C# - ASPxPageControl Switching Tabs From Javascript?

Aug 23, 2010

I'm trying to use ASPxPageControl ase a template for my wizard. I put buttons on each page and connected it to javascript which simply changes active page, for example:


It works correct when tabs are visible but when I set ASPxPageControl1.ShowTabs = "false" then when trying to change tab by clicking my button an error is raised (sth that formant with that name already exists or sth like that, i ve got error message in polish)

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Similar Messages:

Web Forms :: "Invalid Argument" When Switching Tabs In TabControl

Mar 2, 2010

I am using a tabcontrol from AJAX. I have 5 TabPanels in this TabControl.

In the 4:th TabPanel(ActiveTabIndex="3"). I am using some AsyncFileUpload controls inside an updatepanel.

If I now sets the ActiveTabIndex="3" and F5(Start Debugging) the website in the browser, I can see this TabPanel and everything starts out fine.

If I now tries to press any of the other 4 tabpanels or sets the ActiveTabIndex to 0,1,2,4 or 5 before F5(Start Debugging), the debugging breaks and highligths this text in a code file and says
"Invalid argument" in an Error MessageBox.


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Javascript - JQuery Tabs - Using The Cookie Option Breaks GUI

Feb 16, 2011

I've got a tabbed GUI on a webpage using:

JQuery 1.4.2
JQuery-UI 1.8.9 (full download)

The IDs for the 'pane' divs are GUIDs of domain objects in a database. Everything works as it should. But when I include the cookie option in the function call on

$(document).ready(function () {
//$("#tabs").tabs(); //Without tabs works fine
$("#tabs").tabs({ //This call with cookie option breaks everything.
cookie: {
expires: 1

By 'breaks' I mean - the contents of my final tab (which includes a 'submit' button) ends up being displayed at the bottom of every tabbed page although the tab itself looks fine. None of the tabs open the corresponding pane when clicked, but I can see the correct tab id in the address bar on the browser when I click a tab. I've compared the source of both pages (with and without the cookie option) and they are identical apart from the call to the JQuery tab function. But the Javascript console reports an error: cannot call method 'apply' of undefined

Is there something else I need to do to get this to work? The documentation suggests not. I've inluded the cookies plugin as suggested by Nalum, but this hasn't solved the problem. Drilling into jquery-ui-1.8.9.custom.min.js gets me the offending bit of code:

return d.cookie.apply(null,[b].concat(d.makeArray(arguments ...

This code seems to be expecting [b] to be something like ui-tabs-1 which is the way in which the tabs are IDed if you add tabs via the tabs.add(...) function. And of course I don't add my tabs this way - all my tabs have GUID IDs which are related to elements which come from a DB and are output by a Repeater control.
Some HTML below for reference:

<div id="tabs">
<a href='#TabDiv471de30d-aaec-4485-8a50-1b2fdbc58053'>
Tab A
<a href='#TabDiv951e2fee-9272-4a8c-becb-3f3a07770347'>
Tab B
<div id='TabDiv471de30d-aaec-4485-8a50-1b2fdbc58053'>
This is Pane A
<div id='TabDiv951e2fee-9272-4a8c-becb-3f3a07770347'>
This is Pane B

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Using Javascript Inside A Dynamically Load UserControl In JQuery Ui Tabs

Jan 25, 2011

I need to insert some JavaScript code inside a UserControl that I load from an Ajax call via jQuery Ui Tabs. Let me explain... This is my View (with jQuery loaded)

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
cache: false,
getContentTab (1);
function getContentTab(index) {
var url='<%= Url.Content("~/Home/getUserControl") %>/' + index;
var targetDiv = "#tabs-" + index;
$.get(url,null, function(result) {
<div id="tabs">
<li><a href="#tabs-1" onclick="getContentTab(1);">Nunc tincidunt</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-2" onclick="getContentTab(2);">Proin dolor</a></li>
<li><a href="#tabs-3" onclick="getContentTab(3);">Aenean lacinia</a></li>
<div id="tabs-1">
<div id="tabs-2">
<div id="tabs-3">
With these lines of code I call the Ajax function to load the content into a DIV.
This is the Action from the controller:
public ActionResult getUserControl(int num)
return PartialView("TestUC", num);
And this is the UserControl...
<%@ Control Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewUserControl" %>
Number... <span id="testSpan"><%=Model.ToString() %></span>!!
<input type="button" value="Click me!!" onclick="message();" />
<script type="text/javascript">
function message(item) {

The problem is that the message() function returns always 1 (instead of returning the correct number). My question is... How should I add the script to my UserControl in order to have my code running correctly?

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AJAX :: Tabs With JQuery Carousel / The First One Displayed On The Page Always Works. But Any Other Tabs Dont Work When I Select The Tab

Feb 14, 2011

I have been adding different JQuery Carousels to AJAX Tabbed Panels - the first one displayed on the page always works. But any other tabs dont work when I select the tab. I have about a dozen different carousels.

Can anyone recommend one that works in AJAX Tabs or how I can go about rectifying this?

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MVC :: Jquery Tabs - Second And Third Tabs Do Not Fire Any Event On Button Click?

May 24, 2010

I have created an asp.net applications in which i am using jquery tabs to show say profile modifications information. I want user to see his profile info as well as he will be able to edit his details and save the information. for this purpose i have created an aspx page "MyProfile.aspx" and 3 ascx pages

say "page1", "page2" and "page3".

When i run "MyProfile.aspx" i can see all 3 tabs showing correct information. But problem is when i edit contents and try to save them back to the database. Contents on page1 are stored correctly. But page2 and page3 doest not fire any event. In all 3 pages I am using ajax n jquery to save data to database. and when i try to save contents of page2 and page3 nothing occurs.I am showing 3 tabs there of which first tab edits save the details but second and third tabs do not fire any event on button click.

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Ajax Tabs - Is It Possible To Use Sub Tabs

Apr 8, 2010

Does Ajax Tab support using sub tabs (or children tabs)?I have a project where I need to show several tabs like "Sales" "Production" "Revenue" and when I click on for example "Sales" I would like to see a new tab tab with "Currentales", "History", "Comparison" etc etc. and be able to click each one of these for further processing.

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Create Tabs Which Also Have Sub-tabs?

Mar 9, 2011

I would like to create two tabs called Info and place. However when the mouse is over the info tab, all the sub-tabs associated with it will show-up and in this case, the sub-tab will be report_1 and report_2 and also when the mouse is over the place tab, all the sub-tabs associated with place will show up and in this case, the sub-tab will be place_report_1 and place_report_2. how do I go about doing this?

View 5 Replies

Switching From C To .net?

Oct 17, 2010

I have been using C plus plus throughout my semester but now i want to switch to .Net but before i start i was wondering how different it is from C? and how much work i will have to do to master this?

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Switching From VB.net, .net To Java?

Aug 22, 2010

I am programmer analyst working mainly in Asp.net for more than 3 yrs. I always wondered why employers are ready to pay more dollars for the same skill a person have in dotnet. I also see more BPM technologies are based on Java. Like Pega, Tibco etc. I have learned java in my college 4-5 years back.

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How To Login Via SSL Persist When Switching To Non - SSL

Apr 5, 2010

I have an application I would like to force SSL on the login page and on the page that the CC is entered on. I would prefer to keep the rest of the application free of SSL.

I have the code working to force SSL on certain pages, and remove SSL on others. The problem I have is that if I log in with SSL enabled the user is only authenticated on the pages that are SSL. The reverse holds true as well, if the user logs in without SSL they are only authenticated on pages without SSL.

What can I do to have this persist between the two. Is this using cookies or the session?

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C# - Switching From Wilson ORMapper?

May 13, 2010

We're currently using Wilson ORMapper with our asp.net 2.0 website against an Oracle db and we're having some issues that is making us look into an alternative ormapper. I know there is nhibernate but are there any other we should look into for our environment (.net and oracle db) or has nhibernate become the industry leader and therefore we don't need to look any further.

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.net - Switching To FormViewMode.Edit Is Very Slow?

Jun 16, 2010

When i switch an ASP.Net Formview from readonly mode to edit mode it takes more than 6 seconds(from edit to readonly takes a split second). I have no idea whats the reason for it. The EditItemTemplate contains a lot of controls(table,textboxes,dropdownlists) but in fact not more than the ItemTemplate has. Yet i have even commented out the complete FormView.DataBound where the controls are data bounded but without significant change. My ASP.Net Web Apllication is using Ajax and the Formview is completely nested in an UpdatePanel.
Any suggestions or assumptions for this behaviour?

EDIT: I have removed all Ajax Controls from the EditItemtemplate and now it performs as fast as the Itemtemplate. What can be the reason for it? Following controls removed:


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Changing Culture When Switching View?

Jan 12, 2010

I am working on a website web site where each user has a culture setting to allow control of resources displayed. The main page has two views, one the log on screen, the second the main menu.

When first loaded the page displays with the culture settings of the previous user (if any). If I then log on as a user with a different culture setting the view changes to the main menu without changing the culture. Go to another page and the user's correct culture settings are picked up, go back to the main menu, uses the correct culture etc.

This is logical but is there a way (without redesigning the site to have a separate log in page and main menu) to reset the culture to the new user's when switching view?

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Localization :: Switching Global Culture?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a very simple bilingual site with a link at the bottom that will allow users to switch between the two languages (english/french). the the web.config I have the following line:

<globalization culture="auto" uiCulture="auto" />

This allows for whatever the users browser culture is to be the default lanauge but I'd still like the ablility for them to click a bottom button to toggle. whats the best what to go about doing this?

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Hot Key For Switching To Aspx Code In VS2010?

Dec 1, 2010

Who does know, what is the hot key for switching from cs code to aspx code (not to designer) in Visual Studio 2010?

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Switching To Open Source Solutions?

Jan 24, 2010

I'm a ASP.NET MVC Visual Studio, SQL Server web developer. I would like to switch to equivalent open source solutions.

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Configuration :: Subdomains Switching Db & Web.config?

Jan 14, 2011

I am running into a unique problem (not easily googleable). This is what I am trying to do:Will be using subdomains: x.abc.com, y.abc.com, z.abc.com, etc.There will be single website hosted at abc.comBased on the subdomain passed (x,y,z,etc.), I need to switch databases and web.configs (appsettings, authentication, authorization info)For ex: If a user goes to x.abc.com, the site will select appropriate db & config settings and forward user to abc.com with db & settings cached/saved for the user session.Is it possible to have one hosted site and multiple subdomains that select appropriate config settings? Reason I need to do this is because credit card processor needs static url for requests and responses.

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MVC Switching Cultures After Compile For Initial Load

Nov 3, 2010

I have a hybrid ASP.Net web forms/MVC app. On one of the MVC "pages"/views, I have it render a bunch of dates using the ToShortDateString() and ToLongDateString(). These work correctly most of the time, but the first time I load the view after compiling the app, they are formatted incorrectly.

I traced this down and checked the current thread's culture. For 99% of the time it's en-US, but on the first load of the MVC view after compiling it is set to en-GB. If I reload the page immediately after that, it's back to en-US.

I have tried setting the culture and uiculture in the web.config file to en-US to force it to be correct, but no luck.

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AJAX :: The Navigation Bar Disappears While Switching Tab In The Page

Jan 12, 2010

I'm getting following error in Firefox while switching tab in the page Error: clientActiveTabChanged is not defined The following code I'm using in the master page

<cc1:TabContainer runat="server" ID="TabContainerMain" OnClientActiveTabChanged="clientActiveTabChanged">
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanelEmployee" Enabled="true" HeaderText="Employee">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelEmployee" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">
<asp:AsyncPostBackTrigger ControlID="buttonEmployee" />
<cc1:TabPanel runat="server" ID="TabPanelAdmin" Enabled="true" HeaderText="Admin"
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanelAdmin" runat="server" UpdateMode="Conditional">

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Dynamic Content Switching Based On Stylesheet?

Aug 16, 2010

I'm making a new design for my website, but I want to keep the old one and possibly switch between the two.

Unfortunately, I've changed the content on the Master Page (luckily I have a backup).
What I was thinking was to keep separate master files for each theme, and then just determine which one to server based on which stylesheet is loaded.

The only way I can think to do this is to keep a "settings" file on the website that has a "stylesheet=1/2/3/4/etc" line. Depending on the number there, the server will serve the correct master page.

Alternatively it might be easier to do something similar, but instead of serving a whole different master page, set a specific stylesheet to use.

I can read a text file (even encrypt/decrypt a file before and after it gets read for security), but actually giving the server the instructions based on what is read is where I'm lost.

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.net - Loading Aspx Page On Tab Switching Using Jquery?

Oct 7, 2010

i have a jquery tab. On each tab click i want to load a fresh page . I am using iframe, but while tab switching only the source is changed loading event does not takes place.


function LoadIframePage(url) {
document.getElementById("ifrforms").src= url;
<div style="float: none; height: 800px" onload="test">


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GridView Paging Not Displaying Data After Switching Page

Nov 15, 2010

I'm having a bit of trouble with Paging within a GridView grid I have set up. I have added the paging but whenever I click on the next page or the last page buttons, the page refreshes and displays blank (i.e. no gridview but my regular search parameters are displayed.

I was trying to search for a solution throughout the web and came across someone that looked to have the same issue. He moved all of his queries into the Page Load method, and the paging seemed to work. I cannot do this because I have 2 different buttons: Search and My Order, both of which perform different queries based on if a date has been selected or what the search is on (Order Number, License Number, Description, Status, etc).

My paging method looks as follows:


From what I can tell this is an issue with no longer having the data set when making the paging call. Is there anythign that I can do?

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Visual Studio :: Intellisense And Indent Switching Off In VWD 2010?

Jul 7, 2010

I wonder if any of you guys could help me. When writing code occasionally I hit return to start a new line and the line is started from the far left instead of the same indentation as the line above like I would expect and when typing there is no intellisense, its happened a few times now

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How To Load Specific Flash While Switching Different Lang In Web Application

Feb 4, 2010

I've built a multilingual ASP.NET web app and no problem . I'm trying to put a flash header for this website so I've made couple flash in different language ( because they are different not just in language , they have tiny different because of different cultures ) . But my problem is i don't know how to load specific flash while switching different language .

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