Using A Custom sqlsitemapprovider to Get Site Hierarchy Out Of The Database And Display Navigation?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm using a custom sqlsitemapprovider to get my site hierarchy out of the database and display my navigation. Now, I have the following main (parent) nodes:

Home - Products - News. What I want to achieve is this, suppose you click on products then a subnavigation appears like this:

productGroup1,productGroup2, productGroup3.

But when you click products, no selection was made from the subnavigation, how would I achieve that if someone clicks on products, the
first product with content from the first productGroup1 shows up?

To visualize this: I click on Products -> Subnavigaton gets rendered -> PG1 - PG2 - PG3 -> page displays product1 of PG1

Is there as build in manner to accomplish this or how would one create a method to make this work?

P.S.:For my navigation, I'm not using any build in navigation controls, I'm rendering my menu as an html unordered list e.g: <ul><li></li></ul>

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C# - Populate A TreeView Control To Display Hierarchy Data From A DataBase?

Jan 6, 2011

I need populate a TreeView control to display Hierarchy Data from a DataBase.

The Hierarchy Order has been dictated by a Column, in my DB called "CategoryNodeString" and "CategoryNodeLevel".

/ = Root
CategoryId CategoryNodeString CategoryNodeLevel
1 / 0
2 /1/ 1
3 /2/ 1
4 /1/1/ 2
5 /1/2/ 2
6 /1/1/1 3

Can you provide me a sample of code to start?

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What Is The Best Way To Display A Hierarchy Of Choices In A Forms Application

Sep 13, 2010

I am working on an Forms Application that keeps track of information about different offices in an organization. The offices are organized into a hierarchy.

Some users of the program will have access to certain information about all offices in the hierarchy. Some users of the program will have access to only a small part of the hierarchy.

When a user browses for information they are authorized to see, I would like to present the user with a prompt to choose which office in the hierarchy they wish to see information from.

I want to accomplish the following:

A) I want the user to be able to easily navigate the hierarchy of the organization to locate a specific office.

B) I want the user to be able to navigate the hierarchy without refreshing the page.

C) I want my interface to be able to handle a hierarchy at least four layers deep with less than 100 nodes.

I see that Microsoft includes a TreeView control in the standard collection of ASP web controls.

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Unable To Get Site Map Path Navigation

Feb 9, 2011

I have 3 site map path like this

1 st page and 2nd page is different 3 and 4th one are common for all navigations

Navigation 1

Home(Page1.aspx) ---> Begin(Page2.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

Navigation 2

Home(Page7.aspx) ---> Begin(Page47.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

Navigation 3

Home(Page17.aspx) ---> Begin(Page27.aspx)------>Choose(Page3.aspx)-------->Use(Page4.aspx)

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Web Forms :: Navigation In Site.Master?

Oct 29, 2010

I have a site with a few pages, and I decided to have my navigation button (to go from page to page) on my site.master page so every page looks the same. Two questions:

1. is that the correct thing to do? seems to work fine, I'm just not sure if it is proper or not.

2. with the navigation/buttons being on the site.master. How can I pass an "id" from one page to another.


<asp:Button ID="Button5" runat="server" CssClass="style2" ForeColor="#000084"
PostBackUrl="~/Inbounds.aspx" Text="Inbounds" />

I want the postbackurl to be "~/Inbounds.aspx?id=" a value from a textbox on the page you are leaving. More or less to pass a company name or ID number from page to page, so the queries know who the "owner" is?

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Web Forms :: Site Navigation & SecurityTrimmingEnabled?

Aug 3, 2010

I am having difficulties combing site navigation & securityTrimmingEnabled together.Please see my code below, let me know what am I missing:web.config file:

<siteMap defaultProvider="XmlSiteMapProvider" enabled="true">


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Authentication - Unautenticated Site Navigation Handled?

Apr 11, 2010

am wondering how to do the following... I have a registration system. When the user successfully registers, he is then led down a series of data gathering pages (for his profile) and then,finally, ends on his profile's home page where he can start to use the site. All this happens without ever logging into the system so, he is unauthenticated
and unconfirmed. My question is, how does this happen? How can I allow my user to be unauthenticated (and unconfirmed, but this I understand) and use all aspects of the Web site? The way I have things set up right now, my code should be doing this:

case CreateProfileStatus.Success:
//FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(userName, false);
Response.Redirect("NextPage.aspx", false);


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Web Forms :: Divide The Navigation Of Site Between 2 Menus?

Jan 4, 2010

i want to display my navigation in 2 horizontal menus, one on the top, the other on the bottom. I also want to use sitemap since it ease the maintenance of links. Is there a simple way to achieve this ? (I am not talking about Parent child, say i want to display the first 8 nodes in up menu and the left in the bottom menu.)

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Jun 28, 2010

I am following this tutorial [URL]and would like to know if somebody can provide the CSS used in the example.

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Dynamic Navigation - Where To Return A Datatable From The Db Containing All The Pages Of Site

Jun 16, 2010

I am building a project in 4.0. My navigation will be database driven where i return a datatable from the db containing all the pages of my site, some will be top level while others will be children and sometimes children of children n-times. Im thinking of going down the nested repeater route and databinding from code behind, dynamically generating repeaters for children, but have read that this is not a best practice and should consider the listview control. Im wanting to build a list of links using an unordered list.

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Web Forms :: Site Navigation And Retaining User Selections?

Feb 17, 2010

handle site navigation and retaining user selections.

On Page 1:

I am using an <asp:ListBox as a filter for an <asp:GridView (gv.datasource=myobj.getdata(lb.selectedvalue))

This functions as expected and the gridview pagination functions as expected.

Each row on the grid provides an <asp:HyperLinkField to navigate to another page (Page 2).

This functions as expected.

On Page 2:

This provides functionality to perform some data creation/manipulation tasks.

It also provides a link to navigate to another page where other tasks can be performed (Page 3).

My query is in relation to returning from Page 3 to Page 2 to Page 1.

I would like to be able to return from Page 3 to Page2 to Page 1 and display earlier selections.

Currently, I am using a combination of querystring parameters and sessions vars on each Page_Load to achieve this.

Q1: What are the recommended ways to achieve this?

Q2: Is it possible to dynamically specify url parameters on a sitemap?

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Design Pattern(s) For A Webservice Enabled Telerik Treeview For Navigation Of A Document Site?

Oct 11, 2010

I am currently working on a document management system in ASP.NET 3.5 using the Telerik AJAX toolkit. It consists of masterpage with a title banner across the top and a RadTreeview down the left hand side for navigation through the site. The treeview uses a combination of static nodes and dynamic ones. The dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice. When a node is clicked the relevant page is navigated to, reloading the masterpage and displaying the content of the target page.

The problem comes from the fact the treeview's dynamic nodes are populated via a webservice and therefore as the user navigates through the tree to find a document the treeview behaves as you would expect. However, when you get to the bottom of a tree of dynamic nodes the navigation to the page of the navigateurl causes the relevant page to be loaded and then the treeview resets itself to a collapsed state. This means the user could be deep in a nest of documents but when they view one, the tree collapses and they have to start their navigation all over again. This limitation is not going to be acceptable from an ease of use perspective.

According to Telerik, this is the designed behaviour for performance reasons - the node only ever worries about populating the next set of nodes and therefore the treeviews state is not remembered in viewstate.

So, the meat of question is. Is the masterpage/async treeview navigation design pattern a valid one? Are there any other ways to have an ajax treeview on a masterpage, that remembers it's state when another page is navigated to? I have considered a siglepage/updatepanel/partial page rendering model but the opinions I've seen on the net infer that this is bad idea. It confuses users that expect back/forward browser behaviour to navigate through the site but in a single page world they would end up leaving the site.

I also thought that maybe using a single page container and an iframe may work but this seems to be moving away from the "standard" design pattern of using masterpages.

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Web Forms :: How To Custom XML Data Source For Navigation

Jun 2, 2010

I'm designing a website that should have horizontal menus (main menu, and sub menus) underneath each other like:

Home | **Categories** | Contact Us VBScript | VB.NET | ASP.NET

(** indicates the selected main menu item) Where VBScript, VB.NET, and ASP.NET are menu items in the Categories main menu item.

Initially, I tried using a separate sitemap file, but came across an error that forced me to write a custom xml document for the sub menu (code below)


I've created an asp:Menu control to use for the sub menu (it's blank until a main menu item that has child items is selected), and I'm databinding it on MainMenuItemClick (code below)


MainMenu has it's items hard coded into the html, but I'm going to move that over a sitemap later, what I'm struggling with, is how do I get the SubMenu items to navigate to the URLs I'm specifying?

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C# - Navigation Bar From Database

Apr 1, 2010

i want to make navigation bar with items i will select them as (category,Product,....) So i made stored to get them throught paramater will pass it,s value from query string as.

ALTER Proc Navcategory
@Category_Id Int
Select Distinct Categories.Category,Categories.Category_Id
From Categories
Where Category_Id=@Category_Id
and i mentioned in cs
if (Request.QueryString["Category_Id"] != null)
Banar.ImageUrl = "Handlers/Banner.ashx?Category_Id=" + Request.QueryString["Category_Id"] + "";
(SqlConnection conn = Connection.GetConnection())
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand();........................

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Web Forms :: Implementing Sqlsitemapprovider Using Wicked Code Article

Jan 13, 2010

I am having issues implementing SqlSiteMapProvider using the Wicked Code article. I am using VB.NET and SQL Server 2008 - and the OnSiteMapChanged event is not firing (the SqlDepdencyCache just seems to simply be not working at all). The article states "You also need to run the ASP.NET worker process with dbo privileges for SQL Server 2005 cache dependencies to work automatically.)" I don't understand what this means. I know what the ASPNET user account is and that it runs aspnet_wp.exe which is basically the ASP.NET run time as I understand it. I know what DBO privs are on SQL. But my SQL and web servers are on different machines, and ASPNET is not a domain account. And it seems crazy to make it one to try to simply get the SqlDepdencyCache to work, and I have trouble believing everyone is doing this?Anyone have any clue what I'm missing here?

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Web Forms :: Multiple Nodes With The Same URL Error While Trying To Build A Sqlsitemapprovider?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm trying to build a sqlsitemapprovider. I gets the error "Multiple nodes with the same URL" I can't figure out There is no duplicate url in the db.


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Web Forms :: Hide A Node From Appearing On Menu Not On Breadcrumb (using SqlSiteMapProvider)

Oct 2, 2010

I am using wicked code sqlsitemapprovider and it's VB version. Most of the things are going OK! But when I wanted to hide some of the nodes from appearing on menu while staying shown on sitemappath I cannot figure it out. I tried to change the sqlsitemapprovider code but was unsuccessfull.


and I get this error:

Özel Durum Ayrıntıları: System.IndexOutOfRangeException:
visibleKaynak Hatası:


Kaynak Dosya: D:WebsiteskaihlApp_CodeSqlSiteMapProvider.vb Satır:

How can I add this functionality into this system.

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Forms Data Controls :: Navigation Menu Display Using More Than One Tables

Jan 8, 2011

My issue is,i have two tables

Table Maincategory:
Category name,

Table Subcategory:

My issue is, i need to display my Table(A) categoryname in my vertical menu such as


if i click ashok, with respect to its id,(say id is (1),it should pick the subcategoryname (2nd table's) name corresponding id(1) from 2nd table...and it should display as sub menu is it possible.

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Configuration :: Site Is Not Showing Any Content At Live Site From Database?

Jun 15, 2010

I am working at a site not orginally devleoped by me. The problem is that all the pages are working fine and have no problem at my local site. but the site is not showing any content at live site from database. Niether it shows an error for it. How can I find the problem?

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Web Forms :: Put Multilevel Navigation Structure (from A Database) Into The Menu - Control

Jul 23, 2010

In classic ASP I would write some logic to get a nice menu on the site, but now with the Menu-control, it's as easy as it gets.. Maybe to easy. I can't quite figure out how I would do this.. I have a multilevel navigation structure (from a database) that I want to put into the Menu-control, but I don't know which approach is the best/easiest way for me..

I'm all into performance, usability and all that.. The only thing I have really decided is that I want to use the Menu-control, I haven't decided what datasource I should use or how to style the individual links my way The data is coming from a database and is not supposed to be changed very often (maybe once or twice every month).. Thought of making an XML-sitemap, but also of making some sort of SQL-hookup.. I'm leaning towards the XML-sitemap because it wouldn't take long to generate the XML every time the navigation changes and that won't happen very often. The next issue is styling, how to do that? I have the neccesary css ready for the individual links, but I'm still unsure of how to get it to the Menu-control.. The css I have looks like below and in its current form is intended just for the anchors


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Web Forms :: How To Work With Navigation Menu And Assign Pages In Navigation Menu In Master Page

Aug 25, 2010

Iam using masterpage and i want to use navigation menu ,but i don't want to use sitemap concept

how to work with navigation menu and assign the pages in navigation menu in master page

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Custom 404 Redirect For A Site With URL Rewriting?

Sep 1, 2010

In my site, I have used IIS7's URL rewrite module to redirect URLs like into

It appears that IIS7 has created a corresponding rule check, so that any URL of the sort is redirected to File.aspx. This is fine in most cases, when the URL is correctly rewritten.

The problem is that in some cases, the file no longer exists - will still get redirected to

I want to show a custom 404 error page for this URL - how do I trigger the 404 error in global.asax (I have set application error logging and handling in global.asax)? The below code doesn't work.

Response.Status = "404 Not Found"
Response.AddHeader("Location", "" & Request.QueryString.ToString)

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Web Forms :: Navigation Menu / Login And Add Some Buttons To Navigation Menu

May 19, 2010

I'm developing a Portal to a school

I need to login (ok)

I also need when the login is ok, to add some buttons to navigation menu, taht is created in the Master Page.

Is it possible?, how?

i already handle the page load on the default page.

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