While running ItemDetabound upon load of a listivew, I am trying to access the text in a label of the LayoutTemplate of a different Listview. It works fine if I try access the same labels under the same names if they are in the same listview, but not if they are in a different one. It was working for a while, can't figure out what I changed, but now says that object doesn't exist.
Is there a way to apply your own CSS tags to <li> tags when using ASP .NET 4.0 menu control? For example, say I have an external style sheet that has tags "class1", "class2", "class3", and etc. I want to apply "class1" to the first menu item. Then if menu item is selected, I want to apply "class2" and if it's not selected, "class3". I played with various 'Static' styles, but just can't get it work. I finally gave up and created my own menu control that extends ASP .NET menu control and provides my own custom rendering. This works, but I'm wondering if there is a way to get it work with built-in menu control.
I have static html paypal buynow button that works great, but it's static.
But it is possible to change the values for the hidden inputs from .net codebehind code? I found this post which takes a different approach of sending these hidden fields instead as a query string to paypal. Not sure I like that though as would this not possiby explose some of those fields like the return page?
Basically what id like to do change the important parts of the button and info I'm sending to make it dynamic.I know I can do something like this in the markup, but that would mean having to fetch data mulitple times was hoping I could somehow adderss the field values directly in the codebehind. Or possibly dynaically generate and insert the entire changing input type fields from the codebehind
Possible to add them with something like this: myform.Attirbutes.Add (???). If so how do I contruct these input types in .net?As far as return logic security, I've tested that it's solid, i just need to automate the button process so I don't have to create a buy now page and button for each product.
I have a data type mismatch while inserting into a number field in an access database using a parameterized query.I think this should be pretty simple but I am still learning a lot.
I have some commented out as I am working one field at a time. The working fields are textboxes and the non working ones are dropdown lists. But I think it may be the field that the list is drawing from? Not sure.
(i) Default.aspx and Default.aspx.cs(ii) MyControl.ascx and yControl.ascx.csTo access MyControl.ascx from Default.aspx, we use following in Default.aspx:
But now I am wishing to access in MyControl.ascx.cs from Default.aspx.cs page. By default, I am totally unable to access any control or function exist in MyControl.ascx.cs file or say codebehind.
im a little bit angry, because i realy don't know how i can access a virtual directory a created in the IIS.
For example i created virtual directory called "Images" in the IIS under my default website. The "Images" folder is connected with my physical harddrive "D:Bilder".
Now how do i access this folder from code behind? I really tried everything but i can't load a image from this virtual directory :
I have a div with id="myDiv" and runat="server" inside a listview with id="lvItem".I need to access the div in code behind to add width of the div at runtime.How can I access the div from codebehid using C#?
I just started learning silverlight by creating a silverlight application in Visual Web Developer 2008. I have a public property defined in the user control. How do I access this property value in the aspx codebehind page?
assist with accessing parameter from codebehind. I'm connecting via a table adapter and my parameter is a textbox that loads on page preLoad. Here's my code but no matter what I try, error occurs. "Conversion from string "@projectIDtxtb" to type 'Integer' is not valid."
I have an <%#Eval("FirstName")%> in the aspx page, I want to replace "FirstName" to <%#Eval(employee.FirstName)%> but "employee" object is instantiated in the codebehind like this:
Public employee As New Employee
How can I call this object in the aspx page? Should I can create an "employee" in the aspx? if so, how to do that.
actually i need the maxRequestLength value of the httpRuntime section in web.config to check if a postedfile's size is greater. What's the best way to read it?
I m trying to read the tags of a local HTML file. I found out this code online but it works for the aspx pages on the server and of the current app only. ___________________________________________________
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
foreach (Control c in this.Page.Header.Controls)
{ if (c.GetType() == typeof(HtmlMeta))[code]...
THis code acceses the following section of an html page -
I have a span control which I am filling using Jquery. At the page load I want this span say id1 to be invisible and depending on some conditions I am making it visible via jquery itself.
When I make id1 runat = server and try to access id1 from codebehing, then I get an error in Jquery.
Hence I need a way to make id1 invisble at the load time itself.
I have already set id1 = invisble in HTML, But still I see this control on the page till the time jquery fills the entire data.
ive created my own custom control, now in the code behind of the custom control file i can add Name.Click += new EventHandler(name); but on the codebehind of the page where ive used the custom control i cannot, is there anyway i can regsiter it as an available attribute to add? my code below and on the image the test codebehind click is not available, how can i get it?
using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Web; using System.Web.UI; using System.Web.UI.WebControls; public partial class LargeButton : System.Web.UI.UserControl { public string JSFunc { get; set; } public string SSFunc { get; set; } public string ImgName { get; set; } public string LinkText { get; set; } protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Link.Attributes.Add("onclick", "javascript:"+ JSFunc + ";"); Link.HRef = "javascript:;"; Link.Title = LinkText; Img.Src = "~/App_Themes/" + Page.Theme + "/Images/Icons32/" + ImgName; Img.Alt = LinkText; //Link.ServerClick += new EventHandler(asd); } } <%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="LargeButton.ascx.cs" Inherits="LargeButton" %> <a ID="Link" runat="server" class="MenuItemLarge" clientidmode="Static" > <img ID="Img" align="center" runat="server"/> <br /> <%= LinkText %> </a> <MB:LgButton runat="server" ID="Save" JSFunc="Save(this)" ImgName="save_32.png" LinkText="Save" />
i have created a aspx page with the script manager, update panels and so on. Now, when i use some jquery functions which are included inside the head tags, when the page is run, i find the script tags generated inside the body instead of the head tag. i'm using visual studio 2005 only.
I am building a forum and I want to use forum-style tags to let the users format their posts in a limited fashion.Currently I am using Regex to do this.As per this question:How to use C# regular expressions to emulate forum tags. The problem with this,is that the regex does not distinguish between nested tags.Here is a sample of how I implemented this method:
public static string MyExtensionMethod(this string text){return TransformTags(text);} private static string TransformTags(string input) {string regex = @"[([^=]+)[=x22']*(S*?)['x22]*](.+?)[/(1)]"; MatchCollection matches = new Regex(regex).Matches(input); for (int i = 0; i < matches.Count; i++) var tag = matches[i].Groups[1].Value; var optionalValue = matches[i].Groups[2].Value; var content = matches[i].Groups[3].Value; Now,if I submit something like [quote] This user posted [quote] blah [/quote] [/quote] it does not properly detect the nested quote.Instead it takes the first opening quote tag and puts it with the first closing quote tag.Do you guys recommend any solutions?Can the regex be modified to grab nested tags?Maybe I shouldn't use regex for this?
Just wondering what the best approach is to labelling ID's (thats html id's) in .net.
For instance I may have a user control that is embedded in a page more than once. If I have a standard html div in the control with id="my-user-control", then it will duplicated when the page is built.
So what is the best approach for styling your html within user controls, master pages and .net in general?
I need to be able to insert HTML tags in some TextBox controls in a webpage. I know I can avoid the exceptions of type HttpRequestValidationException by changing the ValidateRequest property of the Page directive to false, as in
But that leaves all TextBoxes on the page open for HTML insertion, which I don't want. I need to be able to insert HTML in only some TextBoxes, not in all of them.Is there a way to accomplish that?
I have an xsd that describes XHTML documents. However the application I'm working with may have some selected asp.net controls within to the markup at the point is validated. Therefore the validation fails.
An example control could be:
<smart:Address runat="server" />
I wanted to add a new element to the xsd file but when I specify:
<xs:element name="smart:Address">
I get validation errors as an element name must not have a colon in it.
how I might be able to extend the schema file to allow selected server controls?