C# - ASP.Net - Accessing My BasePage Properties From Within Markup?

Oct 22, 2010

I want to be able to extend the System.Web.UI.Page class and then easily access those properties from the Markup. I know I can do it from the codebehind, but is it possible from the Markup?

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Accessing User Control Properties Defined In Code Behind In Markup?

Feb 9, 2011

I have a public property defined in code behind of a user control. I want to toggle visibility of controls in the markup based on the property's value.

However, using the following syntax:

<td style="display:<%#(Container.PageControlMode == PageControlMode. PageMode.Wizard) ? "none" : "inline" %;">

I have the following property in my code behind:

public PageMode PageControlMode { get; set; }

Does not work and generate errors.

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Web Forms :: Setting Properties Within BasePage Class Not Working?

Jan 11, 2010

We are trying to use a BasePage class (which inherits from Page) to populate and set the Meta Keywords and Meta Description Tags. I am using masterpages and below is an example code extract... According to examples on the internet, I could then set this also via the Page Directive using the MetaKeywords and MetaDescription properties, but they do not appear.

I have tried setting the CodeFileBaseClass="MyNamespace.UI.BasePage" but this does not work either. Using debug I can see that the BasePage classes' MetaKeywords and MetaDescription properties are not being set within my content page. I can access the properties but not set them.





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Web Forms :: Get The Basepage Class Outside The Project / Could Not Load Type '~/Master/App_Code/BasePage<Page>'

Jun 2, 2010

I have a MasterPage project which is a class library project (it includes themes, style sheets, menus etc) and all applications use them.

I am using the BasePage concept for dynamically adding title,meta tags and descriptions. This BasePage Class inherits system.UI.Page and the aspx pages in the project inherits the BasePage class.

Now i need to move this BasePage class from my application to the Master Page Project so that all the projects/applications can reuse the same code.

I tried add the basepage.cs in the App_code folder and tried calling it in the page directive like below

Meta_Description="This is a test" %>

But i am getting error

Could not load type '~/Master/App_Code/BasePage<Page>'.

This was working fine till the BasePage class was inside the application. But once i moved it out of the project and added it to the master page project i getting this error.

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Create ASP User Control With Inner Properties Used With Markup Similar To UpdatePanel?

Nov 5, 2010

I am creating a user control that I wish to have inner properties as well as normal attributes. Although the actual function of the control has nothing to do with, say, UpdatePanel, I am trying to create something with similar ASPX markup. The developer designing the page should be able to use my control like:

<ns:MyControl ID="someID" runat="server" SomeOtherAttribute="true">
<asp:Label ID="someLabel" runat="server" Text="Normal page markup and controls should go here" /><br />
<p>This should be OK too.</p>
<ControlEvent ControlName="idOfOtherControl" Event="Click" />
<ControlEvent ControlName="idOfSomeOtherControl" Event="MouseOver" />

Also acceptable would be wrapping the ControlEvent tags in some other tag, more like what happens when using UpdatePanel:

<ns:MyControl ID="someID" runat="server" SomeOtherAttribute="true">
<asp:Label ID="someLabel" runat="server" Text="Normal page markup and controls should go here" /><br />
<p>This should be OK too.</p>
<ns:ControlEvent ControlName="idOfOtherControl" Event="Click" />........................

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Accessing The HTML Markup Of Programmatically Created Controls?

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Is it possible to access the html markup of programmatically created controls, and if so, how?

In c# you can write things like:


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Web Forms :: Accessing Properties Of A Masterpage?

Jun 12, 2010

In my application, I use nested master pages. In the main.master which is the top level, all encompossing master page, I have some properties. I want to set the value of this property from a user control embedded into the page which is using master page which is embedded into main.master. To clarify further, here's the hierarchy


The property is mpProperty1 which is in main.master. How do I access and set the value of this property from my user control?

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Accessing A Class Properties In Function?

Apr 15, 2010

I am unsure of how to reference the properties of my class in a function. Here is how I see it in my head, but how do i go about this?





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Vb.net - Accessing Masterpage Properties From Child Pages

Feb 2, 2010

I have masterpage.master.vb where I have properties, such as;


Can anyone give me an idea how to go about this? I've tried searching but most articles talk in the context of web controls...

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Web Forms :: Accessing Image Control Properties?

Apr 6, 2010

I am writing my own captcha generator page using an aspx form that generates an image.

In the form that displays the captcha I have the following img tag -

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/captcha.aspx" />

and things works well.

What I want to do is use the image tag with width and height specified properties -

<asp:Image ID="Image1" runat="server" width="100" height="50" ImageUrl="~/captcha.aspx" />

and in my captcha.aspx read the width and height properties in my captcha generator vb script.

How can I access the width and height from my captcha generator vb script?

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Security :: Accessing Custom Profile Properties?

Mar 5, 2010

We have added some custom profile properties to the web.config - what we want to do is have the code access them once (when user logs in) and cache this so that the code doesn't have to hit the database each time we call Profile.<our custom profile property name>

What we see is a call to GetProperties or GetProfile each time we access Profile. <our custom profile property name> - whats the recommended way to do this?

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C# - Accessing Inherited Properties Through A Static Class?

Nov 12, 2010

Currently, I am accessing the property by creating a static method like the one below.

public static class CartCollection : List<Cart>
public static void Add(Cart Cart)


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AJAX :: Accessing CollapsiblePanelExtender Properties In Javascript?

Feb 22, 2010

I have implemented a CollapsiblePanelExtender with a button that collapses/expands a panel. I also have a javascript function that can collapse the expanded panel when a certain condition exists somewhere else on the page.

The problem I am having is when I programatically collapse the panel, the extender is not aware, so the Collapsed property remains false and the CollapsedImage and CollapsedText are not updated. The next time I click the button, the extender is updated to a collapsed state, but nothing happens on the page because the panel was already collapsed. It is just resynchronizing the Collapsed, CollapsedImage, and CollapsedText properties to match the panel's already collapsed state.

Is there a way I can update the Collapsed, CollapsedImage, and CollapsedText properties in javascript to match the actual state of the panel?

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Web Forms :: Accessing Properties In Server Side Code?

Sep 30, 2010

i have a <div> named 'mydiv' on a web page and have set it's runat property as <server> so it is visible within

my vb.net server side code.

i can see the mydiv within the server side code.

my question:

how do i adjust the height/style of the <div> withion the vb.net code so that whe the page is posted back the new height/style settings apply. how do i get to the style properties server side?

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C# - Accessing Contained Class Properties In Gridviews Boundfield?

Sep 15, 2010

I wonder why asp.net wont allow accessing property of contained class on Gridview's Boundfields while it work in ItemTemplates..

Class User
Diagnosis diagnosis { get; set; } // Contained class
Class Diagnosis
string DiagnosisCode { get; set; }
gridview.datasource =
new List<User>() {
new User() {
diagnosis = new Diagnosis() { DiagnosisCode = "MALARIA" }} }
<boundfield datafield='<#% User.diagnosis.DiagnosisCode %>' />

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Web Forms :: Accessing ListView Control Properties On Postback?

Jan 15, 2010

I am currently working on a page that displays a set of questions as retrieved from an XML source. I can print the questions out fine by using a ListView and the ItemDataBound event. On PostBack it seems I can get some property values (Text), but not others (ID). I need to get the ID so I can match up the answer to the appropriate question.

Here is the ListView:


I just don't understand the Life Cycle stuff that well for advanced issues like this. I'd prefer not to use the Request.Form collection for this, but I will if it's the last resort.

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Masterpage - Accessing Pager Public Properties In Child Page

Sep 28, 2010

I'm embarrassed to ask this here because it's clearly been duplicated several times already on StackOverflow. I've read a lot of stuff including:


I think I've done exactly what those article say, but it's not working for me.

Here's the top of my master page, named "MasterNoNews.master":


In the first case, VS is telling me System.Web.Ui.MasterPage does not contain a definition for urrentUser. In the second case, VS says the type or namespace 'MasterNoNews' could not be found.

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Dec 17, 2010

I am using my aspnet membership for storing user profile related information in the database and I am looking for a way to access that information out of database from a function like Member.GetProfile. I am just wondering of any of the membership classes give thet functionality that I can actually access the information out of Membership database.

Somebody suggested me follwowing thread:


I am "Profile" object is not recognized in my code I think they are trying to refer to some some instance of a class here by the word Profile but I am not sure what instance is that.

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Web Forms :: Accessing Properties Of A Parent/container Page From User Control?

Jan 31, 2011

i am using .net 2.0 for developing my web app. want to modify a public property in the container page. how do i access the containser page?


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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing Properties Of The GridViewRowEventArgs Class Within A Regular Method?

Jan 6, 2010

I have a regular method I want to call. I need to use properties of the GridViewRowEventArgs Class within this method.



Of course the above code is not valid because I don't think you can put GridViewRowEventArgs within the method like that. I don't want to put it within a event handler because that even handler is doing other things. I want to be able to call this seperatley.

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Custom Server Controls :: Accessing Properties Of A User Control From The Inherited Code Page?

Mar 8, 2010

If the answer to this question exists somewhere, I'm no good at searching for it. This is sort of a simple question, the response being two parts: (1) is it possible? (2) if so, how?

I've created a web user control for my site's footer. In my web.config I have it registered like this:


Then, within the pages on my site, I simply insert it like this:


But obviously, that didn't work. I get this error: The type or namespace name 'FooterControl' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)

So I'm really not sure what to do at this point. I can put all of my code in the ASPX file and make my life easier, but I would kind of prefer not to.

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Web Forms :: Get A List Of All Classes That Inherit From BasePage In The Web Application?

May 13, 2010

I need to get a list of all of these webforms.

As the subject reads, how can i accomplish this ? All my webforms inherits from a class called "BasePage". It can also suffice with only getting a list of all the webforms in the application, regardless of base class since i can check inheritance later in code.

Reason i'm asking is because i'm building my menu and i'm implementing security enforced user visibility based on what pages there are in the webbapplication, and what roles each page demands, and display these to the user in the menu.

Using sitemaps are insufficient, i need to provide much more info for all the pages i have on my system.

Using this technique i can query my "PageProvider" for like:

GetAllPagesVisibibleToUser(MembershipUser user)
DoesUserHaveAccessToPage(MembershipUser user, BasePage forPage)

I'm also planning on implementing this technique on WebUserControls.

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State Management :: CS0101 - Namespace '' Already Contains Definition For 'BasePage'

Jun 2, 2010

I get this error "CS0101: The namespace '<global namespace>' already contains a definition for 'BasePage'" now that I have uploaded my website to a server though before it wasn't there. It is OK when I run it locally just not from server. It refers to a theme


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Forms Data Controls :: Access To BasePage From Ascx?

May 6, 2010

I have a basepage class which holds a bunch of properties, and specifically a context reference to entityframework

I have a standard .aspx page that inherits from the base page like so

public partial class myinterviews : BasePage

I have a standalone .ascx page, it has a grid and a datasource. This .ascx page is apart of the .aspx page that inherits from the base page. How can I reference the methods, properties from the base page from within my .ascx page?

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Web Forms :: Having BasePage Class Outside The Current Project/Could Not Load Type

Jun 10, 2010

We are using nested master page the master page is seperate class library project and all the other projects refer to them. We wanted to have a basepage class which load title, meta tags and keywords dynamically. It was working fine till it was inside the main project. We wanted the basepage class to be more generic and to have it reside in a single place. So i tried created a seperate class library project but i getting error "Could not load type" ..

How to have the basepage class outside the project?

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