Authentication - Unautenticated Site Navigation Handled?

Apr 11, 2010

am wondering how to do the following... I have a registration system. When the user successfully registers, he is then led down a series of data gathering pages (for his profile) and then,finally, ends on his profile's home page where he can start to use the site. All this happens without ever logging into the system so, he is unauthenticated
and unconfirmed. My question is, how does this happen? How can I allow my user to be unauthenticated (and unconfirmed, but this I understand) and use all aspects of the Web site? The way I have things set up right now, my code should be doing this:

case CreateProfileStatus.Success:
//FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false);
Response.Redirect("NextPage.aspx", false);


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Similar Messages:

Unable To Get Site Map Path Navigation

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 site map path like this

1 st page and 2nd page is different 3 and 4th one are common for all navigations

Navigation 1

Home(Page1.aspx) ---> Begin(Page2.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

Navigation 2

Home(Page7.aspx) ---> Begin(Page47.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

Navigation 3

Home(Page17.aspx) ---> Begin(Page27.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

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Web Forms :: Navigation In Site.Master?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a site with a few pages, and I decided to have my navigation button (to go from page to page) on my site.master page so every page looks the same. Two questions:

1. is that the correct thing to do? seems to work fine, I'm just not sure if it is proper or not.

2. with the navigation/buttons being on the site.master. How can I pass an "id" from one page to another.


<asp:Button ID="Button5" runat="server" CssClass="style2" ForeColor="#000084"
PostBackUrl="~/Inbounds.aspx" Text="Inbounds" />

I want the postbackurl to be "~/Inbounds.aspx?id=" a value from a textbox on the page you are leaving. More or less to pass a company name or ID number from page to page, so the queries know who the "owner" is?

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Web Forms :: Site Navigation & SecurityTrimmingEnabled?

Aug 3, 2010

I am having difficulties combing site navigation & securityTrimmingEnabled together.Please see my code below, let me know what am I missing:web.config file:

<siteMap defaultProvider="XmlSiteMapProvider" enabled="true">


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MVC :: Display Site Navigation In Project Using Breadcrumb

Sep 20, 2010

i wants to display site navigation in my project using breadcrumb.

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Web Forms :: Divide The Navigation Of Site Between 2 Menus?

Jan 4, 2010

i want to display my navigation in 2 horizontal menus, one on the top, the other on the bottom. I also want to use sitemap since it ease the maintenance of links. Is there a simple way to achieve this ? (I am not talking about Parent child, say i want to display the first 8 nodes in up menu and the left in the bottom menu.)

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Security :: Pass Authentication From Site A To Site B ( Windows Credential)?

Dec 21, 2010

I have 2 website A and B.

B site with windows authentication

I want to open B site as new window from A site, so its ask for windows credential. I have credential in A site. I am opening B site using

how i can set credential for B site from A site.

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Web Forms :: Altering Website Navigation Based On Authentication?

Jul 29, 2010

I have a website, and if there is an anonymous user (not logged in) then I want my navigation (a section of the master page) to show an element of the menu called "Login". But if there is an authenticated user then I want the navigation to NOT show this "Login" option, but to display a menu item/link to a resource that is only available to logged on users.I know how to set restrictions on files and webpages, but how do I implement this with the navigation menu?

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Web Forms :: Master Pages And Site Navigation Tutorial?

Jun 28, 2010

I am following this tutorial [URL]and would like to know if somebody can provide the CSS used in the example.

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Dynamic Navigation - Where To Return A Datatable From The Db Containing All The Pages Of Site

Jun 16, 2010

I am building a project in 4.0. My navigation will be database driven where i return a datatable from the db containing all the pages of my site, some will be top level while others will be children and sometimes children of children n-times. Im thinking of going down the nested repeater route and databinding from code behind, dynamically generating repeaters for children, but have read that this is not a best practice and should consider the listview control. Im wanting to build a list of links using an unordered list.

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Web Forms :: Site Navigation And Retaining User Selections?

Feb 17, 2010

handle site navigation and retaining user selections.

On Page 1:

I am using an <asp:ListBox as a filter for an <asp:GridView (gv.datasource=myobj.getdata(lb.selectedvalue))

This functions as expected and the gridview pagination functions as expected.

Each row on the grid provides an <asp:HyperLinkField to navigate to another page (Page 2).

This functions as expected.

On Page 2:

This provides functionality to perform some data creation/manipulation tasks.

It also provides a link to navigate to another page where other tasks can be performed (Page 3).

My query is in relation to returning from Page 3 to Page 2 to Page 1.

I would like to be able to return from Page 3 to Page2 to Page 1 and display earlier selections.

Currently, I am using a combination of querystring parameters and sessions vars on each Page_Load to achieve this.

Q1: What are the recommended ways to achieve this?

Q2: Is it possible to dynamically specify url parameters on a sitemap?

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Using A Custom sqlsitemapprovider to Get Site Hierarchy Out Of The Database And Display Navigation?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm using a custom sqlsitemapprovider to get my site hierarchy out of the database and display my navigation. Now, I have the following main (parent) nodes:

Home - Products - News. What I want to achieve is this, suppose you click on products then a subnavigation appears like this:

productGroup1,productGroup2, productGroup3.

But when you click products, no selection was made from the subnavigation, how would I achieve that if someone clicks on products, the
first product with content from the first productGroup1 shows up?

To visualize this: I click on Products -> Subnavigaton gets rendered -> PG1 - PG2 - PG3 -> page displays product1 of PG1

Is there as build in manner to accomplish this or how would one create a method to make this work?

P.S.:For my navigation, I'm not using any build in navigation controls, I'm rendering my menu as an html unordered list e.g: <ul><li></li></ul>

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Design Pattern(s) For A Webservice Enabled Telerik Treeview For Navigation Of A Document Site?

Oct 11, 2010

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice. When a node is clicked the relevant page is navigated to, reloading the masterpage and displaying the content of the target page.

The problem comes from the fact the treeview's dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice and therefore as the user navigates through the tree to find a document the treeview behaves as you would expect. However, when you get to the bottom of a tree of dynamic nodes the navigation to the page of the navigateurl causes the relevant page to be loaded and then the treeview resets itself to a collapsed state. This means the user could be deep in a nest of documents but when they view one, the tree collapses and they have to start their navigation all over again. This limitation is not going to be acceptable from an ease of use perspective.

According to Telerik, this is the designed behaviour for performance reasons - the node only ever worries about populating the next set of nodes and therefore the treeviews state is not remembered in viewstate.

So, the meat of question is. Is the masterpage/async treeview navigation design pattern a valid one? Are there any other ways to have an ajax treeview on a masterpage, that remembers it's state when another page is navigated to? I have considered a siglepage/updatepanel/partial page rendering model but the opinions I've seen on the net infer that this is bad idea. It confuses users that expect back/forward browser behaviour to navigate through the site but in a single page world they would end up leaving the site.

I also thought that maybe using a single page container and an iframe may work but this seems to be moving away from the "standard" design pattern of using masterpages.

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Security :: First Authentication On New Site?

Sep 5, 2010

I am taking an existing ASP.NET site with authentication, membership & roles and updating it. In the process I am pulling the authentication portion off of the site and using an SSO (through Central Authentication Services - CAS). I need to retain the use the membership and roles of .NET. Right now my site allows users to add an account and I approve and add them to groups. Since I will no longer do the account management I still need a way to add them to the proper groups once they have an account.

The question is sort of a chicken/egg question... Since I am the admin I need to add myself first, but since the authentication is no longer local how do I do this? Do I develop a special function just to add my account and then other pages to manage the rest?

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Add Per Request - Token Based Authentication To Mvc Site

Apr 4, 2011

I have an existing mvc website that uses basic forms authentication. The site has a login page that posts back to a login action, which logs the user in via FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(). I am looking to add an api to the site, as an mvc2 area, where users would be authenticated based on a token passed as an http header. This area will consist of only json actions, so redirecting the user to a login page doesn't make sense. Instead, I want the users to just pass a token along with each request. That token is mapped to each user account and the user would be authenticated automatically.

I'm struggling with where to put this logic. At this point, the best choice seems to be adding the header lookup logic and authentication to the Global.asax in the Application_AuthenticateRequest method. I want to avoid needing to redirect the user after calling FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(), though. I want the login action to be transparent to them. Am I approaching this the wrong way? As a side note: Requiring a username/password for api requests is not possible, as the site has a mix of users. Some joined using OpenID while the rest joined with a username/password.

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Security :: 3.5 - Set Up An Intranet Site With Windows Authentication

Jul 26, 2010

i m trying to set up an Intranet site with Windows Authentication. I have configured the web.config as shown below.

<authentication mode="Windows">
<roleManager enabled="true" />

I wanted to do authorization by roles so

<deny users ="?"/>
<allow roles="D820MySite_Developers, D820MySite_Admins"/>

I'm in the D820MySite_Developers group. When I attempt to login, it wants my password. I thought that with Windows Authentication it should not prompt for the password. If is use <allow user="*"/> it does not.

1. Is this the correct behavior?

2. My aspnetdb does not appear in the App_Data folder. Should it and is this causing the problem. If it should be there, how do I get it there?

3. I was under the impression that by using Windows Authentication, I can prevent users from accessing pages by folder. Is this provided by IIS or is this provided by Windows (using Windows Explorer)?

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Security :: Use AD Authentication With Our Intranet Site To Control?

Feb 24, 2011

We would like to use AD authentication with our Intranet site to control what pages different users can access. I'm very new to and would be interested in links to a how to description. We are using Visual Studio 2008.

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Security :: Windows Authentication On An Intranet Site

Mar 23, 2010

I'm trying to set up Windows authentication on an intranet site. I have this code in the web.config:

<authentication mode="Windows"/>
<allow users="domainuser, domainuser2" />
<deny users="*" />

I can log in with my own credentials, but I have virtually all the rights in AD. User2 can not log in. The website is set to use Windows authentication in IIS manager. And I've tried setting permissions in IIS manager and NTFS permissions for the folde

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Configuration :: Error With IIS 7 And Forms Authentication When Try To View App / Site

Sep 28, 2010

I have "published" my web application to our server which is running Windows Server 2008 and IIS 7. The app has a web.config file in it's root directory but, since I used the ASP.NET Configuration tool to set access permissions to subdirectories in my site, there are also web.config files in those subdirectories. They were created by the ASP.NET Configuration tool, and their contents are simple:


Now, when I try to view my app/site, I recieve the following error: It is an error to use a section registered as allowDefinition='MachineToApplication' beyond application level. This error can be caused by a virtual directory not being configured as an application in IIS. In the Source Error: section, the following line of my ROOT web.config file (not on of the little ones located in the subdirectories) is highlighted in red. "<authentication mode="Forms">"

Everything I have been able to find regarding this error says that one cause might be that web.config files are located in the subdirectories of my application but, the error is pointing to the web.config file in my root directory. IIS7 functions differently from previos versions, regarding web application creation. But, I think I have managed to get that set up correctly. (there is an application listed with the name of my site, and it has been assigned to the app pool that I created so, I think that is all correct). So, I think my web site IS set up as an application.

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WCF / ASMX :: Call A Webservice On A Site That Requires Authentication?

Mar 3, 2011

I have a production web application that uses <authentication mode="Windows"/> I have added an .asmx page with a method in it. I'd like to test making calls to it from a separate client web app. When I do this I get the error: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Access Denied What do I need to do in my client app to access this webservice?

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Security :: Forms Authentication - Multiple Companies In One Site?

May 1, 2010

I'm working on a new project and I would like to use forms authentication to protect the necessary pages. The project is going to be focused on companies where a company would create an account and have multiple users. Each company should have its own data and should not be able to see other companies' data. What would be the best way to go about this? I've considered using a subdomain for each company which would tell the application which membership provider to use. I've also considered using an additional credential such as company ID to specify which company the user is logging into.

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Security :: Intranet Site Authentication Against Active Directory?

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to build a web app for an intranet site that for security reasons needs to make the user type in their Windows or Active Directory username pwd manually. I have previously worked with Integrated Windows Auth but in this case, we do want them to use type in their AD credentials.

I have been trying to look up how to do this and frankly I am a bit lost. It should be a fairly straightforward task and am hoping you can point me in the right direction, with some tutorials or examples. We will be using SSL so, dont have to worry about passing pwd in cleartext over the wire.

My environment is visual studio 2008 in C#, .net 3.5 if that matters.

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Sitemap Links Don't Work On Live Site Windows Authentication

Feb 19, 2010

I have a intranet site with Windows Authentication. I have 'Administrator' pages in an 'Administrator' folder that will only show for those in the admin group (windows security group) These pages work

I have a folder with sub folders containing reports. These permissions are broken down for each type of report. They have similar role priveleges. When I test the application, I can navigate to the pages. When I deploy the site live on the intranet the links don't return a page. Error missing link 404. Do I need to set something in IIS?

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How To Share Authentication Context Between A SharePoint 2010 Site And Applications

Aug 13, 2010

Is it possible to share the claims based authentication of a logged in Sharepoint 2010 user with a separate application?

The following article describes how it was done using Sharepoint 2007 and forms authentication through forms auth and sharing machine keys etc however I cannot find any information regarding the external application consuming the claims authentication that is now used in Sharepoint 2010?

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IIS 7.0 - Every Site Suddenly Redirecting Root Request To Forms Authentication?

Apr 30, 2010

Suddenly, IIS 7.0 is redirecting every request for the root of any domain hosted on the box to ~/Account/Logon, which is our Forms Authentication redirect. Additionally, some JavaScript and image requests are being similarly redirected, but not other aspx pages.

EDIT: It turns out that something has gone wrong with the disk permissions. Can anyone point me to the way things are supposed to be in Windows Server 2008 for a standard ASP.Net installation? The disk permissions are out of whack now.

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