Add Another WHERE Statement Which Adds Where Schd_Date Is After Todays Date?
Apr 3, 2011
I have the following Query made using the Query Builder in Visual Studio.
SELECT Schd_ID, Schd_Date, Schd_Avaliable, Schd_Nights, Schd_Price, Accom_ID
FROM Schedule
WHERE (Schd_Avaliable = 'Yes') AND (Accom_ID = Accom_ID)
I want to add another WHERE statement which adds where Schd_Date is after todays date?
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DropDownList = UpdatePanel1.FindControl("ddlbank")Dim
NoteAccountNumber As
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lblsee.Visible =
'now collect selected information on the drop down
= ddlBank.SelectedValue.ToString"noteaccountnumber").DefaultValue
= ddlAccount.SelectedValue.ToString'Insert into db
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