgrid(data);

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I have run into the issue on DataSet.WriteXml method. Apparently, if any row in a column in the DataSet has a null value, the entire column/rows will not write out in the xml file using the method DataSet.WriteXml. So, as terrible as that bug is, I need to send the data another way. Does anyone have any thoughts?

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Establish a Connection. Check client's cpu usage to see if it is idle or not.If the client is idle it starts executing a c application.While executing the script if client starts doing something (also checked by monitoring his cpu usage) stop signal is sent. Start signal is again sent to the client if he is back to his idle position. If the client is Ubuntu, I use ssh and execute what I want to.What is the way of doing this in Windows without the root access?

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<li><%= Html.ActionLink("_place_", "Index", "Home").Replace("_place_", "<div id='homeOff'></div>") %></li>

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